Paris, Monday 22nd March, 2010 ESWeP and SPENVIS Michel Kruglanski Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB) workshop Recent advances in Space Weather products and services
Paris, Monday 22nd March, 2010 ESWeP and SPENVIS European Space Weather Portal Initiated by COST 724 Action Space Environment Information System ESA Operational software
Paris, Monday 22nd March, 2010 European Space Weather Portal (ESWeP)
Paris, Monday 22nd March, 2010 ESWeP: Overview ESWeP = centralized access point by and for the European space weather community –Links to SW resources –Access to models –Document repository –Forecast previews –Outreach section
Paris, Monday 22nd March, 2010 ESWeP: recent changes SW Document repository –SOTERIA project ( Solar-terrestrial investigations and archives, FP7) contact: D. Berghmans (ROB) Forecast previews –Plasmapause location contact: V. Pierrard (BIRA-IASB) –SEP event contact: M. Núñez Paz (UMA)
Paris, Monday 22nd March, 2010 Space Environment Information System (SPENVIS)
Paris, Monday 22nd March, 2010 SPENVIS: Overview SPENVIS = user-friendly human interface to models of the space environment and its effects. –From model to model Trajectory generator Space environment Environmental effects –For each model Input parameters Model run Report, results & plots –Rapid analysis of problems related to: cosmic rays, solar energetic particles, natural radiation belts, magnetic fields, space plasmas, upper atmosphere, meteoroids and debris, illumination –Extended help Model Input Output ReportPlots Model Output Model
Paris, Monday 22nd March, 2010 SPENVIS: recent changes (version 4.6.3, February 11, 2010) Extending to other planets (Mars, Jupiter) Space environment –Earth radiation belts: IGE2006/POLE –Solar energetic particles: PSYCHIC model (Xapsos et al.) –Cosmics rays: ISO-15390; Nymmik et al 1996 Environmental effects –Solar cell radiation damage: RDC converter; displacement damage dose –SEU rate: GaAs device; additional algorithms –Surface charging: Burkes equation; auroral environment Geant4 tools (simulation of radiation transport) –Magnetocosmics; Planetocosmics –Interface layout; geometry definition
Paris, Monday 22nd March, 2010 Conclusion: Enjoy ESWeP and SPENVIS at