Our Falls Journey Need to add the photo from Leeds in the gap
Trust Falls Prevention I am here to talk about Falls – it’s a serious business for our patients. How many in- patient falls happened in DGNHSFT in 2016/17? 1305
All In-Patient Falls Brilliant results UNTIL…………..
In-Patient Falls with Harm Attracts attention of HSE, CQC and CCG
Chance to improve July 2016 – Opportunity to attend falls conference in London NHSI said – join our falls collaborative, share good practice and reduce your falls with harm? Signed up with Trust support in November 2016 Began Project in January 2017
June’s Story: Watch and reflect if this has happened to your patients? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj_9HG_TWEM&spfreload=10
What did we trial along the way Grab bags Crash mats High low beds New Trust Falls Nurse Falls under reporting tool New monthly Falls ward audit
What did we trial cont’d Developing New training package ‘Tag you’re it’ initiative. Red/Green wristbands for mobility aids ‘Call don’t Fall’ Safety huddle Polypharmacy review
Action Red and Green wristbands were sourced Wristbands also allowed for patients name to be written on them Mobility boards also reflected the same information
Red Band Red band put on frame for patients who need supervision to walk and prompts to keep the aid out of reach
Green Band Green band put on frame for patients who can have aid in reach at all times
Revisit the beginning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0TVbhHdg4A&spfreload=10 Not sure these are the best?
Total Falls 2017
Falls with harm 2017