21st Century Skills Kihei Charter School
The Big 8 Information Skills Communication Skills Thinking and Problem Solving Skills Interpersonal Skills Self-Direction Skills Global Awareness Financial, Economic, and Business Literacy Civic Literacy and Engagement
Information Skills Students will apply relevant computer and handheld technology across the curriculum, and they will integrate new technologies. Students will also read and understand a wide range of literary and informational text for a variety of purposes. Students will apply a variety of appropriate research methods across the curriculum.
Communication Skills Students will be able to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences for different purposes using oral, written, and non-verbal communication.
Thinking and Problem Solving Skills Students will demonstrate thinking and problem solving in all curricular areas through projects, application of the scientific method, higher order math skills and literary analysis.
Interpersonal Skills Students will demonstrate respect and positive interpersonal skills throughout all areas of their lives. The students will successfully work cooperatively as a member of a variety of teams.
Self-Direction Skills Students will demonstrate their ability to understand and monitor their own learning needs and to goal-set.
Global Awareness Students will demonstrate an understanding of thinking, motivations, and actions of different cultures and countries in order to successfully navigate and respond to communities and workplaces extending beyond their neighborhoods.
Financial, Economic, and Business Literacy Students will demonstrate an understanding of business processes, entrepreneurial spirit, and the economic forces that drive today’s economy. The students will also be prepared to make appropriate personal economic choices.
Civic Literacy and Engagement Students will demonstrate an understanding of and the ability to analyze and participate in government and in community, both locally and globally, in order to shape the circumstances that impact their daily lives and the lives of others.