Application Instructions
A good proposal… Tackles a problem that imposes a meaningful burden on patients or the health care system… … and propose solutions which would potentially transform the way the disease is treated Is based on a hypothesis for a disease’s root cause leading to: … identification of people who are at risk for the disease, throughout the disease progression pathway ... determination of triggers for disease procession … methods to track/monitor disease initiation and progress ... development of potential interventions to prevent, interrupt or reverse the disease process Demonstrates a path to de-risk key questions resulting in both quick wins as well as a transformational approach for the disease state
Key Questions to Address in your Application … and things to consider when answering the questions! Key Question #1: WHAT WILL YOUR PROPOSAL LEAD TO? What Disease are you focusing on? What is your Approach to the problem? What is the core Hypothesis that the proposal is built upon? Key Question # 2: WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? What Burden does this disease place on the Healthcare System / Patient? Why is this problem Important? If you are successful, are there other diseases that this learning could be applied to? / How will this Proposal help achieve a World Without Disease (WWD)? Where is Value generated for Healthcare payers / Patients? / How can this Value be captured in Singapore? Key Question # 3: WHAT IS / ARE YOUR SCIENTIFIC HYPOTHESIS (ES)? What is the Root Cause of this disease ? / How will you prevent, intercept or cure the disease? What are the Advantages of this approach over the current treatment standards or a “wait and treat” approach? How does this Solution Fit into the overall WWD model? How will you identify / engage the healthy / high risk / diseased populations? How will you monitor progression? What will the solution(s) look like? Is there any human Evidence for these hypotheses? Key Question # 4: WHAT DOES YOUR COMPETION LOOK LIKE? What are the Alternatives to your proposed approach? Who is on your Team? What Assets do you have access to or can leverage to accelerate this project? Is there any IP associated with the core idea(s)? Who are the KOLs in this field / What directions are they taking / How is your approach similar/different? Do you have Other Funding for this idea (e.g. public grants / research organizations / companies?) Key Question # 5: WHAT ARE THE CRITICAL MILESTONES FOR THIS EFFORT? What is your Project Plan (timeline, milestones, budget…) to answer your key questions? What would be the Time to Translate these hypotheses into human trials? Are there areas of the hypothesis that remain as Key Questions? Risks? What is the first “Deliverable” that could result from this effort?
Key Points to Note in your Application Guidelines to Constructing your Proposal The proposal should … … address the five Key Questions; … be framed in the World Without Disease (WWD) language vs. current Health Care Paradigm … support the WWD Vision An Executive Summary should be provided in narrative form. The format for answering the questions should be in the simplest form that communicates the proposal. Keep to no more than 5 slides in PowerPoint format (exclusive of references) Clearly differentiate what is hypothesis from what is known Wherever you state a recommendation, e.g. “The team should include….”, please note that the “why” is as important as the “what” Provide references / support wherever possible