Psalm 57:5-11 ( Tune: Amazing Grace) Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 57B Music: Amazing Grace, New Britain Arrangement: Chris Reeves
1. O be ex – alt - ed high, O God! A- bove the heav - ens stand. And let your glo - ry be a - bove all earth, both sea and land.
2. They spread a net be - fore my steps, My soul bowed down with dread. But though they dug a pit for me, in it they fell in - stead.
3. My heart is fixed, my heart is fixed, O God I’ll sing, I’ll praise. My glo - ry wake! Wake heart and life! At dawn my song I’ll raise.
4. And I will ren-der thanks to You a- mong the peo- ples, Lord; And I a-mong the na - tions will in psalms my praise re - cord.
5. Your stead- fast love and mer- cy great a- bove the hea - vens rise. And your un – fail - ing faith – ful - ness ex - tends un - to the skies.
6. O be ex – alt - ed high, O God! A- bove the hea - vens stand. And let your glor - y be a - bove all earth, both sea and land.