Created by Lori Sekhr 2016 South Lake High School FSA ELA Reading Created by Lori Sekhr 2016 South Lake High School
General Testing Information The FSA exam consists of three testing sessions. The first session evaluates students on writing standards, the second and third evaluate reading standards. In order to receive an FSA score, students must take all three test sessions. The reading sessions take place on two consecutive days. Sessions consist of a 180 minute computer based exam. Students will have the opportunity to log-in to the testing interface for practice using the testing tools before their exam day. You MUST pass your FSA ELA Reading Exam to graduate high school
Types of Texts that May Appear on the Exam Primary Sources (historical documents, essays, letter, journals, diaries) Articles (magazine, newspaper, editorials, encyclopedia) Functional Materials (consumer documents, embedded graphics and text, how-to articles, brochures, schedules, web pages) Literary Nonfiction (biographical sketches, diaries, essays, critiques) Literary Fiction (short stories, poetry, historical fiction, fables, folk tales, legends, myths, drama)
What will the Reading and Language Component Most Likely Include? Passages of 350-1400 words Grade-level complexity Hot Text—Click on words, phrases, or sentences or drag and drop items into a chart Multiple Choice—Select the one correct answer Multi-Select—Select all correct answers or a specified number of correct answers Open Response—Type an answer in the box Two-Part Hot Text-two questions, the second built on the first, often open response and hot text, multiple choice and hot text, or two open response questions Proofreading—Click on each of five highlighted sections of text and type the section correctly
Hot Text Multiple Choice
Open Response Multi- Select
Edit Response/Proofread
What DOK Level Will Questions Be? DOK Level 1: 10-20% of the questions: recall, restate, tell identify define who, what, where, why and when list, arrange label use
DOK Level 2: 60-80-% of the questions Predict Modify Estimate Compare Relate Interpret Distinguish Infer Use context clues Construct Graph Summarize
DOK Level 3: 10-20% of the questions develop a logical argument draw conclusions cite evidence investigate critique hypothesize Formulate Assess
FSA Achievement Levels Inadequate: Highly likely to need substantial support for the next grade Level 2 Below Satisfactory: Likely to need substantial support for the next grade Level 3 (Passing) Satisfactory: May need additional support for the next grade
Achievement Levels continued… Proficient: Likely to excel in the next grade Level 5 Mastery: Highly likely to excel in the next grade
FSA Scale Scores for Achievement Levels Grade 9 ELA Grade 10 ELA Level 1: 276-327 Level 2: 328-342 Level 3: 343-354 (passing) Level 4: 355-369 Level 5: 370-407 Level 1: 284- 333 Level 2: 334-349 Level 3: 350-361 (passing) Level 4: 362-377 Level 5: 378-412
Your Assignment Today….. Consider the reading instruction you have received and the work you have done to improve as a reader. Do you feel you are prepared to be successful on the FSA English Language Reading Exams Part I and Part II? Why or why not? In what areas do you excel? In which could you use more review and instruction? Write your response on a sheet of notebook paper. This will serve as your assignment for today and will be submitted to your English instructor.