Mental Health Data Alliance, LLC (MHData) April 12th, 2018


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Presentation transcript:

Mental Health Data Alliance, LLC (MHData) April 12th, 2018 DHCS CSI and DCR Data Quality Improvement Project CSI Webinar DHCS Regular CSI Feedback Reports Mental Health Data Alliance, LLC (MHData) April 12th, 2018

Project Goals Support the ability to submit good data to the current state CSI and DCR mental health data systems Close the feedback loop for counties to validate that they have good data in the CSI and DCR state mental health data systems Improve the value of state CSI and DCR mental health data systems for counties, the state and stakeholders

Approach Over 1.5 years: Provided counties with 2 reports which provide an overview of current data and errors for CSI and DCR Met with counties to review reports and identify potential causes of data patterns and inconsistencies Work with counties and DHCS to improve processes to submit data to DCR and CSI Provide counties with 2 reports which provide an overview of improved data for CSI and DCR

Regular CSI Feedback Reports DHCS to produce feedback reports with CSI Data Currently we are proposing two types of reports: Statewide Summary Report (CSI-SSR) with All Counties Available to All - Produced Quarterly County Specific Report (CSI-CSR) Available to Only the County Administrator Produced Annually or Quarterly THIS PRESENTATION CONTIANS FAKE DATA – REPORTS PRESENTED ARE FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY

Existing CSI County Submission Status from DHCS

Survey Results Comments: “More reports the better” “Actually would be super useful to have this report [County Report] also quarterly as a drill down to QSS” “I would expect [Statewide Summary Report] to provide at a State level, the clients and services received at the counties. It should provide a comparative between the different counties as well” “A trend analysis by county compared to statewide trends.” Make [County Report] quarterly instead of annual to pair up with QSS nicely “A Graphical year-over-year data trend analysis [for County Report].” “I like the color-coding” “Keep the stacked tables - our clinical readers prefer pictures” “Better age breakdown for youth such as reporting specifically for 0-5. Breakdown mode 5 by intensity for PHF versus IMD, etc.” “Perhaps regional results that would help small counties with valid results when numbers are too few in one county alone.” “We would like a dataset so we can perform our own analysis. Thanks”

Quarterly Statewide Summary Report (CSI-SSR) Total Clients Served - Counts of total clients served at any point in that quarter (includes only clients who received services). Clients New Clients: Counts of total new client records submitted that quarter. Received 24 Hour Services: Counts of clients who received Mode 05 24 hour services. Received Day/Hourly Services: Counts of clients who received Mode 10 day or hourly services, but does not include clients who received Crisis Stabilization. Received Community MH Services: Counts of clients who received Mode 15 services, but does not include clients who received Crisis Intervention. Received Crisis Services: Counts of clients who received Mode 10 Crisis Stabilization or Mode 05 Crisis Intervention services.

Quarterly Statewide Summary Report (CSI-SSR) Services Days of 24 Hour Services (Mode 05): Total sum of days of Mode 05 24 hour services provided to all clients. Minutes of Community MH Services: Total sum of minutes of Mode 15 services, but does not include minutes of Crisis Intervention. Hours of Crisis Services: Total sum of hours of Mode 10 Crisis Stabilization and hours (minutes/60) of Mode 05 Crisis Intervention services. Intensity for Clients Receiving Services Days of 24 Hour Services per Client: This represents the average number of days of 24 hour service which were provided to those who received that type of service. It is calculated as the total sum of days of Mode 05 24 hour services provided to all clients divided by the number of clients who received Mode 05 24 hour services, or as metric 3a/2b. Minutes of Community MH Services per Client: This represents the average number of minutes of Mode 15 Community MH services which were provided to those who received that type of service. It is calculated as the total sum of minutes of Mode 15 Community MHs services (excluding crisis services) provided to all clients divided by the number of clients who received Mode 15 Community MH services other than crisis services, or as metric 3b/2d. Hours of Crisis Services per Client: This represents the average number of hours of crisis services which were provided to those who received that type of service. It is calculated as the total sum Mode 10 Crisis Stabilization hours and Mode 15 Crisis Intervention minutes converted to hours which were provided to all clients divided by the number of clients who received crisis services, or as metric 3c/2e.

Quarterly Statewide Summary Report (CSI-SSR) Fatal Errors Client Records: Proportion of client records submitted which received a fatal error. Service Records: Proportion of service records submitted which received a fatal errors. Periodic Records Records Submitted: Total periodic records submitted. % Client with Periodic this Quarter: Proportion of clients served this quarter who had a periodic record submitted during the quarter.

MOCK CSI-SSR Report Added comparison to statewide *Excluding crisis services SN = Small Number THIS IS FAKE DATA – REPORTS PRESENTED ARE FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY

County Specific Report (CSI-CSR) Annual Counts of Clients Served Last 5 Years All Clients Served By Age Group vs. Statewide By Provider By Age Group By Service Type by Age Group vs. Statewide Monthly Counts of Clients Served Last 5 years All Clients Served vs. Statewide By Service Type vs. Statewide By Age Group vs. Statewide Monthly Intensity of Services Last Year By Age Group and Service Type Group (24 Hour, Community MH not crisis, Crisis) at County vs. Statewide

County Specific Report (CSI-CSR) Monthly Errors Last Year Client Records: Fatal and Non-Fatal by Reason Service Records By Service Type: Fatal and Non-Fatal by Reason Monthly Periodic Records Last 5 Years Counts Percent of Clients Served with Records


2. Monthly Counts of Clients Served Last 5 years All Clients Served By Service Type By Age Group Will add comparison to statewide THIS IS FAKE DATA – REPORTS PRESENTED ARE FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY


4. Monthly Unresolved Error Counts Last Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Client Records: Fatal and Non-Fatal by Reason Service Records By Service Type: Fatal and Non-Fatal by Reason THIS IS FAKE DATA – REPORTS PRESENTED ARE FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY


Report Availability Proposal The plan to make reports available might include: The CSI Statewide Summary Report (CSI-SSR) report would be generated each quarter by DHCS staff and posted for public viewing and download on DHCS website The CSI County Specific Report (CSI-CSR) Reports would be generated each year by DHCS staff and pushed out to counties, either into a BHIS folder for counties to download or via another secure transfer method

Discussion Other ideas? Comments? Issues? Email Support DHCS: MHDATA:

DHCS CSI and DCR Data Quality Improvement Project Mental Health Data Alliance, LLC (MHData)