Texas BPA 2018-2019 officer Goals, Plans, & Initiatives State Officer Team September 2018 Planning Meeting
SUMMER CAMP TRAINED Regional presidents about their duties Developed goals Teambuilding activities
CTAT Hawaiian Theme Informational Sessions Feedback
Communication from the State to Local level
Chain of Communication Board of Directors State Officer Coordinator State Officers Regional Presidents/Regional Advisors Local Advisors Chapter Members
Goals for communication push down informational videos through email to chapter level promote social media accounts: Twitter: @txbpa Snapchat: texas.bpa Instagram: @txbpa FaceBook: business professionals of America, texas association
Special Olympics
2018-2019 Special Olympics Goal $10,000
PLAN TO MEET GOAL Regional Level Local chapter initiative DOTS FOR DOLLARS Regional Level Make Special Olympics a priority AWARD FOR CHAPTER THAT RAISES THE MOST MONEY State Level Special Olympics NIGHT Recognize Regions bringing check on stage RECOGNIZE REGION RAISING MOST MONEY
BPA Cares
BPA Chapter Cares Award Works with dots for dollars special Olympic project Chapters that raise over $75.00 are eligible for: community service award Special Olympics award
Torch awards
Torch award process Student must log in and create their portfolio They must put in their torch points Full sentence The advisor must go in, verify and submit the STUDENT’s torch portfolio
Torch Award Ceremony Part of Special Recognition Ceremony Distinguished Administrator Outstanding Local Advisor Pin and T-Shirt Design Winners Statesman of the Year STATESMAN GIFT: MESSENGER BAG
Regional Office Standardized Application Packet Paperwork Résumé 100-word Statement Cover Letter Digital Photo Campaign Speech (during RLC) Packet MUST be submitted through website to be considered valid
State Office Submitted to Texas BPA Officer Elections Committee <officerelectionscommittee@gmail.com> Application process in phases – begins in January Phase 1: Application Packet Paperwork Resume Cover Letter 100-Word Statement
State Office Application process in phases Phase 2: Interview Candidate Test Phase 3: Candidate Speech Campaign
Components Several sessions covering core values of BPA Public Speaking Competition Leadership (Running for office) Chapter Organization Community Service Teambuilding
Regional President (RP) Involvement Opening/Closing Ceremony Finding officers to volunteer to run sessions Designing promotional media Session Activities Teambuilding activities from leadership camp
Structure How many members attending FLC? Divide into groups depending on number of sessions Groups can be randomly divided to promote networking Color Number
Structure How long should opening/closing ceremony? Recommended to follow script from handbook Approximately 15-20 minutes How long should a session be? Shape around time allotted for speakers and the activities A good estimate would be 30-45 minutes
Structure How long should FLC last? Depends on number of sessions Good range: 4-5 hours How long should lunch be? Good range: 30-45 minutes
Example Schedule
Regional President Involvement Opening/Closing Ceremony Special Olympics Fundraising DOTS FOR DOLLARS Breakout Sessions Teambuilding Activities Networking Challenges
Campaign Process Campaign Speech 1-2 minutes Campaign Rally Closing Ceremony New RP induction
Stay Connected www.texasbpa.com Check out the For Students tab for Officer Election Handbooks, Scholarship Information and more opportunities