Listing Process Mastery Program Sales Leader Briefing © Copyright (2014) Weichert Co. Morris Plains, N.J., USA All rights reserved. Any form of reproduction or distribution is strictly prohibited. Each WEICHERT franchised office is independently owned and operated.
Agenda Overview & preparing YOU to deliver Gaining the Sales Associates’ Commitment Key Actions Video Taping Preparing for the Call Sessions Customize the Workshops & Materials
Listing Mastery Program Overview Focused on prospecting, perfecting the presentation and winning more listings Four workshops, meet weekly Three-month commitment to the program where teams meet weekly to prospect and compete for a prize Incentive for attending every session, meeting weekly and securing 2 listings. Stage Setting: Program, Teams, Contest Set-up Market Update Differentiation and our Process Video Practice Call Session & Prize Session 1: Getting Started & 2-Step The 2-Step Roll up our Numbers, Team Prize Value Statements Video Practice Call Session & Prize Session 2: Prospect & Present Feature Bridge Benefit Roll up our Numbers, Team Prize Key Sales Skills: Customization is the Way Create Value Statements Getting to Yes (Closing) Engage Defer MRC Demo Call Session & Prize Session 3: Customize Your Presentation Roll up our Numbers, Team Prize Teams Present and are video taped Practice debrief in large group after each team presents Call Session & Prize Session 4: Practice Makes Perfect Six Distinct Advantages 3
Listing Mastery Workshop Results thru Dec 2013 High-Sponsor Offices Office Date Started Prev Yr thru Dec 2012 Current Yr thru Dec 2013 % Var Burke, VA 2/21/13 153 216 41% Bethesda/CC, MD 5/16/13 82 105 28% Chadds Ford, PA 3/4/13 196 259 32% Pike Creek, DE 9/11/13 20 36 80% Toms River, NJ 4/9/13 261 343 31% Forked River, NJ 3/6/13 166 224 35% Summit, NJ 1/9/13 73 125 71% TOTALS 951 1308 38% High-Sponsor Offices: Sales Manager heavily involved in planning & delivery Actively engaged in each workshop Meeting with teams, encouraging prospecting beyond the workshops Implementing the 3-month contest and keeping track of teams/points All Offices* YTD % Var 86 Offices 13% *Note: Tracking only when program was implemented compared to prior time-period (e.g., Started in March 2013, then tracking is March through Dec 2012 compared to March through Dec 2013.
Preparation leads to SUCCESS! Promote the program and get Sales Associates to commit (if you have at least 30% of your office participating, your numbers will increase). Lead with energy and enthusiasm Add examples, bring forward success stories, motivate the teams PREPARE for this and you will have SUCCESS!!
Key Points on Content Differentiation Isolation Effect: be the red dot amid a sea of white blocks Michelle Church’s technique: meet in the office for the 2nd step Sales Skills: Defer Open-ended and Close-ended questions
Closed vs. Open-Ended Questions Close-ended Open-ended Gather specific information Gain client agreement Confirm a client’s need Change subjects (guide the conversation) Typically begin with: Is . . . Do or Did … Will or Can … Would … Gain insight and deep understanding Encourage client to talk freely about needs, preferences and concerns Typically begin with: How… What… Describe … In what ways . .
Helping them Improve their Delivery Video tape Ask key questions so they can self-assess Provide a 3-step structure to help them to be compelling in their delivery for any given page: Lead with an OPEN-ended question Share a VALUE statement Close
Communication Breakdown Over the phone, the tone of voice and words become more important. The face-to-face meeting makes communication more effective and the visuals become most important.
Focus on Prospecting Roll up their number EACH week: 1st Step 2nd Step Use MRC to customize Open House held
Core Workshops Supplemental Workshops and Materials
Download and Edit these Files
Promote the Program Edit these Slides for Managers to use in Weekly Sales Meeting Promote through eMails to Associates. Edit Date, Time, Place Edit this document with your dates/time and you sign and they sign to commit to the program
Gaining the Sales Associates Commitment Use the Sales Associate Commitment Document If they can’t commit to all four session dates, invite them to attend the next offering. It’s like Sweathogs (only we pay THEM instead of having them pay $900). We offer prizes, incentives, team spirit, accountability, presentation skills practice with feedback, prospecting tips, etc.
Secure Their Commitment! Get their commitment! You’re spending $$ on them. In return, they owe you their time and complete engagement in the activities.
