Leveraging Your Change Agents Pamela L. Eddy June 21, 2018 This work is supported by the National Science Foundation through grants 1525593, 1524605, 1524623 & 1524800. Heather – Welcome everyone, acknowledge support from NSF and sponsorship by NAGT, NAGT-GEO2YC Note four years of support
What You’ve Learned Quick Intro Your position/campus First or second time What is something new you’ve learned from your change agent(s)?
Faculty and Change Need for leadership throughout the institution Critical role of teaching strategies and attention to equity for student success
Central Question “How can you leverage faculty leadership to contribute to change efforts?”
Successful Leaders—TCI Leadership, organization, and support Adoption and adaptation Networks and professional development Policy-focused and publically financed reform Technology support and technology assistance Targeted sharing and dissemination Evaluation utilization to grow impact (Bragg et al., 2014, p. 7)
ASPEN Institute—Successful Leaders Commitment to student success Aligning institutional programs Decision-making Resources Willing to take risks Central vision Working b/n the spaces Kotter—urgency to change
New Frontiers Mid-level leadership Developing leaders FLEX Leadership Development
Mid-level Leadership Matrix Connections Change from position title to Educator Permeable campus borders—boundary spanning networks Capacity building
Developing & Tapping Leaders Stop looking where you always look Casting a broad net Recognizing leadership potential
Reflective Pause What is the story of change on campus? What roles do faculty leaders hold? What are the barriers? What ideas might you “steal?”
FLEX Leadership Development Facilitating L Learning E Experimenting X eXploring
Facilitating Creating opportunities Mentoring Resources Learning communities
Learning Formal/informal Finance/budgets Framing Communication Working with others
Experimenting Environmental scanning New strategies Risk taking Dealing with failure
eXploring Checking out other functional areas Ability to “go back” Visiting other campuses Connecting with campus stakeholders
Setting up a FLEX Leadership Program Stretch assignments “Interning” in another office Committee leadership
New Models of Leadership Who can lead? Where can you lead? Creating new norms
Faculty Advice to New Leaders Get to know faculty & have their back Keep an open door—accessibility Recognition & Support Help faculty help others—especially adjuncts
Moving from Words to Action What piece of advice would you give to others? Individual—agency/framing Unit/department—question assumptions College Policy Development
Parting Thoughts Do you need to conduct an environmental scan to map out changes underway? What one or two ways will you engage your change agent(s) when back on campus? How can you use the SAGE2YC network?
Pamela L. Eddy pamela.eddy@wm.edu