University Information Technology Services RT Projects Showcase Anurag Shankar University Information Technology Services Indiana University March 2, 2012
Outline Showcase Characteristics Past IUN Projects Other IU Projects University Information Technology Services November 14, 2018 Outline Showcase Characteristics Past IUN Projects – How we have helped IUN research projects Other IU Projects – Projects at IUB and IUPUI Statewide Projects – Collaborative projects across IN International Projects – Projects spanning the globe
Showcase Characteristics Customize header: View menu/Header and Footer 11/14/2018 Showcase Characteristics The examples here have been tailored specifically for IUN researchers and showcase a range that covers the following: 1. Level of Engagement 2. Project Size 3. Nature of Support 4. RT Systems & Services Used
Customize header: View menu/Header and Footer 11/14/2018 Past IUN Projects Linux Cluster Teaching Lab (Tunde Abiona, Computer Information Systems) – TA was looking for PCs to build a lab to teach students how to build a Linux cluster. We contacted the UITS Student Technology Center and found and hauled up ten PCs decommissioned from student labs at IUB for him to use.
Customize header: View menu/Header and Footer 11/14/2018 IUN Projects … Northern Indiana Restoration Monitoring Invesntory (NIRMI) Project (Peter Avis, Biology) – The project needed to collect field data from ecosystem restoration monitoring and to make derived products web accessible to the public. We gathered requirements & consulted on formulating a solution using RT resources. This information was used to create a local solution.
Customize header: View menu/Header and Footer 11/14/2018 IUN Projects … The Great Lakes Innovative Stewardship through Education Network (GLISTEN) Project (Erin Argyilan, Geology) – IUN portion of GLISTEN needs a web site to help develop an undergraduate curriculum for water quality and ecological monitoring. The site is to allow IUN and area non-profits to collaborate and disseminate information. We gathered requirements, formulated a solution that uses a Purdue developed HUB technology called HUBzero, and provided a budget and timeline for her grant proposal.
Customize header: View menu/Header and Footer 11/14/2018 IUN Projects … The Life Stress Project (Linda Delunas, Nursing) – This 5-year project needed to facilitate the accumulation of research data in the area of life-stress events and their health impacts by collecting user survey (HIPAA protected) data in a data repository and make it web accessible We did requirements gathering, a budget, an built a complete solution based on Oracle, used Oracle Application Express software to publish it, and now host the application & provide support.
Customize header: View menu/Header and Footer 11/14/2018 Other IU Projects Online Museum of Animal Behavior (Emilia Martins, Biology, IUB) – EM had collected hundreds of CDs worth of lizard behavior data (video) over many years and had no place to store them. We not only provided her with 500GB of space on the SDA to store all the data in one place and access it via the web, we encouraged her to “think big”. She was able to start a national collaboration and get funding to create an online museum of animal behavior using our resources.
Customize header: View menu/Header and Footer 11/14/2018 Other IU Projects … Dept. of Radiology PET Scan Analysis Pipeline Migration (Gary Hutchins, IUPUI) – The IUSM Imaging Core had an aging Linux cluster to process PET images and were running into cost and speed issues. We helped migrate the analysis application to the Quarry supercomputer and data to the RFS/SDA, resulting in a 10-50x speedup, major reduction in cost, faster turnaround for Imaging Core customers, and the ability to accommodate more customers and thus more revenue for the Core.
Customize header: View menu/Header and Footer 11/14/2018 Statewide Projects The Indiana CTSI HUB Project (Anantha Shekhar, Psychiatry, PI) – A large ($25 million), multi-year grant to IU/Purdue/Notre Dame from the NIH to create an institute for Clinical and Translation Sciences needed a central web presence. We deployed Purdue’s Joomla-based HUBzero technology to create the Indiana CTSI HUB, designed a custom hosting environment, developed custom software components, added a plethora of functionality using open source COTS software. And now run it in production. The HUB is used now by nearly 4000 IU/PU/ND users for nearly every aspect of the CTSI.
Customize header: View menu/Header and Footer 11/14/2018 Statewide Projects IN Volunteer Registry Project (Ron Ackerman, General Internal Medicine & Geriatrics, PI) – The project was to create a web site where volunteers across Indiana could register themselves for potential clinical trials. We did requirements gathering, and designed and developed a Java based software application from scratch (, created a custom web hosting environment, and now provide and support the application in production.
International Projects Customize header: View menu/Header and Footer 11/14/2018 International Projects Collaborative Initiative on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (Ed Riley, SDSC, PI) – A large, multi-year, grant to create an international collaboration collecting patient data in several countries needed a central data repository accessible from all sites. We act as the Informatics Core for CIFASD. We did requirements gathering, planning & design of the CIFASD central repository, development of the repository, application hosting, and support.
University Information Technology Services 11/14/2018 Contact Your single point of contact for all things RT: Anurag Shankar 812-325-8629 Local Contact: Carol Wood 219-980-7758