Weather and Water
Evaporation The process in which liquid water becomes water vapor
Humidity The water vapor in the air
Relative Humidity The amount of water vapor in the air compared to the amount of water vapor needed to saturate the air at a give temperature; expressed as a percentage
Condensation The process in which water vapor becomes liquid water
Condensation nucleus A small particle on which water vapor condenses
Cloud A visible accumulation of water on condensation nuclei, either as liquid or ice, usually high in the air
Precipitation Any form of water that falls from the sky/clouds
Rain Liquid form of precipitation. It stays liquid from beginning to end.
Sleet Precipitation that starts out as a liquid but freezes on the way down from the cloud to the Earth.
Hail Precipitation in the form of balls of ice. Freezes in the clouds
Freezing Rain Liquid precipitation that freezes on contact once it has landed on surfaces on Earth (Cars, trees, grass, concrete)
Entrance Card Assessment April 24, 2013
What is the process in which water vapor becomes liquid water called? Question 1 What is the process in which water vapor becomes liquid water called? Evaporation Precipitation Condensation None of these are correct
What is the process in which liquid water becomes water vapor called? Question 2 What is the process in which liquid water becomes water vapor called? Evaporation Precipitation Condensation None of these are correct
What does water vapor attach too to become liquid water again Cloud Question 3 What does water vapor attach too to become liquid water again Cloud Condensation Nucleus (Nuclei) Precipitation None of these are correct
What is any form of water that falls from the sky/cloud called? Question 4 What is any form of water that falls from the sky/cloud called? Evaporation Precipitation Condensation None of these are correct
What falls from the sky as water and freezes before it reaches Earth? Question 5 What falls from the sky as water and freezes before it reaches Earth? Hail Rain Sleet Freezing Rain
Entrance Card Assessment Answers April 24, 2013
What is the process in which water vapor becomes liquid water called? Question 1 What is the process in which water vapor becomes liquid water called? Evaporation Precipitation Condensation None of these are correct
What is the process in which liquid water becomes water vapor called? Question 2 What is the process in which liquid water becomes water vapor called? Evaporation Precipitation Condensation None of these are correct
What does water vapor attach to to become liquid water again Cloud Question 3 What does water vapor attach to to become liquid water again Cloud Condensation Nucleus (Nuclei) Precipitation None of these are correct
What is any form of water that falls from the sky/cloud called? Question 4 What is any form of water that falls from the sky/cloud called? Evaporation Precipitation Condensation None of these are correct
What falls from the sky as water and freezes before it reaches Earth? Question 5 What falls from the sky as water and freezes before it reaches Earth? Hail Rain Sleet Freezing Rain
Run Off When rain lands or snow melts and the water flows, it carries with it anything it touches. For example: -Oil from shingles on the house -Fertilizers -Dirt/sand
Photosynthesis A process used by plants to convert water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight into carbohydrates and oxygen.
Transpiration The release of water from plants as a product of photosynthesis.
Temperature A measure of kinetic energy of the molecules of a material or substance.
Thermometer An instrument to measure temperature
Dew Point The temperature at which a volume of air is saturated with water vapor; condensation occurs when the temperature drops below the dew point.
Dew Water that condenses on surfaces when the temperature drops below the dew point.
Frost Frozen dew. This occurs when the dew point is below 0oC (32oF)
Water Cycle Project
In any means you deem school appropriate, i. e In any means you deem school appropriate, i.e.: Song, Comic, Video, Rap, creative story, etc. NOT AN ESSAY!!! tell the story of a drop of water as it goes through the water cycle. The story must start and end in a toilet. The story must include: Criteria
Evaporation Condensation Precipitation Condensation Nucleus Run Off Transpiration At least an area of 500 miles Condensation Precipitation Dew Condensation Nucleus Dew Point Frost Run Off Temperature Photosynthesis
Due Date
Water Cycle Quiz April 24, 2013
What is the process in which water vapor becomes liquid water called? Question 1 What is the process in which water vapor becomes liquid water called? Evaporation Precipitation Condensation None of these are correct
What is the process in which liquid water becomes water vapor called? Question 2 What is the process in which liquid water becomes water vapor called? Evaporation Precipitation Condensation None of these are correct
What does water vapor attach too to become liquid water again Cloud Question 3 What does water vapor attach too to become liquid water again Cloud Condensation Nucleus (Nuclei) Precipitation None of these are correct
What is any form of water that falls from the sky/cloud called? Question 4 What is any form of water that falls from the sky/cloud called? Evaporation Precipitation Condensation None of these are correct
What falls from the sky as water and freezes before it reaches Earth? Question 5 What falls from the sky as water and freezes before it reaches Earth? Hail Rain Sleet Freezing Rain
What happens when the temperature falls below the dew point? Question 6 What happens when the temperature falls below the dew point? The air absorbs more water vapor and it condenses into clouds The air absorbs more water vapor and it condenses onto any surface The air releases water vapor and it condenses into clouds The air releases water vapor and it condenses onto any surface.