Sales Manager’s Key Actions Send an email to your RVP requesting approval to cover the program costs. As expenses are incurred, you will process payment through the Concur system as a Payment Request, attaching the RVP approval email Set dates and promote the program Create balanced Teams and choose your Team Leaders wisely. Add their names into Session 1 Order materials from Rachel Siconolfi (give her # of participants and location for delivery of materials) Secure prizes for Call Sessions, Weekly Team Prize, 3-Month Listing Contest Prizes (change prizes, incentives, etc. to meet your budget and goals)
Sales Manager’s Key Actions Customize the slides (in purple text) Prepare for Call Sessions Deliver Sessions Keep attendance (use the Attendance Sheet) Meet weekly with each Team through the 3-month contest (to keep the momentum going, help them to prospect) Keep track of Team’s progress and points (EVERY week – use the Tracking Sheet to do this) Give Winning Team their prize ($50 Weichert Design Center credit and Team Luncheon) Give all eligible* participants their incentive (choice of 8 Open House Signs directional signs or $150 credit in Weichert Design Center) *Must attend all four workshops, meet weekly in teams and secure 2 listings within contest period.
$150 Incentive – Open House Signs Sales Associates who attend the four workshops, meet weekly with their teams and secure two listings within the contest period earn their choice of 8 Open House Personalized Signs OR $150 in Weichert Design Center Marketing dollars Open House Signs Manager completes the Sign Order form on Attach order form to a copy of the approval email and send to Anna Cooper in Operations Anna will order the signs for you
$150 Incentive – Weichert Design Center Sales Associates who attend the four workshops, meet weekly with their teams and secure two listings within the contest period earn their choice of 8 Open House Personalized Signs OR $150 in Weichert Design Center Marketing dollars $150 Marketing Dollars for Weichert Design Center Contact Rachel Siconolfi with the names of the winning associates Rachel will ask Marketing to set up the $150 credit for the associate in the Weichert Design Center. The associate can then access the Design Center and use this $150 credit
Determine Your Budget We recommend 5 to 6 sales associates per team Determine cost for your Listing Contest (5 team members win $XX prize) Materials cost ($16 per participant includes Listing Mastery Guide and Value Story Guide) Video Camera and Memory Card costs Determine cost for your Call Sessions (We give a $10 prize at each Call Session – that’s $40 for all four workshops) Determine cost for Team Prizes in weeks 2, 3 and 4 of the workshops. Decide if you will be providing lunch during the four workshops. Decide if you want to provide an incentive (e.g., attend all four workshops, meet weekly in teams and secure two listings during the contest period and receive an incentive)
Costs for Program – send to RVP in email for approval COSTS FOR LISTING MASTERY BASED ON 20 PARTICIPANTS Incentive 8 Open House signs or $150 for Weichert Design Center $ 3,000.00* Weekly Call Session prizes - $10/wk $ 40.00 Team Prizes (based on 5 per team) Weeks 2, 3 and 4 based on 5 prizes per week for 5 team members for winning team. Purchase small gifts from $5 Below, etc. $ 100.00 End of 3 mo. $50 Gift Card & Lunch $ 450.00 Materials Participant Guide and Value Story Guide ($16/each) Vendor = Pixel Print $ 320.00 Lunch $150 per session (maximum - may be less) $ 600.00 $ 4,510.00 *NOTE: Only those associates who attend all sessions, complete all assignments, and secure 2 listings in 3 months are eligible for this incentive
3-Month Listing Contest We ask the teams to meet once a week to work together and prospect They should focus on prospecting activities Ask the Team Leaders to give you their points each week using the Weekly Team template
3-Month Listing Contest You can copy and paste into the master Tracking Sheet for the duration of the contest. This will keep a running total of how your teams are doing week by week and cumulatively.
Choose your Team Leaders Identify Team Leaders and enlist their help: Positive Come to office Meet with their teams weekly for 3 months Roll up of stats for the team at each workshop and through the 3-Month Listing Contest Alert Manager if anyone is off track Have a Team Leader Meeting in advance to ask for their help
Keep Track of Attendance Attendance Sheet Sales Manager groups Sales Associates into teams Create this Attendance Sheet and have Sales Associates initial by their name for EACH session they attend
Video Taping Video taping is a critical component of the program . It will help your sales team get better in their presentation skills. Purchase cameras and upload videos. You can save $$ by sharing cameras across the region.
Equipment Video Cameras: Direct link to Amazon where you can order video cameras AND memory cards. You need the memory cards to save the video files or you will run out of file space. Need cameras and memory cards? Order from
Video Practice Set Up Don’t tell them in advance they will be video taped. AT THE SESSION, take some time to mentally prepare your sales associates to be video taped. Most won’t like this part of the program (uncomfortable). Explain that the video will be private to them to review and analyze their style and approach. Don’t share the videos with anyone without the explicit permission of the sales associate.
