The Provisional Government & its problems
The Provisional Government COPY ME DOWN Formed Feb 1917 from a temporary committee of Duma deputies. Mission was to manage Russia’s transition from tsarism to government by an elected Constituent Assembly. Had no mandate and exerted little power. Most followed its orders only when they were acceptable. Petrograd Soviet, a representative council of 3,000 delegates, also challenged the government’s authority. Most pressing concern for the Provisional Government was decision to maintain the war effort. Made the government extremely unpopular, particularly in April and again in July.
Problems & threats How can we differentiate threats / problems? Problems that already existed re: governing Russia that the Prov Govt faced upon taking control. Threats that emerged throughout the year as direct challenges to the Prov Govts authority. Some of the Prov Govts making, some outside their control.
Land The peasants were demanding their own land. Peasants in Russia – 19th century
Hunger The workers were demanding food & would riot if they did not get it. Food Line – Petrograd 1917
The War Fight on or make peace?
Socialist revolutionaries The government needed to prevent the spread of support for the Socialists aiming to overthrow it (i.e. Revolutionary Socialists, Bolsheviks)
The government needed to control the armed forces. The army The government needed to control the armed forces.
Land COPY ME DOWN The peasants were demanding their own land. Response: Govt promised to bring in reforms later. Result: Peasants angry at delay. Eventually seized land for themselves.
Hunger COPY ME DOWN The workers were demanding food & would riot if they did not get it. Response: Govt’s powers limited as Petrograd Soviet controlled food supply system. Result: Problem got worse.
The War COPY ME DOWN Fight on or make peace? Response: Govt decided to fight on in order to honour Russia’s commitments to her allies, Brit & France Result: Failure of ‘June offensive’. Further Russian defeats. Collapse of discipline & morale in army. ↑ anger at home. ↑ popularity for Bolsheviks who demanded peace.
Socialist Revolutionaries COPY ME DOWN The government needed to prevent the spread of support for the Socialists aiming to overthrow it (i.e. Revolutionary Socialists, Bolsheviks) Response: To create more democratic society the govt: Allowed free speech. Allowed a free press. Released political prisoners. The govt. used the July Days to arrest Bolshevik leaders but did not suppress the movement. Result: Socialist Revolutionaries were free to criticise the govt & spread their ideas.
The army COPY ME DOWN The government needed to control the armed forces. Response: Troops obeyed Petrograd Soviet’s Order No. 1. Refused govt orders which contradicted those of the Soviet. Result: The Petrograd Soviet, not the govt. controlled the armed forces.
Threats that emerged COPY ME DOWN Lenin’s return – The ‘April Theses’ - ↑ support for Bolsheviks The July Days Kornilov Revolt