PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES IN DISCUSSION Importance Discussion and Homework is 30% of course grade Discussion material will be on exams Extra Credit can add 5.25% to course grade Discussion Text Marshak, S., Long, A., and Altaner S. P., 2013 Planet Earth Discussion Guide, 20th Edition, Stipes Publishing, Champaign. Procedures Attend only correct section Informal - ask questions Read the chapter in the Discussion Guide before the class TA will introduce the topic, you will complete the assignment and turn in at end of discussion Small groups OK but must complete own work No cheating - can include but not confined to: using old labs, copying partner's work
Homework All Homework and Extra Credits are in the Discussion Guide and they are due at the beginning of class the following week Late Homework and Extra Credit will not be accepted for full credit except with an officially excused absence. Make-up Policy for Discussion You must attend discussion to get the points – absence = zero points Absence known in advance Contact TA and arrange to go to another discussion that week Emergency Absence Contact TA to arrange make up. Need written verification (memo from the Emergency Dean or McKinley) Missed discussions should be completed within two weeks of an absence.
Grading All work will be graded and returned in class the following week. All grades will be on the Compass Gradebook and you should check your scores regularly and report any differences to your TA immediately. Errors to discussion grades must be made by December 11 2013 and graded work must be shown to TA.
Topographic Maps Why use Maps? Urbana Quadrangle (Name) North arrow
Latitude and Longitude
Latitude and Longitude on Map Latitude of NW Corner Longitude of NW corner
Scale Fractional 1 : 1 cm = cm on the ground Graphic Measurement of distance Section Numbers Symbols School on Map
Elevation Height above sea level Benchmarks BM 720 Contour Lines Lines joining places of equal elevation Contour Interval Difference in elevation between 2 adjacent contours Index Contours
Contour Maps Scale Contour Interval = A B C 1 A X X B C X Elevation of A = Elevation of B = Elevation of C = Relief = Difference in Elevation Relief B – C = Distance B – C = Slope = Difference in Elevation / Distance