Team 6-4 Explorers 2017-2018 Ms. Cole – Team Leader, Science/Social Studies Mrs. Fehrenbacher – Math Miss Lehfeldt – English
What does class look like for your 6th grader? Bell Work / Warm Ups / Bell Ringers Practice, Practice, Practice! – Behavior, Procedures, Classwork, Homework, SLANT Assessments (Tests, Quizzes, Science Labs, Reports, Reading Studies) Science Labs Extra Mile (Math) Partner Work / Independent Work SEEK Class – This class is last period each day. It is NOT a study hall. It is an opportunity to work on character education lessons, enrichment / remediation activities, etc.
Homework Folder PURPLE FOLDER given at registration. Students place homework for ALL class periods in this folder. This folder has an “Assignments To Do” pocket and a “Work To Turn In” pocket (Think: “Completed Homework Pocket”) Our Team 6-4 Behavior Sheet is also stored in this folder. It will change colors for each quarter. PURPLE HOMEWORK FOLDER should be brought home every night and viewed by parent(s) every evening.
Please check your student’s Passport nightly. PASSPORT purchased at registration. Students use these for various reasons: Passes Schedule Calendar Written planning book for classwork and homework in each class Please check your student’s Passport nightly.
Team Behavior Expectations: The 4 Be’s… Be KIND: to each other and BEMS’ Adults. Be RESPECTFUL: Respect the teacher, yourself, and each other. Be PREPARED: pencil, paper, books, passport, etc. Be RESPONSIBLE: Complete your homework. Turn in your best work. Actively participate and follow directions/procedures. On individual work time, stay on task and try your best. Leave your area as you found it (or better).
Our Team Website:
Mrs. Fehrenbacher, Math 6 & Math 7 New to East Middle School and excited to be here! University of Southern Indiana Graduate 4th Year Teacher BEMS Girls Assistant Track Coach Coffee Lover – Any Coffee, Any Kind Email:
Math Binder Why is it necessary? What is the difference between a math binder vs. a trapper keeper? How will it be used in class? Does my student need to bring it home?
Homework Homework is given most days in math Typically, math homework should take 15-20 minutes Time (10-15 min.) will be given in class each day to begin homework Homework is graded in class Graded for completion – NOT accuracy Absent students can check absent folder for late work when they return Missing work is recorded as a 0 in PowerSchool. It will also be a signature on their behavior sheet. Gradebook updated DAILY!
Quizzes, Test, Grades Homework/Classwork & Participation = 5 points Quizzes will given weekly Tests are given at the end of a unit or chapter Students will be given a study guide for tests that are worth a bonus point Point Breakdown Homework/Classwork & Participation = 5 points Late work is ACCEPTED for partial credit. Bell Ringer = 10 points weekly (90 points total for a quarter) Quiz = “Brain Check” = 25-45 points Test/Exam = 100 points
Miscellaneous Extra Credit: Bell Ringer Graph that students complete each week 9 points a quarter 36 points total for the year ONLY EXTRA CREDIT OFFERED PowerSchool and Weebly site is updated daily Check Behavior Management Sheets weekly Final Exams =14% of SEMESTER grade 1 before Christmas 1 before End of School Final Exams do not effect quarter grades, it will be separate.
Math Links Does your child need more math practice? Try our Math Symbaloo page for many different website options. Website also shown in Class Syllabus and online on our weebly
Ms. Lehfeldt, English 6th Year Teacher. Franklin College Graduate Cross Country and Track BEMS Cross Country and Track Head coach Starbucks Coffee Fanatic Email:
Materials Needed English Journal (kept in my classroom) Prefer it to be composite but it may be spiral Trapper Keepers not needed. Novels (5 this year and will be given out prior to starting) Among the Hidden So B. It Freak the Mighty This Side of Paradise (in class novel) Maniac Magee
Homework Essays periodically and will be worked on the majority of class time Reading assignments Tests/Quizzes Worksheets Reading Studies
Miscellaneous Quizzes and Tests will be given no later than a week notice. No extra credit Student is responsible for picking up their absent work and filling out their passport accordingly Scholastic Order Forms are in my room; Class Order Code is Online – Please check my website Email is best contact information, as I typically respond as soon as I can. Remind: @English6-4
Ms. Cole, Science & Social Studies Taught Last 14 Years In Brownsburg; Began Teaching Career In Texas Indiana University Graduate (Bachelors & Both Masters) Rescue Dog Advocate McDonald’s Coffee Lover Email:
Materials Needed Science or Social Studies Textbook (Classes rotate every 4 ½ weeks.) Science or Social Studies Folder, Notebook, Pencils, Pens, Paper (No binders needed.) BEMS’ Passport and BEMS’ Homework Folder
Homework Assigned regularly – check your student’s Passport nightly in addition to my website. Students will be given some time at the end of each class to begin their homework and seek further clarifications. Excessive amounts of missing work and/or late assignments will result in consequences and a decreased grade. Per 6th Grade Department Policy, extra credit is not given.
Miscellaneous Quizzes and Tests will be given no later than a week’s notice. (NO Final Exams given in these classes for 6th grade.) Student is responsible for picking up their absent work and filling out their Passport accordingly. Email is the best contact, as I respond as quickly as I can.
Mrs. Otts – Math 7 Course Point Breakdown ABOUT ME: Remind info: Bell Work / Weekly Work Homework Quizzes/ Tests Online Math textbook Semester Exams Point Breakdown Homework/Classwork & Participation = 5 points Bell Ringer = 10 points each week Weekly Word = 10 points each week Quiz- “Quick Checks” = 25-45 points Test = 100 points Very similar to the other 6th grade math teachers ABOUT ME: 6th year teaching Math at EAST MS Teaching 1st period only 2 kids, Mila (3), Parker (10 months) Remind info: Text @ottsmath67 to 81010 Please check passports for daily assignments. Website: Ways to Contact me: Email (best way) 852-2386 ext 2235
Questions? FYI: PowerPoint is posted on the team site if you would like to reference it at any point.