The Epic of Gilgamesh Miss Johnson
The Epic of Gilgamesh The most famous piece of Sumerian literature (Mesopotamia) Written 2100 B.C. by the Babylonians Tells the story of Gilgamesh, King of the city of Uruk who ruled in 3rd Millennium B.C.
Tigris, Euphrates, red sea, Persian gulf, Mediterranean sea, Caspian sea, indian ocean, tarsus mountains, zagros mountains, Syrian desert, arabia, city of Babylon, city of ur, city of sumer, city of uruk
Sumerian Gods Babylonians repurposed Old Sumerian Gods Nammu: primordial waters An: sky Ki: earth Enlil: god of air Equivalent of Zeus or Odin Ninlil: goddess of air Inanna: goddess of love and fertility Babylonian Ishtar Ereshkigal: goddess of the underworld Enki: trickster god Babylonians repurposed Old Sumerian Gods
Broken into twelve tablets Carved on stone stele Stele: an upright stone slab or column typically bearing a commemorative inscription, relief, or design Greek Stele “standing black” Broken into twelve tablets
Cuneiform Sumerian system of writing Developed around 3500-3000 B.C. Wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets made by reeds Began as pictographs but developed into phonograms Pictograph: a picture symbolizing a word or phrase Latin Pict “to paint” Similar to Hieroglyphics Phonogram: a symbol representing a vocal sound Greek Phone “voice”
Epic Poem Lengthy narrative poem The hero Serious subject Medias Res: beginning a story by plunging into the middle of the action Latin In Medias Res “in the midst of things” Writing style of lofty elevated Invocation of the muse The hero Is of national or even cosmic importance Embodies the values of the civilization Encounters gods and monsters Shows great valor during heroic deeds or events; superhuman courage Trip to the underworld Often significant to a culture or nation
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