VERIFY PREPARED TREASURY CHECKS PRACTICAL EXERCISE GENERAL INFORMATION: This practical exercise simulates the verification of prepared Treasury checks by a Deputy Finance Officer in a disbursing office. The following information is provided: Deputy Finance Officer: You Finance Officer: John H. Cory, LTC, FC Check writer: PFC Walters Location: 23d FIN BN (FWD) APO AE 09808 DSSN: 8748 Business Date: 10 AUG ** **All Contracts were pre-certified with Resource Management INSTRUCTIONS: a. Verify the 10 prepared Treasury checks against the supporting documents. Select one of the actions listed below that you would take for each check: (1) Sign the check. (2) Void the check. (3) Have the check corrected. If the check needs to be corrected, use the blank check provided to annotate where the correction should be made. b. Complete the check register and SF1219 for all checks. c. You will have 30 minutes to complete this practical exercise.
PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT PUBLIC VOUCHER FOR PURCHASES AND SERVICES OTHER THAN PERSONAL ) ( 1 When stated in foreign currency, insert name of currency. If the ability to certify and authority to approve are combined in one person, one signature only is necessary; otherwise the approving officer will sign in the space provided, over his official title. When a voucher is receipted in the name of a company or corporation, the name of the person writing the company or corporate name, as well as the capacity in which he signs, must appear. For example: "John Doe Company, per John Smith, Secretary," or "Treasurer," as the case JUL be. Standard Form 1034 Revised October 1987 Department of the Treasury 1 TFM 4-2000 1034-121 The information requested on this form is required under the provisions of 31 U.S.C. 82b and 82c, for the purpose of disbursing Federal money. The information requested is to identify the particular creditor and the amounts to be paid. Failure to furnish this information will hinder discharge of the payment obligation. (Use continuation sheet(s) if necessary) PAYEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS NUMBER AND DATE OF ORDER DATE OF DELIVERY OR SERVICE ARTICLES OR SERVICES (Enter description, item number of contract or Federal supply schedule, and other information deemed necessary) QUAN- TITY UNIT PRICE COST PER AMOUNT ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION NSN 7540-00-900-2234 USAPPC V1.00 Previous edition usable 2 3 PAYMENT: DIFFERENCES TOTAL (Signature or initials) Amount verified; correct for PROVISIONAL COMPLETE PARTIAL FINAL PROGRESS ADVANCE Pursuant to authority vested in me, I certify that this voucher is correct and proper for payment. APPROVED FOR =$ =$1.00 (Date) (Authorized Certifying Officer) (Title) (Payee must NOT use the space below) EXCHANGE RATE BY TITLE X DATE INVOICE RECEIVED SHIPPED FROM PAID BY 23rd FIN BN (FWD) APO AE 09808 DSSN: 8748 GOVERNMENT B/L NUMBER DISCOUNT TERMS PAYEE'S ACCOUNT NUMBER TO WEIGHT U.S. DEPARTMENT, BUREAU, OR ESTABLISHMENT AND LOCATION DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 23rd Finance Battalion (FWD) DATE VOUCHER PREPARED VOUCHER NO. SCHEDULE NO. CONTRACT NUMBER AND DATE REQUISITION NUMBER AND DATE PAYEE CHECK NUMBER CASH $ ON ACCOUNT OF U.S. TREASURY ON (Name of bank) DATE 10 AUG ** 29 JUL ** 5/10 NET 30 0515 Per detailed bill herewith attached dtd 29 JUL ** $20,000.00 Payment due date: 10 AUG ** HB John H. Cory LTC, FC, DAO For$20,000.00 GARDEN CITY, GA 31418 101 N. WEST AVE POLAR BEAR ICE, CO DABT15-**-C-0121 10AUG** 26EB W91BNA*1950121/A142 S09076 9505 111011.00 21*2020 76 8748-00101 750149
x /S/ SOLICITATION, OFFER AND AWARD DABT15 - ** C 0121 9 JUL ** 12. In compliance with the above, the undersigned agrees, if thi s offer is accepted within calend ar days (60 calendar days unless a different period is inserted by the offeror ) from the date for receipt of offers specified above, to furnish any or all items upon which prices are offered at the price set opposite each item, delivered at the designated point(s), within the time specified in the schedule. POLAR BEAR ICE CO. 101 N. WEST AVE GARDEN CITY, GA 31418 10 CALENDAR DAYS 10 U.S.C. 2304(c) ( 22. AUTHORITY FOR USING OTHER THAN FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION: PAGE OF 4. TYPE OF SOLICITATION SEALED BID (IFB) NEGOTIATED (RFP) SOLICITATION, OFFER AND AWARD 1. THIS CONTRACT IS A RATED ORDER UNDER DPAS (15 CFR 350) RATING 2. CONTRACT NO. DABT15 - ** C 0121 3. SOLICITATION NO. 5. DATE ISSUED 9 JUL ** 6. REQUISITION/PURCHASE NO. PRC8AO1 7. ISSUED BY 1/91ST MECH INF ATTN: CONTRACTING AND PROCUREMENT APO AE 09809 CODE 8. ADDRESS OFFER TO (If other than Item 7) PAGES copies for furnishing the supplies or services in the Schedule w ill be received at the place specified in BLDG 10000 NOTE: In sealed bid solicitations "offer" and " " mean "bid" and "bidder". SOLICITATION 3 10. FOR INFORMATION CALL: A. NAME I.M. BYER B. TELEPHONE NO. (Include area code) (NO COLLECT CALLS) (803)555 6524 11. TABLE OF CONTENTS SEC. DESCRIPTION PAGE(S) PART I THE SCHEDULE PART II CONTRACT CLAUSES I 2 PART III LIST OF DOCUMENTS, EXHIBITS AND OTHER ATTACH. PART IV REPRESENTATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS J LIST OF ATTACHMENTS K REPRESENTATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS AND OTHER STATEMENTS OF OFFERORS 1 L INSTRS., CONDS., AND NOTICES TO OFFERORS M EVALUATION FACTORS FOR AWARD OFFER (Must be fully completed by NOTE: Item 12 does not apply if the solicitation includes the pr ovisions at 52.214 16, Minimum Bid Acceptance Period. 13. DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT (See Section I, Clause No. 52.232 8) 20 CALENDAR DAYS % 30 CALENDAR DAYS CALENDAR DAYS 14. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF AMENDMENTS (The acknowledges receipt of amend ments to the SOLICITATION for offerors and related documents numbered and dated: AMENDMENT NO. DATE NAME AND ADDRESS OF OFFEROR FACILITY 16. NAME AND TITLE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO SIGN (Type or print) BARRY THATCHER MANAGER (X) A B D E F G H SOLICITATION/CONTRACT FORM SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/COST DESCRIPTION/SPECS./WORK STATEMENT PACKAGING AND MARKING INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS 9. Sealed offers in original and Item 8, or if handcarried , in the depository located in until 10:00 AM (Hour) local time 25 JUL** (Date) CAUTION LATE Submissions, Modifications, and Withdrawals: Section L, Pr ovision No. 52.214 7 or 52.215 10. All offers are subject to all terms and conditions contained in this solicitation. 15B. TELEPHONE NO. (Include area code) (555)555 1827 15C. CHECK IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE ENTER SUCH ADDRESS IN SCHEDULE. 17. SIGNATURE /S/ 18. OFFER DATE 14 JUL ** AWARD (To be completed by Government) 19. ACCEPTED AS TO ITEMS NUMBERED 0001 20. AMOUNT $200.00 21. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION 21*2020 76 9505 111011.00 26EB W91BNA*1950121/A142 S09076 23. SUBMIT INVOICES TO ADDRESS SHOWN IN (4 copies unless otherwise specified) ITEM 25 24. ADMINISTERED BY ///////RECEIVED IN CUST SVC\\\\\\ ///ACCOUNTS PAYABLE \ /////25 JUL ** 25. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY 23RD FIN BN (FWD) APO AE 09808 26. NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER 27. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Signature of Contracting Officer) 28. AWARD DATE 7 JUL ** IMPORTANT Award will be made on this Form, or on Standard Form 26, or by other authorized official written notice. STANDARD FORM 33 (Rev. 4 85) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.214(c) NSN 7540 01 152 8064 PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE 10 U.S.C. 253(c) ( 15A. PerFORM (DLA) 4% NET % ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE x
CONTINUATION SHEET POLAR BEAR ICE CO., 101 N. WEST AVE, GARDEN CITY, GA 31418 ORDER NUMBER: DABT15-**-C-0121 $20,000.00 1.00 CWT 20,000 ICE, 10 lb BLOCKS 0001 AMOUNT U/P U/I QTY SUPPLY/SERVICE ITEM NOTE 1: DELIVERIES: F.O.B. DESTINATION SHIP TO: DIR, PUBLIC WORKS BLDG 105 APO AE 09809 NOTE 2: PAYMENT TERMS: Payment will be made in partial payments if partial deliveries are made. Each payment will be made upon the receipt of goods and the receipt of an invoice. The invoice should contain: Remit to Address (if other than the address given) The Contract Number Date of Invoice Description Terms Extension/Footing NOTE 3: CONTRACT TYPE: This is a fixed price contract. The unit price will remain as offered.