Which statement is true? Question 7 Which statement is true? The higher the temperature the less water vapor the air can hold before it is saturated The lower the temperature the less water vapor the air can hold before it is saturated Temperature does not affect how much water vapor the air can hold
What is relative humidity? Question 8 What is relative humidity? The amount of water vapor needed to saturate the air half way The amount of water vapor in the air compared to how much is needed to saturate the air The amount of condensation on surfaces compared to the amount of water vapor in the air.
What is true about convection? Question 9 What is true about convection? Air rises from an area of extreme heating until it cools then falls back to Earth. Air rises from an area of extreme cooling until it heats up and then falls back to Earth Convection is a process that is not understood by scientists.
Entrance Card Assessment Answers April 8, 2013
What is the process in which water vapor becomes liquid water called? Question 1 What is the process in which water vapor becomes liquid water called? Evaporation Precipitation Condensation None of these are correct
What is the process in which liquid water becomes water vapor called? Question 2 What is the process in which liquid water becomes water vapor called? Evaporation Precipitation Condensation None of these are correct
What does water vapor attach to to become liquid water again Cloud Question 3 What does water vapor attach to to become liquid water again Cloud Condensation Nucleus (Nuclei) Precipitation None of these are correct
What is any form of water that falls from the sky/cloud called? Question 4 What is any form of water that falls from the sky/cloud called? Evaporation Precipitation Condensation None of these are correct
What falls from the sky as water and freezes before it reaches Earth? Question 5 What falls from the sky as water and freezes before it reaches Earth? Hail Rain Sleet Freezing Rain
What happens when the temperature falls below the dew point? Question 6 What happens when the temperature falls below the dew point? The air absorbs more water vapor and it condenses into clouds The air absorbs more water vapor and it condenses onto any surface The air releases water vapor and it condenses into clouds The air releases water vapor and it condenses onto any surface.
Which statement is true? Question 7 Which statement is true? The higher the temperature the less water vapor the air can hold before it is saturated The lower the temperature the less water vapor the air can hold before it is saturated Temperature does not affect how much water vapor the air can hold
What is relative humidity? Question 8 What is relative humidity? The amount of water vapor needed to saturate the air half way The amount of water vapor in the air compared to how much is needed to saturate the air The amount of condensation on surfaces compared to the amount of water vapor in the air.
What is true about convection? Question 9 What is true about convection? Air rises from an area of extreme heating until it cools then falls back to Earth. Air rises from an area of extreme cooling until it heats up and then falls back to Earth Convection is a process that is not understood by scientists.
What is weather?
Weather The state of the atmosphere at a given time A description of the weather includes observations and measurements of temperature, precipitation, air pressure and cloud cover. Weather changes from day to day and season to season
Is our weather normal for this time of year?
Climate Weather conditions over a long time. Climate helps to describe a region Climates change, but over years or centuries not days
Severe Weather Weather that is dangerous or causes damage
Name some types of severe weather
Severe weather Tornados Hurricanes/Cyclones Thunderstorms/floods Blizzards Dust storms
Hurricanes Form over oceans Water temperature of 27 degrees C (81 degrees F) Low pressure Cause damage due to wind and water
Meteorology The study of Earth’s weather A person who studies weather is called a Meteorologist What do we call someone who studies the climate?
Weather Tools Thermometer Temperature Hygrometer Humidity Wind Vain or compass Anemometer Barometer Visibility Temperature Humidity Wind direction Wind speed Air pressure Fixed point in the distance
Temperature Average kinetic energy How hot/cold the air is
Humidity The amount of water vapor in the air
Wind Direction The direction the wind is coming from
Wind speed How fast the wind is blowing
Air Pressure The force of air pushing in all directions
Visibility The distance a person can see through the air.
Our Atmosphere Permanent Gases Variable Gases 0 – 7% Water Vapor 78% Nitrogen 20% Oxygen And other gases Variable Gases 0 – 7% Water Vapor 0.01 – 0.1 % Carbon Dioxide And other gases
Atmosphere Many Layers Troposphere: Closest layer Where weather occurs Stratosphere: 10-50 KM above Earth Ozone layer Jet Stream Airplanes fly here
Atmosphere Continued Thermosphere: Least understood Air is very thing Region of the atmosphere first heated by the Sun Up to 1500 degrees C or hotter Ionosphere: Large number of electrically charged ions
Atmosphere Part 3 Exosphere: Atoms and molecules escape into space 300-600 KM above Earth
What causes the seasons?
What ways is heat transferred?
Conduction Convection Radiation
Conduction Transfer of heat energy by touching
Convection The transfer of energy/heat though a fluid, like air
Radiation The transfer of heat/energy from a single source such as the Sun.
Air Mass A large body of air with uniform temperature and humidity. Air masses have distinct boundaries and can extend hundreds or thousands of KM over Earth’s surface Can reach up into the Troposphere
3 Types of Air Masses Tropical Warm air Polar Cold air Arctic Extremely cold air