Taking Your Home to Market Be sure to tie in benefits, not just features. Use your top 4 or 5 marketing pieces, trial close, then pull out more if you need to. Keep it somewhat short and expand if needed. Show the sellers examples if you have an internet connection (don’t forget about web enabled phones too). Shorewest.com, guided home tour, MyShorewest, etc. Customize by adding in your own information.
How We Can Help You… Best Marketing Most Services Skill and Expertise To achieve the highest sale price and fastest selling time. Let’s take a look at what we offer…
Shorewest.com Most Visited Real Estate Website in WI Easy Search Features Photo Slideshow Guided Home Tours™ MyShorewest Show them shorewest.com (MyShorewest, guided Home Tour, etc.) on your computer, their computer, or your smartphone! Over 90% of buyers start their home search on the internet Benefits of shorewest.com: Most visited real estate website in Wisconsin 85-95% of listing views are through shorewest.com Easy search features More Information on homes – photo slideshow, guided home tour, community information, financing information Bigger and higher quality photos Buyers can sign up for MyShorewest where they can track market activity in an area and set price trackers on specific houses. Agents are able to see how many buyers’ searches match their listings and what price trackers have been set for their listings. It helps keep a pulse on the marketplace. Attracting more buyers than anyone else to get your home sold faster and for more money. Shorewest.com
Connecting With More Buyers Mobile Site Iphone and Droid App Listings on YouTube 24-Hour Bilingual Hotline Show them mobile site, YouTube, or text the hotline! I want to share with you some of the technology we use to attract more buyers… Benefits: Mobile site enables buyers to search for homes anywhere with their web enabled phones. Iphone and Droid app that buyers and other agents use to find our homes. Buyers can call or text the hotline and get information, have information texted to them, or connect directly with an agent while they are still in front of the house. I get a list of who has called/texted the hotline and follow up with them. Buyers know that they can get information immediately with Shorewest and not have to wait for an agent to get back to them.
Shorewest TV Reaches over 900,000 homes Multiple channels On demand Time Warner Cable Charter Features: Our version of the home shopping network. Reaching hundreds of thousands of prospective buyers.
How Buyers Found Their Homes Comprehensive marketing program based on statistics from National Association of REALTORS 2011 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers. Our marketing strategy includes the sources where buyers are looking for their homes. Internet is the biggest and that is where we direct the majority of our marketing efforts This graph is good to use if you are asking for 7% or 8% because it shows the importance of marketing to other agents too. With the yard signs you can point out how visible ours are and that they are everywhere!
Most Services… Working Hard for You More Qualified Buyers Family of Companies Working Hard for You More Qualified Buyers Family of Companies Benefits: Heritage Title Services – Immediate support for all of our seller’s title needs. Wisconsin Mortgage Services – Bringing better qualified buyers
Relocation Network Largest relocation network - US 550 top real estate firms 30+ countries More internet exposure Leading Real Estate Companies of the World – Largest relocation organization in the US – bringing in more buyers transferring into the area. This is beneficial to talk about if you know you are up against a national franchise.
Home Services Center Assistance before, during and after your transaction. You can use this slide if you want to pull HSC out separate from the Services slide. Benefits: Helping our client’s make a smooth transition Free lifetime access In-house team of personal assistants Free Gas & Electric utility transfers Continuous customer satisfaction tracking
Skill and Expertise Negotiation Expertise Best price Successful closing Home Enhancement Setting your home apart from the competition Room by room tips Shows what I/we do specifically to help get your home sold. Negotiation Expertise: Give the seller an example of how you are going to negotiate for them. When an offer comes in: Thank the other agent. Good relationship/get them working with us. Gather comps to send along with a counter. We want to show the buyer that the seller’s house is the best value when compared with the buyer’s other choices. Write a letter to the buyer. Home Enhancement: Room by room Tips to make your home the most appealing to buyers. If there are other homes in a similar price range, we want yours to stand out. If you have any staging experience or designations, talk about how you can help the sellers.
Skill and Expertise Communication Listing Activity Reports emailed weekly Ongoing communication Smooth Transaction Hiring the Shorewest team Closing Services You can focus on the move Communication: Insert any of your own ways that you keep in touch with the seller. If communication is a hot button – show them an example of a LAR Smooth Transaction: Lots of eyes on the paperwork. They are not just hiring you they are hiring the Shorewest team. Insert your own slides or materials about your skill and expertise.
More sales than our next three competitors combined! Benefits: We sell more homes than any other company in Wisconsin. We have helped more families… We have more listings, more signs, and more buyers than any other company in Wisconsin. Use local market graphs too (available on shorewest.net - Marketing Materials - Market Share Graphs).
At Shorewest You Get The Best Of Both Worlds A Family-Owned Company Friendly Service Personal Touch & Biggest, Most Successful Real Estate Company in Wisconsin Fastest Best Results The seller gets a whole team working for them. We know our marketplace, we are local. Get our seller’s homes sold quickly and for the best possible price. Show the seller the CMA after this. Consider pulling it up on the computer instead of having a printout.