L.O. Hart MATERIAL INSPECTION AND RECEIVING REPORT L.O. HART PBO 0001 23. CONTRACTOR USE ONLY 0001 ICE, 10 POUND BLOCKS //////RECEIVED IN CUST SVC\\\\\ //////ACCOUNTS PAYABLE \ ///////29 JUL ** 20,000.00 1.00 7. PAGE * If quantity received by the Government is the same as quantity shipped, indicate by ( 4. B/L 20. AMOUNT 18. UNIT CWT 16. STOCK/PART NO. DESCRIPTION (Indicate number of shipping containers - type of container container number.) A. ORIGIN 15. ITEM Public reporting burden for this collection of information is es timated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time f or reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gath ering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing th e collection of information. Send comments regarding this burde n estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directo rate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202 4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Redu ction Project (0704 0248), Washington, DC 20503. 1. PROC. INSTRUMENT IDEN. (CONTRACT) DABT15 ** C 0121 6. INVOICE NO./DATE 2. SHIPMENT NO. 0515 5. DISCOUNT TERMS 5/10, N/30 DD Form 250, NOV 92 USAPPC V1.00 Form Approved OMB No. 0704 0248 8. ACCEPTANCE POINT (ORDER) NO. 3. DATE SHIPPED 28 JUL ** TCN 13. SHIPPED TO DPW BLDG 105 APO AE 09809 11. SHIPPED FROM (If other than 9) FOB: 14. MARKED FOR 12. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY 23RD FIN BN (FWD) ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APO AE 09808 10. ADMINISTERED BY CONTRACTING AND PROCUREMENT 9. PRIME CONTRACTOR POLAR BEAR ICE, CO 101 N. WEST AVE GARDEN CITY, GA 31418 Previous edition JUL be used. 19. UNIT PRICE 17. QUANTITY SHIP/REC'D* 20,000 CONTRACT QUALITY ASSURANCE 21. 22. RECEIVER'S USE Quantities shown in column 17 were received in apparent good condition except as noted. DATE RECEIVED SIGNATURE OF AUTH GOVT REP TYPED NAME AND OFFICE B. DESTINATION has been made by me or under my super vision and they conform to contract, except as noted herein or on supporting documents. CQA ACCEPTANCE of listed items has been made by me or under my supervision and they conform to contract, except as noted herein or on supporting documents. AND TIITLE CODE DATE SIGNATURE OF AUTH GOVT REP OF if different, enter actual quantity received below quantity shipped and encircle. ) mark, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO EITHER OF THESE ADDRESSES. SEND THIS FORM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE DFARS, APPENDIX F 401. L.O. HART PBO L.O. Hart
Have the check corrected. 8748- 00101 POLAR BEAR ICE, CO 101 N WEST AVE GARDEN CITY, GA John H. Cory, LTC, FC, FAO $******20000.00 $20000AND00CENTS 1113550 0144-447 DV #750149 final 10 AUG ** FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY /S/ Sign the check. Void the check. Have the check corrected. 8748-00 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 1113550 0144-447
750150 /S/ PUBLIC VOUCHER FOR PURCHASES AND PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT PUBLIC VOUCHER FOR PURCHASES AND SERVICES OTHER THAN PERSONAL ) ( 1 When stated in foreign currency, insert name of currency. If the ability to certify and authority to approve are combined in one person, one signature only is necessary; otherwise the approving officer will sign in the space provided, over his official title. When a voucher is receipted in the name of a company or corporation, the name of the person writing the company or corporate name, as well as the capacity in which he signs, must appear. For example: "John Doe Company, per John Smith, Secretary," or "Treasurer," as the case JUL be. Standard Form 1034 Revised Augober 1987 Department of the Treasury 1 TFM 4-2000 1034-121 The information requested on this form is required under the provisions of 31 U.S.C. 82b and 82c, for the purpose of disbursing Federal money. The information requested is to identify the particular creditor and the amounts to be paid. Failure to furnish this information will hinder discharge of the payment obligation. (Use continuation sheet(s) if necessary) PAYEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS NUMBER AND DATE OF ORDER DATE OF DELIVERY OR SERVICE ARTICLES OR SERVICES (Enter description, item number of contract or Federal supply schedule, and other information deemed necessary) QUAN- TITY UNIT PRICE COST PER AMOUNT ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION NSN 7540-00-900-2234 USAPPC V1.00 Previous edition usable 2 3 PAYMENT: DIFFERENCES TOTAL (Signature or initials) Amount verified; correct for PROVISIONAL COMPLETE PARTIAL FINAL PROGRESS ADVANCE Pursuant to authority vested in me, I certify that this voucher is correct and proper for payment. APPROVED FOR =$ =$1.00 (Date) (Authorized Certifying Officer) (Title) (Payee must NOT use the space below) EXCHANGE RATE $-75.00 BY TITLE $1,425.00 PER DETAILED BILL HEREWITH ATTACHED DATED 1 JUL ** 2 AUG ** 377 $1,500.00 HARDWARE SUPPLIES R US 3030 CANNADY AVE. PEMBROKE, GA 31321 DATE INVOICE RECEIVED 8 AUG ** SHIPPED FROM PAID BY 23RD Finance BN (FWD) A Detachment APO AE 09808 DSSN: 8748 GOVERNMENT B/L NUMBER DISCOUNT TERMS 5/10, N/30 PAYEE'S ACCOUNT NUMBER NONE TO WEIGHT U.S. DEPARTMENT, BUREAU, OR ESTABLISHMENT AND LOCATION DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 23rd Finance BN (FWD) DATE VOUCHER PREPARED 10 AUG VOUCHER NO. SCHEDULE NO. CONTRACT NUMBER AND DATE DAFI01 -**- C-4195 REQUISITION NUMBER AND DATE PRC 6250 21*2020 76-9505 117096.Z0-26EB W91DPW*2551339/MJDF S09076 $1,425.00 PAYEE CHECK NUMBER CASH $ ON ACCOUNT OF U.S. TREASURY FOR$1,425.00 ON (Name of bank) DATE JOHN H CORY, LTC, FC DEFENSE ACCOUNTING OFFICER 1st /S/ 750150 8748-00102 10 AUG **
SOLICITATION, OFFER AND AWARD 12. In compliance with the above, the undersigned agrees, if thi s offer is accepted within calend ar days (60 calendar days unless a different period is inserted by the offeror ) from the date for receipt of offers specified above, to furnish any or all items upon which prices are offered at the price set opposite each item, delivered at the designated point(s), within the time specified in the schedule. HARDWARE SUPPLIES R US 3030 CANNADY AVE. PEMBROKE, GA 31321 10 CALENDAR DAYS 10 U.S.C. 2304(c) ( 22. AUTHORITY FOR USING OTHER THAN FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION: PAGE OF 1 4. TYPE OF SOLICITATION SEALED BID (IFB) NEGOTIATED (RFP) SOLICITATION, OFFER AND AWARD 1. THIS CONTRACT IS A RATED ORDER UNDER DPAS (15 CFR 350) RATING 2. CONTRACT NO. DAFI01 - ** C 4195 3. SOLICITATION NO. B 0025 5. DATE ISSUED 25 JUL ** 6. REQUISITION/PURCHASE NO. PRC6250 7. ISSUED BY DIRECTOR CONTRACTING AND PROCUREMENT 1/91ST MECH INF APO AE 09809 CODE 8. ADDRESS OFFER TO (If other than Item 7) PROCUREMENT DIVISION BLDG 600, RM 7 APO AE 09808 PAGES copies for furnishing the supplies or services in the Schedule w ill be received at the place specified in BLDG 600 NOTE: In sealed bid solicitations "offer" and " " mean "bid" and "bidder". SOLICITATION 7 10. FOR INFORMATION CALL: A. NAME JAMES A. ALEXANDER B. TELEPHONE NO. (Include area code) (NO COLLECT CALLS) (803)555 6524 11. TABLE OF CONTENTS SEC. DESCRIPTION PAGE(S) PART I THE SCHEDULE PART II CONTRACT CLAUSES I 2 PART III LIST OF DOCUMENTS, EXHIBITS AND OTHER ATTACH. PART IV REPRESENTATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS J LIST OF ATTACHMENTS K REPRESENTATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS AND OTHER STATEMENTS OF OFFERORS L INSTRS., CONDS., AND NOTICES TO OFFERORS M EVALUATION FACTORS FOR AWARD OFFER (Must be fully completed by NOTE: Item 12 does not apply if the solicitation includes the pr ovisions at 52.214 16, Minimum Bid Acceptance Period. 13. DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT (See Section I, Clause No. 52.232 8) 20 CALENDAR DAYS % 30 CALENDAR DAYS CALENDAR DAYS 14. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF AMENDMENTS (The acknowledges receipt of amend ments to the SOLICITATION for offerors and related documents numbered and dated: AMENDMENT NO. DATE NAME AND ADDRESS OF OFFEROR FACILITY 16. NAME AND TITLE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO SIGN (Type or print) BRIAN P. NEGRON PRESIDENT (X) A D E F G H SOLICITATION/CONTRACT FORM SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/COST DESCRIPTION/SPECS./WORK STATEMENT PACKAGING AND MARKING INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS 9. Sealed offers in original and Item 8, or if handcarried , in the depository located in until 2:00 PM (Hour) local time 2 Jul** (Date) CAUTION LATE Submissions, Modifications, and Withdrawals: Section L, Pr ovision No. 52.214 7 or 52.215 10. All offers are subject to all terms and conditions contained in this solicitation. 15B. TELEPHONE NO. (Include area code) (555)623 1229 15C. CHECK IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE ENTER SUCH ADDRESS IN SCHEDULE. 17. SIGNATURE 18. OFFER DATE 20 JUL ** AWARD (To be completed by Government) 19. ACCEPTED AS TO ITEMS NUMBERED 0001 20. AMOUNT $135,900.00 21. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION 21*2020 76 9505 117096.Z0 26EB W91DPW*2551339/MJDF 23. SUBMIT INVOICES TO ADDRESS SHOWN IN (4 copies unless otherwise specified) ITEM 25 24. ADMINISTERED BY ///////RECEIVED IN CUST SVC\\\\\\ ///ACCOUNTS PAYABLE \ /////16 JUL ** 25. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY 23RD FIN BN (FWD) ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 26. NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER GARY W. MC COY 27. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Signature of Contracting Officer) 28. AWARD DATE 31 JUL ** IMPORTANT Award will be made on this Form, or on Standard Form 26, or by other authorized official written notice. STANDARD FORM 33 (Rev. 4 85) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.214(c) NSN 7540 01 152 8064 PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE 10 U.S.C. 253(c) ( 15A. PerFORM (DLA) 5% NET % /S/
CONTINUATION SHEET HARWARE SUPPLY R US, 3030 CANNADY AVE. PEMBROKE, GA 31321 ORDER NUMBER: DAFI01-**-C-4195 ITEM SUPPLY/SERVICE QTY U/I U/P AMOUNT 0001 CONCRETE, READY MIX 906 cu yd. 150.00 $135,900.00 Standard mix NOTE 1: DELIVERIES: F.O.B. DESTINATION SHIP TO: Director of Public Works BLDG. 400 APO AE 09809 NOTE 2: PAYMENT TERMS: Payment will be made in partial payments if partial deliveries are made. Each payment will be made upon the receipt of goods and receipt of an invoice. The invoice should contain: Remit to address (if other than the address given). The contract number. Date of invoice. Description. Terms. Extension/Footing. NOTE 3: CONTRACT TYPE: This is a fixed price contract. The unit-price will remain as offered.
MATERIAL INSPECTION AND RECEIVING REPORT 23. CONTRACTOR USE ONLY OOO1 CONCRETE READY MIX, STANDARD //////RECEIVED IN CUST SVC\\\\\ //////ACCOUNTS PAYABLE \ ///////8 AUG ** 1,500.00 150.00 7. PAGE * If quantity received by the Government is the same as quantity shipped, indicate by ( 4. B/L 20. AMOUNT 18. UNIT cu yd 16. STOCK/PART NO. DESCRIPTION (Indicate number of shipping containers - type of container container number.) A. ORIGIN 15. ITEM Public reporting burden for this collection of information is es timated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time f or reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gath ering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing th e collection of information. Send comments regarding this burde n estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directo rate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202 4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Redu ction Project (0704 0248), Washington, DC 20503. 1. PROC. INSTRUMENT IDEN. (CONTRACT) DAFI01 ** C 4195 6. INVOICE NO./DATE 2. SHIPMENT NO. 72 85 5. DISCOUNT TERMS 5/10, N/30 DD Form 250, NOV 92 USAPPC V1.00 Form Approved OMB No. 0704 0248 8. ACCEPTANCE POINT (ORDER) NO. 3. DATE SHIPPED 1 AUG ** TCN 13. SHIPPED TO DPW BLDG 400 APO AE 09809 11. SHIPPED FROM (If other than 9) FOB: 14. MARKED FOR 12. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY 23RD FIN BN (FWD) ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE APO AE 09808 10. ADMINISTERED BY CONTRACTING AND PROCUREMENT 9. PRIME CONTRACTOR HARDWARE SUPPLIES R US 3030 CANNADY AVE. PEMBROKE, GA 31321 Previous edition JUL be used. 19. UNIT PRICE 17. QUANTITY SHIP/REC'D* 10 CONTRACT QUALITY ASSURANCE 21. 22. RECEIVER'S USE Quantities shown in column 17 were received in apparent good condition except as noted. DATE RECEIVED SIGNATURE OF AUTH GOVT REP TYPED NAME AND OFFICE B. DESTINATION has been made by me or under my super vision and they conform to contract, except as noted herein or on supporting documents. CQA ACCEPTANCE of listed items has been made by me or under my supervision and they conform to contract, except as noted herein or on supporting documents. AND TIITLE CODE DATE SIGNATURE OF AUTH GOVT REP OF if different, enter actual quantity received below quantity shipped and encircle. ) mark, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO EITHER OF THESE AD DRESSES. SEND THIS FORM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE DFARS, APPENDIX F 401. Dennis Roman PBO, GM13 3 AUG ** Michael Gordon 2 AUG ** MICHAEL GORDON Contracting Agent
