Study Slides for Exam 4
Know this! Signal direction Dendrites Cell body Axon Signal pathway Figure 27.2 Structure of a motor neuron Synaptic terminals Supporting cell Nucleus Myelin sheath Figure 27.2
Know this! Cerebrum Cerebral cortex Forebrain Thalamus Hypothalamus Pituitary gland Figure 27.10 The main parts of the human brain Midbrain Pons Spinal cord Medulla oblongata Hindbrain Cerebellum Figure 27.10
Know this! Left cerebral Right cerebral hemisphere hemisphere Corpus callosum Thalamus Figure 27.11 A rear view of the brain Cerebellum Medulla oblongata Figure 27.11
Know this! Frontal lobe Parietal lobe cortex So sensory ma to otor association area Somatosensory association area Speech Taste Reading Speech Hearing Visual association area Smell Auditory association area Figure 27.12 Functional areas of the cerebrum's left hemisphere Vision Temporal lobe Occipital lobe Figure 27.12
Know this! Choroid Sclera Retina Muscle Ligament Cornea Iris Optic nerve Pupil Aqueous humor Figure 27.18 The human eye Lens Vitreous humor Blind spot Figure 27.18
Know this! Inner ear Outer ear Middle ear Pinna Auditory canal Stirrup Eardrum Skull bones Anvil Auditory nerve, to brain Eustachian tube (a) Ear structure Hammer Figure 27.23 An overview of the human ear Eardrum Eustachian tube Cochlea (b) The middle and inner ears Figure 27.23
Know this! Figure 27.26 Skull Shoulder girdle Clavicle Scapula Sternum Ribs Humerus Vertebra Ulna Radius Pelvic girdle Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges (curled under) Figure 27.26 The human endoskeleton Femur Patella Tibia Fibula Tarsals Metatarsals Phalanges Figure 27.26
Know this! Cartilage Spongy bone (contains red bone marrow) Compact bone Central cavity Yellow bone marrow Figure 27.28 The structure of an arm bone Fibrous connective tissue Blood vessels Cartilage Figure 27.28
Know this! Biceps relaxed Biceps contracted Triceps relaxed Triceps Figure 27.30 Antagonistic action of muscles in the human arm Triceps relaxed Triceps contracted Tendon Figure 27.30