Benefits of the Small Animal Industry
How are small animals beneficial? Economic benefit from thousands of jobs and about a $38.5 billion dollars (2006) input into the national economy. Social benefit of small animals serving as companions and pets to almost 60% of all American families or 68.7 million households with at least one companion animal. Children learn responsibility and social skills and elderly benefit from improved quality of life as a result of keeping pets.
How are small animals beneficial? 4. Valuable means of testing and developing new products such as drugs and vaccines in a laboratory and research setting. Hepatitis, diphtheria, tetanus, and polio vaccines were perfected through small animal research. 5. Small animals are being used in pet therapy to help patients overcome illness, improve vital life signs, relieve depression, and provide a better quality of life for senior citizens and the disabled. 6. Dogs in particular are useful as watch dogs, police dogs, and seeing-eye dogs.
How are small animals beneficial? 7. Rabbits are useful as an excellent source of meat that is low in cholesterol, sodium, and fat while being a highly palatable food source for protein. 8. Some small animals are used to provide products such as fur/wool for the production of coats, hats, gloves, and other articles of clothing. 9. Exhibition of animals provides entertainment in zoos, circus acts, etc. and increases an appreciation for animals. 10. Rabbits are one of the more versatile small animals in that they are raised not only for pets but for food, clothing, and research purposes also.
Economic Impact Statistics 15,000 - 18,000 retail pet stores in sales. Biomedical research supported by $15 billion in taxes and charity used 65-100 million small animals. 6 million small animals were used in educational facilities for dissection. 4 million small animals were used for the LD50 test.
Economic Impact Statistics Americans spend $20.3 billion per year on pets. Veterinary expenses are about $9.2 billion annually. Supplies and over the counter medicines add another $9.3 billion Grooming and boarding account for about $2.7 billion. Dogs require twice as much for veterinary care as cats and more than any other small animal. Pet food manufacturers produce $15.4 billion in sales.
General Pet Ownership There are about 10 million more cats than dogs (81.7 to 72 million) - each cat owner averaging 2 cats. However, dogs are found in more households (37.2% of homes) than cats (32.4% of homes) Fish, birds, and rabbits rank third, fourth, and fifth as far a pet ownership.