Thank You For Your Order! HARDWARE SUPPLIES R US 3030 CANNADY AVENUE PEMBROKE, GEORGIA 31321 SOLD TO: UNITED STATES ARMY HQS, 1/91ST MECH INF ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE/VENDOR SVCS APO AE 09808 NUMBER: 377 INVOICE 1 AUG ** DATE: ORDER 12 AUG ** DATE:: ORDER DAFI01 - ** C 4195 NUMBER: INVOICE NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL P.O., PACKING SLIPS & PACKAGES CUSTOMER NO: USA11298 SHIP TO: DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BLDG. 400 APO AE 09809 SALESPERSON: C. Atkins TERMS: 5/10, N/30 FOB: DESTINATION DATE SHIPPED: 1 AUG.** SHIP VIA: Semi Trailer OTHER: ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Thank You For Your Order! NOTE: All documents are date stamped when received. The vendor’s format JUL vary from this example, however, regardless of the format, the same basic information must be displayed MERCHANDISE: FREIGHT: TOTAL DUE: 1 Concrete Ready Mix 10 cubic yards $150.00 $ 1,500.00 Received in CUST SVC Accounts Payable 8 AUG ** $1,500.00
Have the check corrected. 8748- 00102 HARDWARE SUPPLIES R US PEMBROKE, GA 31321 John H. Cory, LTC, FC, FAO $******1500.00 $1500AND00/100 08 10 ** 1113550 0144-447 DV #750150 partial FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY /S/ Sign the check. Void the check. Have the check corrected. 8748-00111 1113550 0144-447 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY
ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES (Contractor must submit four copies of invoice.) 9. CONTRACTOR 39. DATE RECEIVED (YYMMMDD) Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0187 Expires Dec 31, 1**3 26. QUANTITY IN COLUMN 20 HAS BEEN This delivery order is issued on another Government agency or in accordance with and subject to terms and conditions of above numbered contract. 3. DATE OF ORDER 23. AMOUNT MARK ALL PACKAGES AND PAPERS WITH CONTRACT OR ORDER NUMBER 14. SHIP TO Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0187), Washington, DC 20503. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO EITHER OF THESE ADDRESSES. SEND YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO THE PROCUREMENT OFFICIAL IDENTIFIED IN ITEM 6. 6. ISSUED BY CODE 7. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than 6) 8. DELIVERY FOB DEST OTHER (See Schedule if other) FACILITY CODE NAME AND ADDRESS 11. MARK IF BUSINESS IS SMALL SMALL DISAD- VANTAGED WOMEN-OWNED 15. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY 16. TYPE OF ORDER DELIVERY PURCHASE Reference your furnish the following on terms specified ACCEPTANCE. THE CONTRACTOR HEREBY ACCEPTS THE OFFER REPRESENTED BY THE NUMBERED PURCHASE ORDER AS IT JUL PREVIOUSLY HAVE BEEN OR IS NOW MODIFIED, SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH, AND AGREES TO PERFORM THE SAME. If this box is marked, supplier must sign Acceptance and return the following number of copies: NAME OF CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE TYPED NAME AND TITLE DATE SIGNED (YYMMDD) 20. QUANTITY * If quantity accepted by the Government is same as quantity ordered, indicate by X. If different, enter actual quantity accepted below quantity ordered and encircle. 24. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY: 25. TOTAL 29. DIFFERENC ES 30. INITIALS INSPECTED RECEIVED ACCEPTED, AND CONFORMS TO THE CONTRACT EXCEPT AS NOTED DATE SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 27. SHIP. NO. PARTIAL FINAL 31. PAYMENT COMPLETE 36. I certify this account is correct and proper for payment. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER DD FORM 1155, JUL 93 PREVIOUS EDITION JUL BE USED. CONTRACTING/ORDERING OFFICER USAPPC V1.00 ACCEPTED* 18. ITEM NO. 19. SCHEDULE OF SUPPLIES/SERVICE 21. UNIT 22. UNIT PRICE ORDERED/ A.N. PURCELL $5,000.00 28. D.O. VOUCHER NO. 32. PAID BY 23d FIN BN (FWD) APO AE 09808 DSSN: 8748 33. AMOUNT VERIFIED CORRECT FOR 34. CHECK NUMBER 35. BILL OF LADING NO. 42. S/R VOUCHER NO. 38. RECEIVED BY (Print) 41. S/R ACCOUNT NUMBER $4,000.00 38. RECEIVED AT 40. TOTAL CONTAINERS 12. DISCOUNT TERMS NET 30 13. MAIL INVOICES TO SEE ITEM 15 SSSC BUILDING 20 AP AE 09808 23RD FIN BN (FWD) ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE/VENDOR SVCS 17. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA/LOCAL USE 21*2020 76-9505 117096.ZO-26EB W91CMD*1161290/NBAH S09076 $5,000.00 001 Paper, Computer 8 1/2” x 11” //////RECEIVED IN CUST SVC\\\\\\ /////VENDOR SERVICES\\\\ ///////////// 2 AUG ** \\\\\\\\\\\ 1,000 PK 4.00 PAGE 1 OF 1. CONTRACT/PURCH ORDER NO. DAFI01 -* *- C-1290 2. DELIVERY ORDER NO. 0012 4. REQUISITION/PURCH REQUEST NO. PRC 0463 5. PRIORITY DIR, CONTRACTING AND PROCUREMENT 1/91st MECH INF APO AE 09809 TANDY ELECTRONICS CORP. 1011 EAST STREET NEW YORK, NY 10167 10. DELIVER TO FOB POINT BY (Date) JUL26 A.N. Purcell 002 Blank Disks, 3.5” $1,000.00 100 10.00 /s/ John H. Cory, LTC, FC MNT 10 AUG ** 750151 8748-00103
J Johnson ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES PLEASE DO NOT (Contractor must submit four copies of invoice.) 9.CONTRACTOR 39. DATE RECEIVED (YYMMMDD) Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0187 Expires Dec 31, 1**3 26. QUANTITY IN COLUMN 20 HAS BEEN This delivery order is issued on another Government agency or in accordance with and subject to terms and conditions of above numbered contract. 3. DATE OF ORDER 23. AMOUNT MARK ALL PACKAGES AND PAPERS WITH CONTRACT OR ORDER NUMBER 14. SHIP TO Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0187), Washington, DC 20503. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO EITHER OF THESE ADDRESSES. SEND YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO THE PROCUREMENT OFFICIAL IDENTIFIED IN ITEM 6. 6. ISSUED BY CODE 7. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than 6) 8. DELIVERY FOB DEST OTHER (See Schedule if other) FACILITY CODE NAME AND ADDRESS 11. MARK IF BUSINESS IS SMALL SMALL DISAD- VANTAGED WOMEN-OWNED 15. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY 16. TYPE OF ORDER DELIVERY PURCHASE Reference your furnish the following on terms specified ACCEPTANCE. THE CONTRACTOR HEREBY ACCEPTS THE OFFER REPRESENTED BY THE NUMBERED PURCHASE ORDER AS IT JUL PREVIOUSLY HAVE BEEN OR IS NOW MODIFIED, SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH, AND AGREES TO PERFORM THE SAME. If this box is marked, supplier must sign Acceptance and return the following number of copies: NAME OF CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE TYPED NAME AND TITLE DATE SIGNED (YYMMDD) 20. QUANTITY * If quantity accepted by the Government is same as quantity ordered, indicate by X. If different, enter actual quantity accepted below quantity ordered and encircle. 24. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY: 25. TOTAL 29. DIFFERENCES 30. INITIALS INSPECTED RECEIVED ACCEPTED, AND CONFORMS TO THE CONTRACT EXCEPT AS NOTED DATE SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 27. SHIP. NO. PARTIAL FINAL 31. PAYMENT COMPLETE 36. I certify this account is correct and proper for payment. