Transferring Information From Non-Linear Source To Linear Text UWB 10101 Transferring Information From Non-Linear Source To Linear Text
Step 1: ANALYZE the task STUDY the stimulus: Graph/Chart/Table Bar Graph Single line Graph Double line Graph Pie Chart Table
Step 2: FOCUS on the task JOT / WRITE DOWN your POINTS quickly
Step 3: ORGANIZE the task Numbering points in LOGICAL SEQUENCE. Insert LINKERS INTRODUCTION-DESCRIBE what the graph/chart shows. CONCLUSION-DESCRIBE the broad: IMPORTANT TREND shown Write a report in FULL SENTENCES.BULLET POINTS are NOT ALLOWED.
Describing the Charts by using appropriate Phrases. Direction Verbs Nouns Increased An increase Decreased A Decreased Remained stable No change A Fluctuation Fluctuated
Describing the Chart starting with ADJECTIVE or SUBJECT The highest percentage of women are employed in the Educational Institution. SUBJECT More men are employed in the manufacturing sector.