Key Performance Indicators on Company Scorecard AGL Resources AGA Conference Washington D.C. September 2015
Operational KPI’s
Going Beyond Operational KPI’s Have you ever asked? What happened this month? Why didn’t we get our work plan completed? Why is overtime running so high this month (or year)? What effect is my turnover having on my ability to get the work completed?
Going Beyond Operational KPI’s Forecast Plan/Schedule Execute Review Forecaster Region Director Ops Supervisor Finance Historical - Volumes & Hrs. - Headcount attrition skills Planned OT Sourcing Monthly Hours Payroll $$ Region Director Resource Mgt. Ops Supervisor YTD Volumes Hours MTG / WTG Re-smooth Flexing Planned OT Sourcing Monthly Targets Weekly Targets Scheduler Dispatcher Ops Supervisor Morning Report Morning Call Must Do Flexing Map Based - Orders - Techs Dashboards Utilization % Efficiency % Region Director Resource Mgt. Finance Wrench Variance - Volumes - TTC / MPU Non-Wrench Variance - Absence - Training - Non-Prod - Payroll OT Variances Feedback Performance Mgt.
Supply / Demand….The Basics SUPPLY (people) DEMAND (work) Forecast Supply = Demand Based Supply Hrs. Total Supply hrs. Demand Hrs. Volumes (by order type) TTC (by order type) Adj Head-count X 2080 hrs. = + OT hrs. = = X Historical Avg CTS Smoothing Avg by SC Wrench Drive Non-wrench Hrs. Wrench hrs. Absence hrs. Reduces base supply to about 1,250 hours per employee Training hrs. Non-prod hrs. Contractor Supply Contractor Volumes
Basic Assumptions- Demand Customer Generated Work Volumes Compliance/Maint Work Volumes Historical “Times to Complete” (TTC) Serv center specific Historical averages Any other known variables Monthly allocation based on history Serv center specific Fwd looking based on known volumes (Compliance tracking system) Used to smooth work month to month, but with compliance date in mind Serv center specific Wrench time + drive time 6, 12, or 18 month average Balancing Supply & Demand
Basic Assumptions- Supply (available resources) Wrench Hours Non-Wrench Hours Serv & Safety training Consolidated & Dev training Other (OQ, etc) Serv center specific Head count by skill type (base hours) Identify head count to exclude (special projects) Identify anticipated changes (retirement, attrition) Understand plans & timing of open positions Understand expected mix changes Training Vac, sick, wellness, funeral, etc Holidays: excluded from macro supply Absence Maint: 2hr/EE/mo. Meetings: 6 hrs/EE/mo. Start/Stop/Break: 1-1.25 hrs/day Other: Off-route, record keeping: 4 hrs/mo. Non-Productive Balancing Supply & Demand
Review Example
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