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER DD FORM 1155, JUL 93 PREVIOUS EDITION JUL BE USED. CONTRACTING/ORDERING OFFICER USAPPC V1.00 ACCEPTED* 18. ITEM NO. 19. SCHEDULE OF SUPPLIES/SERVICE 21. UNIT 22. UNIT PRICE ORDERED/ A.N. PURCELL $5,000.00 28. D.O. VOUCHER NO. 32. PAID BY 33. AMOUNT VERIFIED CORRECT FOR 34. CHECK NUMBER 35. BILL OF LADING NO. 42. S/R VOUCHER 38. RECEIVED BY (Print) 41. S/R ACCOUNT NUMBER $4,000.00 38. RECEIVED AT 40. TOTAL CONTAINERS 12. DISCOUNT TERMS NET 30 13. MAIL INVOICES TO SEE ITEM 15 SSSC BUILDING 20 APO AE 09808 23RD FIN BN (FWD) ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE/VENDOR SVCS 17. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA/LOCAL USE 21* 2020 76-9505 117096.ZO-26EB W91CMD*1161290/NBAH S09076 001 Paper, Computer 8 1/2” x 11” //////RECEIVED IN CUST SVC\\\\\\ /////VENDOR SERVICES\\\\ ///////////// 3 JUL ** \\\\\\\\\\\ 1,000 a PK 4.00 PAGE 1 1. CONTRACT/PURCH ORDER NO. DAFI01 - **- C-1290 2. DELIVERY ORDER NO. 0012 4. REQUISITION/PURCH REQUEST NO. PRC 0463 5. PRIORITY DIR, CONTRACTING AND PROCUREMENT 1/91st MECH INF APO AE 09809 TANDY ELECTRONICS CORP. 1011 EAST STREET NEW YORK, NY 10167 10. DELIVER TO FOB POINT BY (Date) JUL26 A.N. Purcell 002 Blank Disks, 3.5” $1,000.00 100 10.00 29 JUl J Johnson BLDG 20 R. Rankin JUL24
BILL TO: 71029 DATE INVOICE NUMBER 24 JUL ** ORDER NUMBER DAFI01 -**- DISCOUNT NET 30 TANDY ELECTRONICS CORP. 1011 EAST STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10167 BILL TO: 23RD FIN BN (FWD) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE/VENDOR SVCS APO AE 09808 ///RECEIVED IN CUST SVC\\\ ////VENDOR SERVICES\\\\ ///////28 JUL **\\\\\\\\ SUPPLIES ORDERED QTY UNIT COST AMOUNT Paper, Computer 8 1/2”x11” 1,000pk 4.00 $4,000.00 Blank Disks, 3.5” 100pk 10.00 $1,000.00 *NOTE: this is D.O. 0012* Total Due This Bill $5,000.00
Have the check corrected. 8748- 00103 TANDY ELECTRONICS CORP John H. Cory, LTC, FC, FAO $******5000.00 $5000AND00CENTS 08 10 ** 1113550 0144-447 DV #750151 partial FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY /S/ Sign the check. Void the check. Have the check corrected. 8748-00112 1113550 0144-447 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY
20JUL MC 17. DURATION OF TDY TRAVEL 18. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES TRAVEL VOUCHER OR SUBVOUCHER Read Privacy Act Statement, Penalty Statement, and Instructions on back before completing form. Use typewriter, ink, or ball point pen. PRESS HARD. DO NOT use pencil. If more space is needed, continue in remarks. 28. AMOUNT PAID 19. GOVERNMENT/DEDUCTIBLE MEALS 3. FOR D.O. USE ONLY (6 ) Reimbursable Expenses (7 ) Total (8 ) Less Advance (9 ) Amount Owed (10) Amount Due Exception to SF 1012 approved by GSA/IRMS 12-91. Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) 1. PAYMENT 15. ITINERARY 21.a. APPROVING OFFICER SIGNATURE 14. HAVE HOUSEH OLD GOODS BEEN SHIPPED? (X one) (1 ) Per Diem (2 ) Actual Expense Allowance (3 ) Mileage (4 ) Dependent Travel (5 ) DLA 2. TYPE OF PAYMENT (X as applicable) Member/ Employee a. DATE b. PLACE (Home, Office, Base, Activity, City and State ; City and Country, etc.) FT POLK, LA PA c. MEANS/ MODE OF TRAVEL d. REASON FOR STOP e. LODGING COST f. POC MILES ACCOMPANIED b. RELATIONSHIP c. DATE OF BIRTH OR MARRIAGE UNACCOMPANIED 8. DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER & AREA CODE 4446 9. TRAVEL ORDER NUMBER 4-111 12. DEPENDENT(S) (X and complete as applicable) 11. ORGANIZATION AND STATION 1/92ND MECH INF FT STEWART GA 31314 10. PREVIOUS GOVERNMENT PAYMENTS/ ADVANCES NONE 13. DEPENDENTS' ADDRESS ON RECEIPT OF ORDERS ( Include Zip Code) QTRS, 911-B FORT POLK, LA 71459 7. ADDRESS. a. NUMBER AND STREET 1/92ND MECH INF BOX b. CITY FT STEWART 4. NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial) (Print or type) WALLACE, CHESTER C. 5. GRADE E9/SGM c. STATE GA d. ZIP CODE 31314 6. SSN 999-00-4033 TDY Other b. NATURE OF EXPENSE c. AMOUNT d. ALLOWED d. COMPUTATIONS a. D.O. VOUCHER NUMBER 800001 c. PAID BY 23RD FIN BN (FWD) DETACHMENT A APO AE 09807 DSSN 8748 10 AUG ** b. DATE a. DATE b. NO. OF MEALS 20.a. CLAIMANT SIGNATURE /S/ 30 JUL ** 16. POC TRAVEL X one) OWN/OPERATE PASSENGER 24. COMPUTED BY /I/ 23. COLLECTION DATA 25. AUDITED BY 26. TRAVEL ORDER POSTED BY 27. RECEIVED (Payee Signature and Date or Check No.) 8748-00104 10 AUG ** 22. ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION 21*2010 01-401 P1442 S****9 SA $136.16 21*2010 01-404 P1442 S****9 SA $228.60 21*2010 01-402 P1442 S****9 SA $180.32 a. NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial) b. SUBVOUCHER NUMBER Dependent(s) ARR DEP FT STEWART, GA e. SUMMARY OF PAYMENT YES NO (E xplain in Remarks) DLA PCS ** DD FORM 1351-2, JUL 2004 (EG) 18JUL WALLACE, MARGARET WALLACE, JOANN WALLACE, MARK WALLACE, RICHARD SPOUSE DAU SON 1 Aug ** 18 JUL ** 26 MAR ** PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF DD FORM 1351-2 AND 1351-1 JUL BE USED UNTIL SUPPLY IS EXHAUSTED. Split Disbursement: Amt to Govt Tvl Charge Card $ Payment by Check 12 HOURS OR LESS MORE THAN 12 HOURS BUT 24 HOURS OR LESS MORE THAN 24 HOURS USAPA V1.00 736 mi. @ 18.5 = $136.16 136.16 228.60 545.08 STUDENT NOTE : Paid in U.S. Dollars DLA = 228.60 736 mi. @ 24.5 = $180.32 180.32 $545.08
Have the check corrected. 8748- 00104 CHESTER C WALLACE John H. Cory, LTC, FC, FAO $*****545.08 $545AND08/100 1113550 0144-447 DV #800001 10 AUG ** FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY /S/ Sign the check. Void the check. Have the check corrected. 8748-00 1113550 0144-447 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY
/I/ FOR INSTRUCTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY TRAVEL VOUCHER OR SUBVOUCHER YES $0.00 f. POC MILES $37.50 DEP $560.00 ARR $22.50 $620.00 --------------------- $42.00 $662.00 b. NO OF MEALS d. DATE b. DATE 21*2020 76-9505 P200000 21T2 S12123 FOR INSTRUCTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY 28. AMOUNT PAID TRAVEL VOUCHER OR SUBVOUCHER Read Privacy Act Statement, Penalty Statement, and Instructions on back before completeing form. Use typewriter, ink or ball point pen. PRESS HARD. DO NOT use pencil . If more space is needed, continue in remarks. 1. PAYMENT 2. TYPE OF PAYMENTS 3. FOR D.O. USE ONLY a. D.O. VOUCHER NUMBER 4. NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial) 5. GRADE 6. SSN b. SUBVOUCHER NUMBER SAULSBURY, HENRY S. E7/SFC 999-00-4025 7. ADDRESS. a. NUMBER AND STREET c. CITY c. STATE d. ZIP CODE c. Paid by 4500 Stonebridge Hinesville GA 31312 8. DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER & 9. TRAVEL ORDER NUMBER 10. PREVIOUS GOVERNMENT PAYMENTS AREA CODE 4-27 ADVANCES 912-442-9283 11. ORGANIZATION AND STATION NONE HHC 1/51st FA, Ft Stewart, GA 31313 12. DEPENDENT(S) (X AND COMPLETE AS APPLICABLE) 13. DEPENDENTS' ADDRESS ON RECEIPTS OF ACCOMPANIED UNACCOMPANIED ORDERS (Include Zip Code) a. NAME b. RELATIONSHIP c. DATE OF BIRTH OR MARRIAGE NO (Explain in Remarks) 14.HAVE HOUSEHOLD GOODS BEEN SHIPPED? d. COMPUTATIONS 15. ITINERARY TRANSPORTATION a. Date c. MEANS/ MODE OF TRAVEL d. REASON FOR STOP e. 200* LODGING COST 14 JUL FT STEWART, GA CA TP SAVANNAH A/P, GA AT $255.00 1 AUG FT POLK, LA TD MC e. SUMMARY OF PAYMENT (1) Per Diem (2) Actual Expense Allowance (3) Mileage 16. POC TRAVEL (X ONE) OWN/OPERATE PASSENGER 17. DURATION OF TDY TRAVEL (4) Dependent Travel 12 HOURS OR LESS (5) DLA a. DATE b. NATURE OF EXPENSE c. AMOUNT d. ALLOWED (6) Reimbursable Expenses $19.50 18. