Soil Stewardship the Economical Way How to keep our educational programs going with a tight budget. Guides to printing materials in publisher and word in your local office. NACD Marketplace—Printing locally– and partnership with your local schools the smart board way.
All conservation districts are different from state to state and from office to office. But most have word or publisher on your computers. Set up a NACD marketplace account Order what materials you are going to use with this years Soil Stewardship theme. You will receive an email immediately with downloads of each item. Open the email and click the download booklet or materials desired. Once downloaded, the file should appear in your Downloads folder on your computer or wherever you elected to save it.
Downloads as pdf. Saved again as jpg. Each page.
Continued downloads of Soil Stewardship Materials.
Printing Soil Stewardship Materials in Word Document Soil Stewardship guide to printing booklet in WORD (example Level 1) This is after you have ordered your Soil Stewardship materials from the NACD marketplace and received the email with down loads. You have clicked the booklet you want to download, the file should be in downloads file on computer. Go to downloads files and find the booklet, it will be in PDF format. Right click on the file, open it up, and save it as JPEG or JPG file. Converting the file format will save each page of the original PDF separately as JPG or JPEG files. So you can do to the download file to insert page into the word document. Blank document Insert more commands: Multiple pages icon, for your quick access toolbar. Page layout: Size 11x17 or legal preference Orientation: Landscape Margins: Custom, Top-bottom-left-right—0.02 –OK Turn on Ruler: View, check ruler so you can use to match pages if need.
Word Document continued For second page, click below outside of margin, then you can insert another blank page, at top left. Sometimes three pages come up, just back space to get rid of 3rd page Insert , picture, downloads Start with page 2, layout options, (In Front of text, then the Move with text will be selected. Close Move page 2 to right side of page Insert page 1, alien as needed Insert page 3, again, layout option, (In Front of text, then the Move with text will be selected.
Word document continued Move page 4 to right Insert page 3 alien as needed File, check paper size, landscape, (print on both sides, flip on short sides), then print. 4 page booklet 1-2 3-4 8 page booklet 1-2 5-4 3-6 7-8
Publisher version of Soil Stewardship Materials Order Soil Stewardship materials off NACD Market place. This takes setting up a name and password. Once you put an item in the cart and go to checkout it will ask you to register or login if you already have an account set up. An email will come very quickly with the download item you ordered. Hit download in the email-the booklet or material should save in your download files. Go to your download files and find your booklet or material. It will be in pdf format. Save as jpeg format. This will save each page separately. Then go to your publisher. Select: more blank pages-tabloid landscape 11x17 or 8.5 x14 legal
You should now have one page showing on the left side You should now have one page showing on the left side. 2 pages of booklet will fit on one 11x17 or legal size page. You will have to adjust each 2 pages to fit right on the 11 x17 or legal size (quite a bit). This sometimes takes printing the whole booklet out since your pages don’t look like they will match. You can add as many pages as you need. Click insert and should see page at left top. Click and add as needed. Your first page you will insert booklet page 8 on left and booklet page 1 on right. Second page will insert booklet page 2 on left and booklet page 7 on the right. Third page will insert page 6 on the left and booklet page 3 on the right. Fourth page insert booklet page 4 on left and booklet page 5 on right. If you are ready for printing load your 11x17 or legal paper in printer. Select in printing: print on both sides-flip sheets on short side. Hit print.
Keeping your Soil Stewardship Program going at a small cost you can control. Most of your schools teach with smart boards in the classroom this day and age. Work with your schools to set up a program that works for the local district and the school. Email them your download to use on the smart. Then decide what budget you have for printing materials. I print out one book level for each teacher and I had the teachers books printed in black and white. Then printed a litany for churches. We cut our cost in thirds just having a printing company print book marks, placemats and teachers guides. Depending on your set up on printing at the office it could all be done in house. nacd-stewardship-materials/