Video Logistics Need breakout space so Sales Associates can video each other in teams in private. Use conference rooms Sales Manager’s Office Private office with door
Video Sharing Follow the GoogleDrive Instructions (on the web page) to share videos. OR Upload to YouTube and create an “unlisted channel” so only they have access to the link. If you don’t want to upload, simply save the file on a thumb drive and give to the sales associate to view privately.
Video Logistics Suggestion: Pool resources and share the cameras regionally Transfer videos from the Cameras to your desktop in a folder titled 1st Video Session or 2nd Video Session, or Final Video Session Rename the Files: Anita 1st Video, Mary 1st Video, etc. Why? Easier for you. Upload them to GoogleDrive or a PRIVATE YouTube Channel. Generates a URL and anyone you send the URL to can view the videos. Send only to sales associate who did the video so s/he can view.
Five Key Questions . . . Please respond to my questions below and send it back to me. I’ll give you my feedback after you assess your video. What’s your style? What did your body language and facial expressions convey to the Seller? (for example, did you come across as Competent yet approachable? Define YOUR style). Did you smile? How was your energy, enthusiasm and passion for your topic? How do you feel you did in making it a conversation with the Seller? Did you ask any OPEN-ended questions? (this week, you’ll learn why that’s so important) Did you share the VALUE you provide in the area you chose to discuss? (how does the seller BENEFIT from the service you discussed in your video? Again, you will talk more this week on this). Finally, did you CLOSE (ask the Seller for agreement on what you shared)?
Ask them for their Feedback First Use this template to paste into your email when you mail the link to their video. It contains the five questions to ask your sales associates (see previous slide)
Feedback for the Sales Associates Constructive Feedback that’s not “punishing.” Helpful – adjust your dialogue, try this, avoid this, etc. Tip: Use the Video Feedback Sampling for ideas. Tip: Use the Value Story Guide for suggestions on dialogue & techniques
Materials Production/Distribution Rachel oversees production and distribution of materials. Listing Mastery Participant Guide and Value Story Guide. $16 per participant YOU need to tell her, 10 days in advance of the first session: Number of participants Location of the workshops where you want the materials DELIVERED with a contact name VERIFY the materials have arrived prior to your first session
Customize the Workshop & Materials Key Market Statistics: Nov 2014 Local Market Statistics Key Market Statistics: Nov 2014 Town Total Listings Under Contract Last 30 Days Months of Supply/ Absorption Rate Chadds Ford 294 45 6.5 Fort Washington 84 15 5.8 Media 156 28 5.5 Paoli 178 33 5.4 Pike Creek, DE 243 64 3.8 West Chester 391 78 5
Playing the Videos For all the videos you will be playing, make sure you download them to your desktop in a folder called “Workshop Videos.” Either Play them from this folder, NOT from the powerpoint or insert them into the file (if you know how and test it)
Preparing for the Call Sessions Preparing lists of people to call is the most time-consuming of the preparation. Most successful Call Session? Manager researched FSBOs and Expireds. Prepped Just Solds with Multiple Offers. Really prepared for success. Use the Calling Guide to give them dialogue (it’s the last section of the Listing Mastery participant guides)
Monroe NY’s First Call Session
Sources of Phone Numbers Sales Manager leads Call Sessions. Ask everyone to call the “hot” neighborhoods with Just Solds, Under Contracts & Multiple Offer situations. Need to prepare this/research and hand out AT THE SESSION. After session 1, ask Sales Associates to bring in their own call lists; Sphere of Influence, Open House Guest Registers for past six months, InActive Leads from WLN (seller leads), etc. Research FSBOs and Expireds. FSBO sites provided in the Resources section of the Listing Mastery participant guides.
What is Cole Realty Resource? Fast Track Facilitator Notes Session 7: Focusing on Sellers What is Cole Realty Resource? Cole Realty Resource is a phone number directory vendor Weichert University has a partnership with. They provide phone numbers within a radius of a particular address. Cole will provide your sales associates a 30 day free trial. Weichert University February 2007 42
What are the Benefits of Cole Realty Resource? Fast Track Facilitator Notes Session 7: Focusing on Sellers What are the Benefits of Cole Realty Resource? These directories make for enhanced call sessions. Compliant with Do Not Call. Students bringing downloaded lists to call sessions can make calls faster. Weichert University February 2007 43
Getting Trial Access for Cole Realty Resource Fast Track Facilitator Notes Session 7: Focusing on Sellers Getting Trial Access for Cole Realty Resource Get this information from attendees in advance if possible. E-mail the list to (In Excel format please) with the heading: Weichert trial xxx office. Attendees will receive an e-mail with log-in information within a couple of days. Weichert University February 2007 44
Questions . . . What specific questions do you have?