NRL Coupled Model Activities Mesoscale: COAMPS ® – Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System air-ocean coupled system in OPTEST: operational January, 2012 air-ocean-wave coupled system in development: operational 2013 Global: NAVGEM/HYCOM air-ocean coupled system at proposal stage, new start 2013 coupling will be similar to what is being done in COAMPS Arctic: HYCOM/CICE ocean-ice system in OPTEST: operational January, 2012 COAMPS® and COAMPS-OS® are registered trademarks of the Naval Research Laboratory.
COAMPS Air-Ocean Coupling obs, remote sensing, text GLOBE WVS Climo User configurable 1, 6, or 12 hr atm update cycle Local Data ESMF CAGIPS NOGAPS NAVDAS COAMPS® SST Analysis coupler SST, SSH ICE, PROF, SHIP, GLDR NCODA NCODA Convert T/S/U/V NCOM Bathy/Clim BC/IC DATABASE GDEM MODAS DBDBV DBDB2 OSUTide Rivers NCODA QC NCOM Setup Local Data GOFS COAMPS® and COAMPS-OS® are registered trademarks of the Naval Research Laboratory.
The COAMPS atmospheric setup screen (a) and the NCOM ocean setup screen (b). Currently, the atmosphere domain is setup first, and then the ocean domain is configured. The COAMPS panel (a) shows the opening screen with the task tabs along the top. The NCOM panel (b) shows the model namelist customization option tab.
Coupled COAMPS Air-Sea-Wave Interface Physics ATMOS internal nested grids atmos exchange grid ESMF interface OCEAN ocean exchange grid WAVE ocean feedback module atmos feedback module sea level pressure, surface wind stress, surface heat flux, surface moisture flux, shortwave radiation Charnock sea surface temperature 10-meter wind sea level, surface current Stokes drift current, wave radiation stress gradient, bottom orbital wave current DRIVER / COUPLER atmos & wave feedback used in ocean update & mixing subroutines fluxes computed in surface subroutine using ocean & wave feedback Current COAMPS coupler contains no physics, it only acts as a router performing a re-grid function between any two components
NRL Coupled Data Assimilation Activities ENSEMBLE-AR: New ensemble-based 4D hybrid variational analysis system Based on NAVDAS-AR – weak constraint 4DVAR used in Navy NWP Flexible / Unified system can run coupled or atmosphere-only or ocean-only generates ensemble based covariances from model (coupled or uncoupled) or imports pre-calculated covariances (static ensemble) combines ensemble covariances with static covariances from existing ocean/atmosphere variational analysis systems in new hybrid scheme adaptive localization for attenuating spurious covariances associated with small ensembles extension to 4D straightforward for flow dependent covariances Some ONR funding (FY11-FY13) to build ENSEMBLE-AR framework (Craig Bishop, NRL MRY lead) Many R&D issues to address