Recent work on education and training statistics Marco Serafini ETS WG meeting 20 June 2014, Eurostat
Recent work Statistics and indicators on IVET and CVT Medium term skills demand and supply forecast Skill mismatch survey (eu-SKILLS)
VET Statistical Overviews 2013 A statistical publication including 32 relevant indicators on VET systems using comparable data (mostly ESS sources) Data relevant for various users aiming to help monitoring developments in VET One overview per country (3 pages): one chart, one table, one page of text
VET Statistical Overviews 2013 Publication available in printed and on line version Extra info available on line Ongoing work for next release (with new data available) Ongoing work for its twin publication (one overview per indicator)
Statistical highlights Short statistical articles on selected indicators Replacing former “Statistics of the month” Less frequent, longer, still concise and user friendly Only available on line, Cedefop home page Last issues: Stem (UOE), Literacy levels of VET graduates (PIAAC) All issues available at
Attractiveness of IVET Attractiveness of initial vocational education and training: identifying what matters A study on attractiveness of IVET Reflecting on the factors affecting the image of (and the participation in) initial vocational education and training. Using data from various international sources (ESS, OECD, Eurobarometer) and qualitative information on policies (case studies for selected countries ). Available at:
Skills forecast Medium term forecast (up to 2025) for the following aggregates: employment, labour force and job openings (econometric modelling based on a ESS sources) Main breakdowns include: sector, occupation, educational attainment Work done to deal with new ISCO 08 Ongoing work to incorporate new Europop
CVTS and AES Analysis of job-related learning and vocational training in Europe using CVTS and AES data First, publication expected in December 2014 (key indicators, trends and breakdowns on incidence, participation, costs, intensity, obstacles) Second publication in 2015 (multivariate modelling based AES, CVTS selected topics)
Skill Mismatch Survey About 50 000 adult employees across all EU Member States have been surveyed The survey will examine skill mismatch: reasons and extent of the phenomenon (patterns, dynamics) and consequences (job satisfaction, wages, intention to quit, skills atrophy). Self assessed approach. Field work almost ended. Cedefop will present the findings in 2015
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