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The instructor can enable on a per course basis New Canvas Gradebook The instructor can enable on a per course basis
Important Notes TA’s also have the ability to enable it Mimics the current view but has added features Gradebook menu displays the various Gradebooks that may be available in a course: Learning Mastery (if enabled), Individual View, and Gradebook History. View menu includes multiple options to sort and filter assignments The Actions menu displays options to import a Gradebook CSV, or export the Gradebook CSV
Important Notes The New Gradebook offers crosshairs and highlighting for improved orientation. Additionally, each row includes alternating colors to help with navigation The Search field supports searching for users by user name All options available in the Settings menu in the current Gradebook have been repurposed in the New Gradebook View menu. Future releases will include additional features in the Settings menu.
Accessibility The New Gradebook includes the following keyboard shortcuts: s : Sort the grid on the current active column; applied sorting is by grade (low to high) m : Open menu for the active column esc : Close the currently active menu g : Go to the current assignment's detail page c : Open the grade detail tray
Assignments Each individual assignment column options include sorting by grade (low to high, high to low), missing status, and late status. Other features include Message Students Who, Curve Grades, Set Default Grade, Mute Assignment, and Download Submissions (if applicable). Clicking the name of the assignment will open the assignment details page. Each assignment defaults to the grade display set in the assignment. However, the Enter Grades as menu allows the assignment grade to be viewed by points or percentage. For Letter Grade or GPA assignments, the grade can also be displayed by grading scheme. Changing the Enter Grades display option is for grading convenience only and does not affect the actual grade.
Grades Management Grades and comments can be easily added to any assignment for any student using the grade detail tray, which can be accessed by clicking any cell in the Gradebook. The grade detail tray displays a grading summary by assignment and student. Like in SpeedGrader, an instructor can click the next and previous links at the top of the tray to advance to another student. The Gradebook also allows advancing directly to another assignment as well. Currently SpeedGrader can only be accessed for an assignment from the Gradebook through the grade detail tray. The grade and status for the assignment grade can be manually changed to late, missing, excused, or none. The late status includes the option to set the number of days that have passed since the assignment was due. This option is applied in the Late Policies feature. Late Policies will allow an instructor to create a grade deduction automatically applied based on the number of days the assignment is late. Comments can be entered via the grade detail tray.
Students Grades When New Gradebook is enabled, the student Grades page includes the status column. The status displayed in the Gradebook displays in the Grades page, which can include late and missing labels. Excused assignments also display in the Score column. Any online assignment that is automatically marked by Canvas as late or missing can be manually changed by the instructor in the Gradebook.
Future Feature Enhancements The New Gradebook will continue to receive additional feature enhancements over future releases as indicated in Release Notes. Improved Grading Scheme selection on assignments. More total viewing options, replacing 'Treat Ungraded As Zero'. Resizing of the total column in the gradebook. Total grade adjustment. 'Message Students Who' for gradebook totals. Turn off automatic calculation and manually enter totals. Add more notes columns in the gradebook and export all note columns. Add a couple points for all students on an assignment in bulk. Option to hide points and/or percentages from students. Grading Schemes export as they’re shown in gradebook. Updated search allows searching for students & assignments.