cs3724: Introduction to HCI Dr. Chris North GTA: Beth Yost
“Toto, I don’t think we’re in 2604 anymore.” Class discussion, participation HWs/Projects: open-ended Group project Student presentations
Course Mechanics Prerequisite forms: Texts: http://courses.cs.vt.edu 2604: CS >=C, ECE >=C-, else >F Texts: Usability Engineering, by Rosson & Carroll Teach yourself Java2 in 21 days, SAMS (optional) http://courses.cs.vt.edu Office hours: after class, 619 McB GTA hours: T Th 10-noon, 133 McB ?
Grading 25% Homeworks (4) 5% Class presentation 40% Project 30% Exams (midterm, final) Project: java, groups of 2 students Project milestones: Design Initial implementation Usability evaluation Final implementation
??? What is it? Who cares? Why is it hard? How does it work? What will I learn?
What is HCI?
Human-Computer Interaction What is HCI? Human-Computer Interaction
Human-Computer Interaction What is HCI? Human-Computer Interaction Design Development Evaluation of user interfaces for computer systems
Huh? An example: HomeFinder
Hit List
The Goal Usability People are trying to accomplish their tasks in life. (system independent) Introduce a system, User Interface should maximize their ability. task person system
Who Cares? Everything is a User Interface
More Doors
Communication Channels System to human: Human to system: system, world
Who Cares? Everything is a User Interface The User Interface is Everything
Florida Cares! Human error: Who’s fault is it?
Why is it so hard?
Programmers stink at Usability Why is it so hard? Programmers stink at Usability
Programmers stink at Usability Why is it so hard? Programmers stink at Usability don’t think like normal people know the software internals, technology first enjoy systems more than people arrogant (my software!)
Usability is hard People (users) are all different People are unpredictable Design skill isn’t enough Evaluation with users is required Designer’s pride New ways to think, break out of the box
How does it work? Usability Engineering Design Evaluate Develop many iterations
What will I learn? Principles Requirements Activity design Information design Interaction design Design Evaluate Develop Usability evaluation Controlled experiments GUI programming Widgets, graphics, animation Java, Swing Data-driven applications
Grander Goals? Get angry! Mental shift: Break out of the box From system-centered design to user-centered design Break out of the box
Homework #0: UI Measurement Read UE ch 1 See website Pick a movie of your choice Task: find a convenient playing time and location Use 3 different systems: 1-800-555-TELL www.moviefone.com www.hollywood.com/showtimes/ Write down the time it takes you for each Bring your times to class on Wed