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES MORE THAN 12 HOURS (7) Total 14 JUL 0* Tip to Driver $2.00 (8) Less Advance Taxi - Ft Stewart to A/P 1 AUG 0* Taxi - A/P to Ft Stewart $19.00 $1.50 X MORE THAN 24 HOURS 19. GOVERNMENT/DEDUCTABLE MEALS (9) Amount Owed (10) Amount Due 1 20.a. CLAIMANT SIGNATURE c. SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE / S / 3 AUG 0* 21. a. APPROVING OFFICER SIGNATURE 22. ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION 23. COLLECTION DATA 24. COMPUTED BY AUDITED BY 26. TRAVEL ORDER ////// // ?//// POSTED BY 27. RECEIVED (Payee Signature and Date or Check No.) TJO 15 - 30 JUL (X one) Member/ Employee Dependent(s) Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Payment by Check Split Disbursement: Amt to Govt Tvl Charge Card $____________ DD FORM 1351-2, JUL 2004 PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF DD FORM 1352-2 AND 1351-1 JUL BE USED UNTIL SUPPLY IS EXHAUSTED. Exception to SF 1012 approved by GSA/IRMS, 12-91. b. PLACE ( Home, Office, Base, Activity, City State; City and County, etc.) Other TDY DLA PCS /I/ 8748-00105 10 AUG ** 400001 23rd Finance Battalion (FWD) Detachment A APO AE 09808 DSSN: 8748 10 AUG **
Have the check corrected. 8748- 00105 HENRY S SAULSBURY John H. Cory, LTC, FC, FAO $*****662.00 $662AND00CENTS 1113550 0144-447 DV #400001 10 AUG ** FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY /S/ Sign the check. Void the check. Have the check corrected. 8748-00 1113550 0144-447 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY
/I/ FOR INSTRUCTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY TRAVEL VOUCHER OR SUBVOUCHER YES $0.00 f. POC MILES $79.50 DEP $575.00 ARR $47.25 $701.75 --------------------- $56.90 $758.65 b. NO OF MEALS d. DATE b. DATE FOR INSTRUCTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY 28. AMOUNT PAID 26 JUL 0* 22. ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION / S / 27 JUL 0* 21. a. APPROVING OFFICER SIGNATURE 23. COLLECTION DATA 24. COMPUTED BY AUDITED BY 26. TRAVEL ORDER ////// // ?//// POSTED BY 27. RECEIVED (Payee Signature and Date or Check No.) JRB a. DATE MORE THAN 24 HOURS (9) Amount Owed Tip to Driver $1.00 (10) Amount Due X Taxi - Train Station to New PDS $51.00 (7) Total 15 JUL 0* (8) Less Advance Taxi - Qtrs to Train Station $3.90 (5) DLA b. NATURE OF EXPENSE c. AMOUNT d. ALLOWED (6) Reimbursable Expenses 18. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES (3) Mileage 16. POC TRAVEL (X ONE) OWN/OPERATE PASSENGER 17. DURATION OF TDY TRAVEL (4) Dependent Travel (1) Per Diem (2) Actual Expense Allowance ATT: 1 - 1 e. SUMMARY OF PAYMENT ET: 1 - 1 26 JUL TR STUTTGART, GE MC 15 JUL MUNICH, GE TD $165.00 200* LODGING COST a. Date c. MEANS/ MODE OF TRAVEL d. REASON FOR STOP e. 14.HAVE HOUSEHOLD GOODS BEEN SHIPPED? P. O. Box 043702 Stuttgart APO GE 09107 a. NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial) b. RELATIONSHIP c. DATE OF BIRTH OR MARRIAGE 20.a. CLAIMANT SIGNATURE c. SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE 12 HOURS OR LESS MORE THAN 12 HOURS KASSEL, GE NO (Explain in Remarks) d. COMPUTATIONS 15. ITINERARY TRANS 8. DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER & 9. TRAVEL ORDER NUMBER 10. PREVIOUS GOVERNMENT PAYMENTS AREA CODE 290-10 12. DEPENDENT(S) (X AND COMPLETE AS APPLICABLE) 13. DEPENDENTS' ADDRESS ON RECEIPTS OF ACCOMPANIED 11. ORGANIZATION AND STATION NONE HHC 54TH INF DIV (MECH) FWD, Stuttgart, GE ADVANCES 350-5776 UNACCOMPANIED ORDERS (Include Zip Code) c. Paid by PRICE, DENNIS E. O3/CPT 999-00-4003 7. ADDRESS. a. NUMBER AND STREET b. CITY c. STATE d. ZIP CODE 4. NAME 5. GRADE 6. SSN b. SUBVOUCHER NUMBER a. D.O. VOUCHER NUMBER TRAVEL VOUCHER OR SUBVOUCHER Read Privacy Act Statement, Penalty Statement, and Instructions on back before completeing form. Use typewriter, ink or ball point pen. PRESS HARD. DO NOT use pencil . If more space is needed, continue in remarks. 1. PAYMENT 2. TYPE OF PAYMENTS 3. FOR D.O. USE ONLY 21* 2020 32-264 P810000 21T2 S****9 19. GOVERNMENT/DEDUCTIBLE MEALS 21* 2010 01-401 P1432 21P4 S****9 16 - 25 JUL (X one) Member/ Employee Dependent(s) Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Payment by Check Split Disbursement: Amt to Govt Tvl Charge Card $____________ DD FORM 1351-2, JUL 2004 PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF DD FORM 1352-2 AND 1351-1 JUL BE USED UNTIL SUPPLY IS EXHAUSTED. Exception to SF 1012 approved by GSA/IRMS, 12-91. b. PLACE ( Home, Office, Base, Activity, City State; City and County, etc.) Other TDY DLA PCS /I/ 8748-00106 10 AUG ** 800002 23rd Finance Battalion (FWD) Detachment A APO AE 09808 DSSN: 8748 10 AUG **
Have the check corrected. 8748- 00106 DENNIS E PRICE John H. Cory, LTC, FC, FAO $*****758.65 $758AND65/100 08 10 ** 1113550 0144-447 DV #800002 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY /S/ 999-00-4003 Sign the check. Void the check. Have the check corrected. 8748-00 1113550 0144-447 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY
ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES (Contractor must submit four copies of invoice.) 9. CONTRACTOR 39. DATE RECEIVED (YYMMMDD) Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0187 Expires Dec 31, 1**3 26. QUANTITY IN COLUMN 20 HAS BEEN This delivery order is issued on another Government agency or in accordance with and subject to terms and conditions of above numbered contract. 3. DATE OF ORDER 23. AMOUNT MARK ALL PACKAGES AND PAPERS WITH CONTRACT OR ORDER NUMBER 14. SHIP TO Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0187), Washington, DC 20503. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO EITHER OF THESE ADDRESSES. SEND YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO THE PROCUREMENT OFFICIAL IDENTIFIED IN ITEM 6. 6. ISSUED BY CODE 7. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than 6) 8. DELIVERY FOB DEST OTHER (See Schedule if other) FACILITY CODE NAME AND ADDRESS 11. MARK IF BUSINESS IS SMALL SMALL DISAD- VANTAGED WOMEN-OWNE 15. