Empowering teams to succeed MAV Presentation Digital Age Empowering teams to succeed MAV Presentation 30 June 2017
Does your office look like this? Desks filled with files, papers, filing cabinets and clutter.
Introducing Activity Based Working Exploration of ABW as a concept Visit established sites in Sydney Pre-investigation assessment by Veldhoen (2012) Senior Management Team decision (2012) Establish program for cultural change (2012-14) Move to new office (November 2014)
The journey for Cardinia First Council in Australia to embrace Activity Based Working Attraction and Retention (Employer of Choice) Position the organisation for the future and the way the world of work is moving. Evidence based on improved productivity and customer service Aligns with our values and builds and strengthens our culture
Culture of trust
Outcomes rather than activity Ability to work from home, different parts of the office or any wifi location Flexible working arrangements for all staff Track workflows through Open Office Timmy Smith Permit Number Display Lodged Date Site Address Reason For Permit Stat Days Status T170092 15 February 2017 Linden Road, Pakenham Upper VIC 3810 Earthworks associated with a dam extension and construction of an outbuilding Planner Assessment T170111 08 March 2017 800 Caldermeade Road, Catani VIC 3981 Construction of an outbuilding Further Information T170216 20 April 2017 27 Rupe Lane, Tynong North VIC 3813 Advertising Signage
How we work
Technology – The Good Lync / Skype for Business Remote access – work from anywhere Printing – 3 printers in the building and only 1 is colour Ultrabooks / Workstations – everyone having the same thing
Technology – The Improvable Interactive Whiteboards VCAT Papers Etiquettes – consistency to keep working on them Magistrates Court Papers
Electronic Planning Online lodgement web portal including payment
Electronic Planning Management of applications through Open Office
Electronic Planning Online advertising & objections Signing of reports and approving plans electronically
Electronic Planning Electronic Council papers All correspondence kept in Trim
Health Open Office is used for Health Inspection
Health RIAMS (Regulatory Information and Management System) cloud based platform.
Building Building surveyors use Open Office to track their workflow
Paper savings = dollar and environment savings
Record management = good governance & effective business 490% increase
Record management = good governance & effective business 88% reduction
Development Services saving 99c in the dollar on Customer Transactions As of ePlanning going live 55% (90/165) of planning permit applications have been lodged digitally – without any marketing to the community (March 30, 2017)
The next stage of Cardinia’s transformation Single View of the Customer, Digital Customer Engagement & Data Transparency are the next big transformation stages Our ability to control data quality will be the key to success or failure
What has worked? well? 81% 85% 77% 82% We are more resilient We are empowered We are more productive 96% said we feel more flexible and adaptable to change post move this has recently moved to 86% 85% feel trusted by our leaders 77% finding greater efficiencies Healthier 9 in 10 staff have found ways to work more efficiently Our relationships are better Technology supports us We are healthier 81% use mobile technology for better outcomes 73% agree their health and wellbeing is supported by working smarter 82% Cross-functional relationships 8 in 10 said they find opportunities to collaborate
What can we improve? 24% 36% Only 53% consistent Our immediate team connection Leadership and accountability Allowing focus work Healthier People felt connection to their immediate team has decreased from 78% pre to 54% post move 24% Camping means I cannot use the spaces I need Leaders leading the way 36% say we are not being held accountable by leaders We are not all using the spaces as designed 39% observing interruptions Doing what we said we would do Only 53% consistent “Not everyone is embracing the new way of working” 18% seeing inconsistent role modelling Only just over half of us see the etiquettes practiced
Would we go back? 91% of us who completed the November Pulse Survey would not go back to a traditional way of working.
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