Chinese 102 University of Puget Sound


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Presentation transcript:

Chinese 102 University of Puget Sound Unit 3A: How much is this?

Taiwan's currency is the New Taiwanese Dollar (NT$) Taiwan's currency is the New Taiwanese Dollar (NT$). Bills come in denominations of NT$100, NT$200, NT$500, NT$1000 and NT$2000. Coins come in units of NT$1, NT$5, NT$10, NT$20 (rare) and NT$50. Taiwan uses the local currency exclusively. Read more…

The Chinese currency is the rénmínbì (RMB), or ‘people’s money’ The Chinese currency is the rénmínbì (RMB), or ‘people’s money’. The basic unit of RMB is the yuán (元; ¥), which is divided into 10 jiǎo (角), which is again divided into 10 fēn (分). Colloquially, the yuán is referred to as kuài and jiǎo as máo (毛). The fēn has so little value these days that it is rarely used. The Bank of China issues RMB bills in denominations of ¥1, ¥2, ¥5, ¥10, ¥20, ¥50 and ¥100. Coins come in denominations of ¥1, 5 jiǎo, 1 jiǎo and 5 fēn. Paper versions of the coins remain in circulation. Read more…

Mobile Pay Mainland Chinese stores and services are increasingly centered around mobile pay apps: WeChat Pay 微信 Alipay 支付宝 “When eating out or shopping with local friends, they paid by scanning a QR code on the restaurant table or by showing a similar code on their smartphones to the store clerk. A spices shop, museum souvenir store and seller of traditional Chinese calligraphy brushes all had signs saying they accepted mobile pay. Rather than, “Do you take credit cards?” the question was often “Do you take Alipay? WeChat Pay?” The running joke was that street beggars would rather take a mobile donation than cash.“ Evelyn Cheng | @chengevelyn Published 8:49 PM ET Sun, 8 Oct 2017  Updated 2:42 PM ET Mon, 9 Oct 2017 Read more

Paired Dialogue 1   A: Wǒ yào mǎi xīn de yīfú. B: Wǒ de shǒujī huàile, wǒ yào mǎi xīn de. A: Qù shāngchǎng kànkàn ba! B: Hǎo, wǒ kěyǐ gēn nǐ qù. A: Tài hǎole. Xièxie! B: Bú Keqi!

Paired Dialogue 2   C: Zài shāngchǎng jiǎngjià ma? D: Nǐ shì měiguó rén, děi jiǎngjià! C: kěshì wǒ bù zhīdào shuō shénme. D: Wǒ kěyǐ gēn nǐ qù. C: Tài hǎole. Xièxie! D: Bú Kèqi!

[Week2- HW1] Reading Comprehension – Part 1 明文:我要買新的衣服和手機。 小東:我的手機壞了,我也要買一個新的。   明文:在商場可以講價嗎? 小東:對。在商場都得講價。

[Week2- HW1] Reading Comprehension – Part 2 明文:可是我不知道說什麼。你可以跟我去看看嗎? 小東:可以。我還要去書店買一本書。 明文:太好了。我們去大大商場吧! 小東:那邊的東西很有意思,而且也很便宜。