Recap 1. In the last lesson the skill learnt was called… sequencing 2.Some examples of sequencing words are… First, Next, Then, After that, Soon, Finally 3. Helen Keller had two senses missing. They were… sight and hearing
Sensory Details
Today we will learn about… How sensory details help us imagine a character or setting. 2.Using our senses to write a description.
While Listening: Watch & listen to the video clip about polar bears. 1. In which month does the bear emerge? 2. Which word is used to describe her babies? 3. Which senses don’t the babies have whilst living under the snow? 4. How long has it been since the mother bear has eaten? 5. Which animal will the polar bear hunt?
BBC Video
Sight Smell The Five Senses Hearing Taste Touch
wander > As you wander, great bear, huddle >And huddle in, blubber >Your blubbery blanket keeps you warm lean > The earth leans far from the sun relatives > Bear friends and relatives nearby. vanish > Covering you like dust until you vanish. companion > Comforted by the scent of companions swirl > Winds howl. Snow swirls, rouse> As you rouse from your drift bed howl > Winds howl. Snow swirls, 11. gather > Each hollow of your fur Gathers sunlight 12. fringy > Veils of snow race past your fringy paws. Covering the deep Arctic sea? As you pad through the storm wind, Veils of snow race past your fringy paws. Time to scoop a hollow in a drift And huddle in, Back to the wind, Nose pushed under the snow, Paws snuggling your body. Winds howl. Snow swirls, Covering you like dust until you vanish. Sleep warm, crystal bear.
Great Crystal Bear by Carolyn Lesser Great crystal bear; How do you survive on the thick ice Covering the deep Arctic sea? As you pad through the storm wind, Veils of snow race past your fringy paws. Time to scoop a hollow in a drift And huddle in, Back to the wind, Nose pushed under the snow, Paws snuggling your body. Winds howl. Snow swirls, Covering you like dust until you vanish. Sleep warm, crystal bear. Fringy paws
The earth leans far from the sun As you rouse from your drift bed This winter solstice morning. How lucky that every other day of the year Each hollow hair of your fur Gathers sunlight To heat your black skin and thick layer of fat. Your blubbery blanket keeps you warm For long, dog-paddling swims And months of day-and-night Winter wandering. A bear dog-paddling. A wandering bear.
As you wander, great bear, Your keen nose smells Bear friends and relatives nearby. Some nap behind hills of ice. Others travel. They are like you, Comforted by the scent of companions But on singular journeys, Alone, but not lonely. Bear’s have a good sense of smell. A napping bear.
On your whiteboards write down as many short sentences showing how the writing affected your sentences as you can. I see fringy paws. I feel cold snow.
Describing with sensory details Kind of animal: long-haired cat Looks like: a little tiger Sounds like: purring and meowing Smells like: my blanket and the outdoors Feels like: silky, smooth and furry
Writing With Sensory Details I share my room with a huge, gray and white puff of cotton that reminds me of a cloud. She is my best friend. She lets me bury my face in her soft, silky, smooth fur when I’m sad. She even lets me brush her beautiful, long fur. She talks to me by purring and meowing. She’s my cat, Snowy.