Northern Kentucky Law Review 2018-2019 Summer Assignments
Student Notes All associate editors are responsible for writing a 25-35 page student note Most of the work will be done over the summer Topic assignments will be issued asap
Topics General Topic by Professor Doyle
Topics Cont. 2 notes chosen from each topic for publishing May vary Symposium topics come with an opportunity to present
Picking Your Topic Good Topics: Preemption Check Topics can evolve Current and Newsworthy KY-specific issues Preemption Check Your topic should be original Scour secondary sources to make sure yours is unique Place alerts on your searches Topics can evolve
Abstracts Once you have completed your preemption check you will send an abstract to your senior editor Summary of your article (1-3 paragraphs) Draw in your reader Due July 9th
Bibliography & Outline Give an idea of where your Note is headed Make sure you have enough source material As you write your note, you might alter the direction of your paper—but it is still important to take this seriously Due July 16th
First Draft Due August 10th Take your outline and turn it into a 25-35 page article Almost every sentence should have a footnote
Note Format Basic Format: I. Introduction II. Background III. Discussion of Case, Circuit Split, etc. IV. Analysis V. Conclusion
General Information All work will be submitted to your assigned Senior Editor He or she will email back with comments/edits Submitting work on time is important for AWR Research Credit Final drafts will be due after Senior Editors have a chance to review your work and give meaningful feedback
Questions? Contact one of us or your senior editor