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY 16. TYPE OF ORDER DELIVERY PURCHASE Reference your furnish the following on terms specified ACCEPTANCE. THE CONTRACTOR HEREBY ACCEPTS THE OFFER REPRESENTED BY THE NUMBERED PURCHASE ORDER AS IT MAY PREVIOUSLY HAVE BEEN OR IS NOW MODIFIED, SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH, AND AGREES TO PERFORM THE SAME. If this box is marked, supplier must sign Acceptance and return the following number of copies: NAME OF CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE TYPED NAME AND TITLE DATE SIGNED (YYMMDD) 20. QUANTITY * If quantity accepted by the Government is same as quantity ordered, indicate by X. If different, enter actual quantity accepted below quantity ordered and encircle. 24. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY: 25. TOTAL 29. DIFFERENC ES 30. INITIALS INSPECTED RECEIVED ACCEPTED, AND CONFORMS TO THE CONTRACT EXCEPT AS NOTED DATE SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 27. SHIP. NO. PARTIAL FINAL 31. PAYMENT COMPLETE 36. I certify this account is correct and proper for payment. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER DD FORM 1155, APR 93 PREVIOUS EDITION MAY BE USED. CONTRACTING/ORDERING OFFICER USAPPC V1.00 ACCEPTED* 18. ITEM NO. 19. SCHEDULE OF SUPPLIES/SERVICE 21. UNIT 22. UNIT PRICE ORDERED/ I.M.BYER, GS-12 $2,500.00 28. D.O. VOUCHER NO. 32. PAID BY 23d Fin BN (FWD) APO AE 09808 DSSN: 6348 33. AMOUNT VERIFIED CORRECT FOR 34. CHECK NUMBER 35. BILL OF LADING NO. 42. S/R VOUCHER NO. 38. RECEIVED BY (Print) 41. S/R ACCOUNT NUMBER $500.00 38. RECEIVED AT 40. TOTAL CONTAINERS 12. DISCOUNT TERMS 2/10, NET 30 13. MAIL INVOICES TO SEE ITEMS 15 23RD FIN BN (FWD) ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VENDOR SVCS 17. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA/LOCAL USE 001 SCREWS, 1/4” X 2” 100 BX $5.00 PAGE 1 OF 1. CONTRACT/PURCH ORDER NO. DAFI01 -* *- F-2200 2. DELIVERY ORDER NO. 4. REQUISITION/PURCH REQUEST NO. PRC 11447 5. PRIORITY DIR, CONTRACTING AND PROCUREMENT 1/91st MECH INF APO AE 09809 10. DELIVER TO FOB POINT BY (Date) 25 JUL ** I.M. BYER 002 DRILL BIT SET $2,000.00 200 EA $10.00 BELL CONSTRUCTION OUTLET 212 E 1ST STREET CLAXTON, GA 30417 Logistics PBO 21*2020 76-9505 117096.20-26EB W914DPW*1450017/MJHF S09076 $2,500.00 D.O. 0017 MNT 750152 8748-00107 X /s/ John H. Cory, LTC, FC 10 AUG **
[ X J. Daniels ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES PLEASE DO NOT (Contractor must submit four copies of invoice.) 9. CONTRACTOR 39. DATE RECEIVED (YYMMMDD) Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0187 Expires Dec 31, 1**3 26. QUANTITY IN COLUMN 20 HAS BEEN This delivery order is issued on another Government agency or in accordance with and subject to terms and conditions of above numbered contract. 3. DATE OF ORDER 23. AMOUNT MARK ALL PACKAGES AND PAPERS WITH CONTRACT OR ORDER NUMBER 14. SHIP TO Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0187), Washington, DC 20503. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO EITHER OF THESE ADDRESSES. SEND YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO THE PROCUREMENT OFFICIAL IDENTIFIED IN ITEM 6. 6. ISSUED BY CODE 7. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than 6) 8. DELIVERY FOB DEST OTHER (See Schedule if other) FACILITY CODE NAME AND ADDRESS 11. MARK IF BUSINESS IS SMALL SMALL DISAD- VANTAGED WOMEN-OWNE 15. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY 16. TYPE OF ORDER DELIVERY PURCHASE Reference your furnish the following on terms specified ACCEPTANCE. THE CONTRACTOR HEREBY ACCEPTS THE OFFER REPRESENTED BY THE NUMBERED PURCHASE ORDER AS IT MAY PREVIOUSLY HAVE BEEN OR IS NOW MODIFIED, SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH, AND AGREES TO PERFORM THE SAME. If this box is marked, supplier must sign Acceptance and return the following number of copies: NAME OF CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE TYPED NAME AND TITLE DATE SIGNED (YYMMDD) 20. QUANTITY * If quantity accepted by the Government is same as quantity ordered, indicate by X. If different, enter actual quantity accepted below quantity ordered and encircle. 24. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY: 25. TOTAL 29. DIFFERENC ES 30. INITIALS INSPECTED RECEIVED ACCEPTED, AND CONFORMS TO THE CONTRACT EXCEPT AS NOTED DATE SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 27. SHIP. NO. PARTIAL FINAL 31. PAYMENT COMPLETE 36. I certify this account is correct and proper for payment. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER DD FORM 1155, APR 93 PREVIOUS EDITION MAY BE USED. CONTRACTING/ORDERING OFFICER USAPPC V1.00 ACCEPTED* 18. ITEM NO. 19. SCHEDULE OF SUPPLIES/SERVICE 21. UNIT 22. UNIT PRICE ORDERED/ I.M.BYER, GS-12 $2,500.00 28. D.O. VOUCHER NO. 32. PAID BY 33. AMOUNT VERIFIED CORRECT FOR 34. CHECK NUMBER 35. BILL OF LADING NO. 42. S/R VOUCHER NO. 38. RECEIVED BY (Print) 41. S/R ACCOUNT NUMBER $500.00 38. RECEIVED AT 40. TOTAL CONTAINERS 12. DISCOUNT TERMS 2/10, NET 30 13. MAIL INVOICES TO SEE ITEMS 15 23RD FIN BN (FWD) ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VENDOR SVCS APO AE 09808 17. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA/LOCAL USE 001 SCREWS, 1/4” X 2” 100 [ BX $5.00 PAGE 1 OF 1. CONTRACT/PURCH ORDER NO. DAFI01 -* *- F-2200 2. DELIVERY ORDER NO. 4. REQUISITION/PURCH REQUEST NO. PRC 11447 5. PRIORITY DIR, CONTRACTING AND PROCUREMENT 1/91st MECH INF APO AE 09809 10. DELIVER TO FOB POINT BY (Date) 25 JUL ** I.M. BYER 002 DRILL BIT SET $2,000.00 200 X EA $10.00 /////RECEIVED IN CUST SVC\\\\\ /////VENDOR SERVICES\\\\\ ///////////////10 AUG **\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 8 AUG 1 AUG J. Daniels B.E. Hale GM-13 BELL CONSTRUCTION OUTLET 212 E 1ST STREET CLAXTON, GA 30417 Logistics PBO 21*2020 76-9505 117096.20-26EB W914DEH*1450017/MJHF S09076 D.O. 0017
Total Due This Bill SUPPLIES ORDERED QTY UNIT COST AMOUNT BELL CONSTRUCTION OUTLET 212 E. 1st STREET CLAXTON, GA 30417 23RD FINANCE BN (FWD) ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VENDOR SVCS APO AE 09808 BILL TO: 91396 DATE 8 AUG ** ORDER NUMBER DISCOUNT TERMS 2/10, NET 30 ////RECEIVED IN CUST SVC\\\\ ////VENDOR SERVICE\\\\ ///////1 AUG **\\\\\\\\ Screws, 1/4” x 2” 100 5.00 500.00 Total Due This Bill $2,500.00 INVOICE NUMBER Drill Bit Set 200 10.00 2,000.00 DO 0017
Have the check corrected. 8748- 00107 BELL CONSTRUCTION OUTLET CLAXTON, GA 30417 John H. Cory, LTC, FC, FAO $*****2500.00 $2500AND00CENTS 08 10 ** 1113550 0144-447 DV #750152 final FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY /S/ Sign the check. Void the check. Have the check corrected. 8748-00 1113550 0144-447 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY
