Weather Watch Ryan Atwood – Extension Agent
Background 6 In operation for 35 years 6 Provide agricultural weather information 6 In operation from mid November through end of winter season (generally early April) 6 Utilizes answering machine – unlisted telephone number 6 Available 24/7
Information Available 6 During warm periods –Extended outlook for 7 to 14 days –Citrus leaf freezing data 6 During cold periods –Multiple messages during the day –Minimum temperature for key locations –Durations below 32F, 28F, etc. –Frost potential –Wind conditions
Operational Proceedure 6 Forecast provided daily during the warm periods – NWS pin point for rural area 6 During potential damaging periods the NWS forecast is supplemented with additional data –Advisories from Fred Crosby –Information from FAWN –Wallis/George regression #s
6 Alerts sent to Nextel users and those with units on the emergency fleet participate in a group call 6 Staff of 3 to operate – Ryan Atwood, Juanita Popenoe and John Jackson (during critical events) Operational Proceedure
Key Component – Fred Crosby 6 More than 40 years experience 6 Has access to data AND forecasters at Ruskin 6 Provides weekly advisories during warm periods 6 Provides 3 or 4 observations during cold situations 6 Available by phone when needed
Data Used Data Used 6 Graph data to follow temperature fall 6 Chart data to determine wind direction 6 Citrus leaf freezing points 6 Forecast Tracker 6 Fruit Frost Station Forecasts 6 Evaporative Cooling Potential 6 Wet Bulb Shut Off
Co$t $100 for the season The more employees, relatives, owners, etc. that know the number the more difficult it is to reach the machine during critical periods Have been known to change number during the year –READ YOUR MAIL Limit number of subscribers to no more than 25 per telephone line
Area Covered & Audience 6 Citrus, fern and ornamental growers make up most of the participants 6 Lake, Orange, Marion, Volusia, Seminole, Brevard, Osceola 6 Also comment on Ft. Pierce and Immokalee regions for growers with property there
Conclusion 6 Provides agricultural data and forecasts 24/7 6 Cost of $100 for the season is reasonable 6 Alerts and long term forecasts help avoid missing a freeze 6 FRED CROSBY