Psychology Mr. Carola 2007 - 2008
What is Psychology? Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental process. The primary focus of this course is to introduce numerous topics in human behavior and development. By doing so, it may potentially enrich your own life through the understanding of psychological principles.
Topics of Study
Unit 1: Introduction to Psychology Why study psychology? History of Psychology Psychology Professions Scientific Method Research data and analysis Statistical Evaluation
Unit 2: The Life Span Infancy & Childhood Cognitive and emotional development Adolescence Physical, personal and social development Adulthood & Old Age
Unit 3: Workings of the Body and Mind Nervous system The brain Sleep and dreams Hypnosis and Meditation Senses and Sensations Perception
Unit 4: Learning and Cognitive Process Classical and Operant Conditioning Social learning Memory and thought Thinking and problem solving Motivation and emotions
Unit 5: Personality and Individuality Characteristics of tests Measuring intelligence, achievement, and abilities Personality testing Theories – Psychoanalytic, Learning, Humanistic, Cognitive and Trait
Unit 6: Adjustment and Breakdown Stress and health Psychological disorders – anxiety, schizophrenia, mood disorders, drug addiction. Therapy and change.
Unit 7: Social Psychology Individual Interaction Relationships Group behaviors Conformity and obedience Attitude formation and change
Grading Policy Tests………………………………35% Projects…………………………..35% Psychology Journal…………..15% Quizzes……………………………15%
Psychology Journal A journal of psychology related articles with written summaries will be graded each marking period. At the end of each marking period there must be 7 articles and summaries. This will total 21 summaries for the entire course. Each week you will submit and present to the class 1 article and summary. You will determine the relationship of the article to the field of study that is being covered.
Textbook The textbook will be used to supplement classroom activities. Although used regularly, they will not be distributed for home use. By student request the may be checked out periodically.
Classroom Expectations Be on time to class. Bring all materials & be ready to work Respect your peers Be attentive (no sleeping) Remain seated until the bell rings. You are responsible for seeking absentee work. No hats, cell phones, headphones, etc. Do not write on desks Be responsible for yourself.
Teacher Contact… Call the High School 497-2200 or Email: Email can also be accessed via the course web site on the High School’s web page.