PUBLIC VOUCHER FOR PURCHASES AND ON (Name of bank) The information requested on this form is required under the provisions of 31 U.S.C. 82b and 82c, for the purpose of disbursing Federal money. The information requested is to identify the particular creditor and the amounts to be paid. Failure to furnish this information will hinder discharge of the payment obligation. When stated in foreign currency, insert name of currency. 1 PUBLIC VOUCHER FOR PURCHASES AND SERVICES OTHER THAN PERSONAL EXCHANGE RATE NUMBER AND DATE OF ORDER 3 PAYEE PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT ) ( If the ability to certify and authority to approve are combined in one person, one signature only is necessary; otherwise the approving officer will sign in the space provided, over his official title. When a voucher is receipted in the name of a company or corporation, the name of the person writing the company or corporate name, as well as the capacity in which he signs, must appear. For example: "John Doe Company, per John Smith, Secretary," or "Treasurer," as the case JUL be. Standard Form 1034 Revised Augober 1987 Department of the Treasury 1 TFM 4-2000 1034-121 (Use continuation sheet(s) if necessary) PAYEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS DATE OF DELIVERY OR SERVICE ARTICLES OR SERVICES (Enter description, item number of contract or Federal supply schedule, and other information deemed necessary) QUAN- TITY UNIT PRICE COST PER AMOUNT ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION NSN 7540-00-900-2234 USAPA V4.00 Previous edition usable 2 PAYMENT: DIFFERENCES TOTAL (Signature or initials) /S/ Amount verified; correct for PROVISIONAL COMPLETE PARTIAL FINAL PROGRESS ADVANCE Pursuant to authority vested in me, I certify that this voucher is correct and proper for payment. APPROVED FOR =$ =$1.00 (Date) (Authorized Certifying Officer) (Title) (Payee must NOT use the space below) $589.02 TITLE Payment for damaged household goods JOY BULL 999-00-6178 502nd FB, 2d AR DIV FORT HOOD, TX 76545 DATE INVOICE RECEIVED SHIPPED FROM PAID BY 23rd FINANCE BN (FWD) APO AE 09808 ADSN: 8748 10 AUG ** GOVERNMENT B/L NUMBER DISCOUNT TERMS PAYEE'S ACCOUNT NUMBER TO WEIGHT U.S. DEPARTMENT, BUREAU, OR ESTABLISHMENT AND LOCATION DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 23RD FINANCE BATTALION (FWD) DATE VOUCHER PREPARED VOUCHER NO. 750153 SCHEDULE NO. CONTRACT NUMBER AND DATE REQUISITION NUMBER AND DATE 21*2020 76-4537 P200000.3496 S09076 $589.02 CHECK NUMBER 8748-00108 ON ACCOUNT OF U.S. TREASURY DATE /S/ FOR: W. CORY, LTC,FC FINANCE OFFICER BY FOR$589.02 X
Have the check corrected. 8748- 00108 JOY BULL John H. Cory, LTC, FC, FAO $*****589.20 $589AND02/100 1113550 0144-447 DV #750153 final 10 AUG ** FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY /S/ 999-00-6178 Sign the check. Void the check. Have the check corrected. 8748-00113 1113550 0144-447 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY
800003 25JUL 5 Aug AT LV MC TRAVEL VOUCHER OR SUBVOUCHER $282.55 17. DURATION OF TDY TRAVEL 18. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES TRAVEL VOUCHER OR SUBVOUCHER Read Privacy Act Statement, Penalty Statement, and Instructions on back before completing form. Use typewriter, ink, or ball point pen. PRESS HARD. DO NOT use pencil. If more space is needed, continue in remarks. 28. AMOUNT PAID $282.55 19. GOVERNMENT/DEDUCTIBLE MEALS 3. FOR D.O. USE ONLY (6) Reimbursable Expenses (7) Total (8) Less Advance (9) Amount Owed (10) Amount Due Exception to SF 1012 approved by GSA/IRMS 12-91. Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) 1. PAYMENT 15. ITINERARY 21.a. APPROVING OFFICER SIGNATURE 14. HAVE HOUSEH OLD GOODS BEEN SHIPPED? (X one) (1) Per Diem (2) Actual Expense Allowance (3) Mileage (4) Dependent Travel (5) DLA 2. TYPE OF PAYMENT (X as applicable) Member/ Employee a. DATE b. PLACE (Home, Office, Base, Activity, City and State; City and Country, etc.) FT CARSON, CO CA c. MEANS/ MODE OF TRAVEL d. REASON FOR STOP e. LODGING COST f. POC MILES ACCOMPANIED b. RELATIONSHIP c. DATE OF BIRTH OR MARRIAGE UNACCOMPANIED 8. DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER & AREA CODE 9. TRAVEL ORDER NUMBER 195-17, HQ FT CARSON 12. DEPENDENT(S) (X and complete as applicable) 11. ORGANIZATION AND STATION HHC 1/50th FA FT STEWART, GA 31314 10. PREVIOUS GOVERNMENT PAYMENTS/ ADVANCES NONE 13. DEPENDENTS' ADDRESS ON RECEIPT OF ORDERS ( Include Zip Code) 7. ADDRESS. a. NUMBER AND STREET b. CITY 4. NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial) (Print or type) BOCKANKAMP, PAUL F. 5. GRADE E-7/SFC c. STATE d. ZIP CODE 6. SSN 999-00-4887 TDY Other b. NATURE OF EXPENSE c. AMOUNT d. ALLOWED d. COMPUTATIONS a. D.O. VOUCHER NUMBER c. PAID BY b. DATE a. DATE b. NO. OF MEALS 20.a. CLAIMANT SIGNATURE / S / 8 Aug ** 16. POC TRAVEL X one) OWN/OPERATE PASSENGER 24. COMPUTED BY DD 23. COLLECTION DATA 25. AUDITED BY 26. TRAVEL ORDER POSTED BY 27. RECEIVED (Payee Signature and Date or Check No.) 22. ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION 21*2010 01-401 P1431-21P4 S****9 $282.55 FOR INSTRUCTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY a. NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial) $4.20 $1.00 $15.00 $3.00 TAXI-QTRS TO AIRPORT TIP TO SKYCAP-COL SPRGS ( 2 BAGS) TIP TO SKYCAP ATL(2 BAG) TAXI-A/P TO FT STEWART 25 JUL ** 5 Aug ** TRNSP CTG: 242.85 P/D 5 Aug 19.50 ET: 10 ATT: 1 b. SUBVOUCHER NUMBER Dependent(s) ARR DEP COLORADO SPRINGS, CO ATLANTA, GA SAVANNAH, GA FT STEWART, GA CP e. SUMMARY OF PAYMENT YES NO (E xplain in Remarks) DLA PCS 20** DD FORM 1351-2, JUL 2004 (EG) PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF DD FORM 1351-2 AND 1351-1 MAY BE USED UNTIL SUPPLY IS EXHAUSTED. Split Disbursement: Amt to Govt Tvl Charge Card $ Payment by Check 12 HOURS OR LESS MORE THAN 12 HOURS BUT 24 HOURS OR LESS MORE THAN 24 HOURS USAPA V1.00 $19.50 $262.05 /MNT/ 8748-00109 10 Aug ** 800003 23rd Fin BN (FWD) Detachment A APO AE 09808 DSSN: 8748 10 Aug ** HHC 1/50th FA FT STEWART GA 31314
Have the check corrected. 8748- 00109 PAUL F BOCKANKAMP John H. Cory, LTC, FC, FAO $*****282.55 $282AND55CENTS 08 10 ** 1113550 0144-447 DV #800003 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY /S/ 999-00-4887 Sign the check. Void the check. Have the check corrected. 8748-00 1113550 0144-447 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY
Check For Cash (CFC) Request Form Date: 9 AUG ** Cashier/CCO: PFC WALTERS Organization Requesting CFC: AAFES, CAMP BUSTER Denominations: 100’s: $2,700 50’s: $3,250 20’s: $3,420 10’s: $1,930 5’s: $ 655 1’s: $ 94 Total: $12,049 Cash Verified by: PFC WALTERS CFC Received by: AMY FITZHUGH, AAFES Manager Check #: 8748-00110 Date: 10 AUG **
Have the check corrected. 8748- 00110 AAFES, CAMP BUSTER John H. Cory, LTC, FC, FAO $*****12049.00 $12049AND00/100 08 10 ** 1113550 0144-447 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY /S/ Sign the check. Void the check. Have the check corrected. 8748-00 1113550 0144-447 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY