Medicaid Managed Care Expansion Presentation to the Texas Council of Community MHMR Centers November 2010
Expansion Counties Within the Year Contract amendments with existing health plans in each service area Replaces PCCM in those counties Operational September 2011 Bexar Service (STAR and STAR+PLUS) Bandera Harris Service Area (STAR and STAR+PLUS) Austin Wharton Matagorda Jefferson Service Area (STAR and STAR+PLUS) Chambers Hardin Jasper Jefferson Liberty Newton Orange Polk San Jacinto Tyler Walker Lubbock Service Area (STAR) Carson Deaf Smith Hutchison Potter Randall Swisher Nueces Service Area (STAR and STAR+PLUS) Brooks Goliad Karnes Kennedy Live Oak Travis Service Area (STAR and STAR+PLUS) Fayette El Paso Service Area (STAR) Hudspeth
“Contiguous” Counties: September 2011 Service Area County STAR STAR+PLUS Bexar Bandera X El Paso Hudspeth Harris Austin, Wharton, Matagorda Jefferson Chambers, Hardin, Jasper, Jefferson, Liberty, Newton, Orange, Polk, San Jacinto, Tyler, Walker Lubbock Carson, Deaf Smith, Hutchinson, Potter, Randall, Swisher Nueces Brooks, Goliad, Karnes, Kennedy, Live Oak Travis Fayette Bexar Service (STAR and STAR+PLUS) Bandera Harris Service Area (STAR and STAR+PLUS) Austin Wharton Matagorda Jefferson Service Area (STAR and STAR+PLUS) Chambers Hardin Jasper Jefferson Liberty Newton Orange Polk San Jacinto Tyler Walker Lubbock Service Area (STAR) Carson Deaf Smith Hutchison Potter Randall Swisher Nueces Service Area (STAR and STAR+PLUS) Brooks Goliad Karnes Kennedy Live Oak Travis Service Area (STAR and STAR+PLUS) Fayette El Paso Service Area (STAR) Hudspeth
November 14, 2018
Joint Reprocurement Standard process up for renewal STAR, STAR+PLUS and CHIP current service areas Plan for additional counties and benefits The following areas have been identified as potential STAR+PLUS expansion areas due to the size of their SSI population and ability to support at least two managed care organizations: El Paso and Lubbock
Expansion of STAR and STAR+PLUS into South Texas Requires legislative direction for Cameron, Hidalgo and Maverick 13 counties 350,000 new members In the LAR for March 2012 Centers Impacted: Coastal Plains (Brooks, Duval, Kenedy, Live Oak) Tropical Texas (Cameron, Hidalgo, Willacy) Border Region (Jim Hogg, Starr, Webb, Zapata) Camino Real (Maverick, McMullen) Projected Savings $140 million over 5 years Prohibition against the use of health maintenance organizations in the Valley Texas Government Code Sec. 533.0025. DELIVERY OF SERVICES. (e) Notwithstanding Subsection (b)(1), the commission may not provide medical assistance using a health maintenance organization in Cameron County, Hidalgo County, or Maverick County. Brooks South Texas Cameron South Texas Duval South Texas Hidalgo South Texas Jim Hogg South Texas Kenedy South Texas Live Oak South Texas Maverick South Texas McMullen South Texas Starr South Texas Webb South Texas Willacy South Texas Zapata
PCCM converts to EPO Savings in the LAR HHSC will include in joint procurement All non-HMO counties Implications: No guarantee for monthly PCP fee Providers contract and bill health plans not TMHP for covered services (not MH Rehab/CM)
Prescription Drug Carve-In LAR has savings attached for a March 2012 Implementation Implications: Physicians will have more PA processes and/or different PA processes for a consumer Pharmacies will bill multiple HMOs not TMHP
Bottom Line Unless the legislature acts to stop HHSC’s Medicaid Managed Care expansion plans, all centers will be contracting with HMOs for Medicaid “card” services. Operational start dates as early as September 2011 for some, and by March 2012 for everyone else.