Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands The Consolidated Grant at $16,862,340 for SY18-19 is Aligned to the PSS Strategic Priorities By: Tim Thornburgh Date: May 2, 2018 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Public School System Students First Students First
Bottoms-up Planning Process Evidence: Meeting with Ps, & VPs in December, February and March of last year on school choices for grant use of funds for a 3 year grant cycle FY18,19, &20; Ps shared with teachers; Schools shared with PTA.
CG Program with funds allocated to our schools Allocated $4,801,291 for Technology for schools (ipads, DE, printers, etc); Allocated $4,300,000 for schoolwide programs with allocations for each school; Allocated $2,126,722 for Title 1 tutorials and coaching for grades K-3 with the goal of at least 50% of our third grade students reading OGL; Allocated $1,923,364 for 31 class size reduction teachers; Allocated $933,678 for CTE and Co-Op Education; Allocated $759,017 for PD for teachers and school leaders; Allocated $505,140 for wellness programs with PE and nutrition ed; Allocated $299,648 for students competitions; Allocated $198,764 for Community Engagement; Allocated $799,271 for Assessment; Allocated $115,277 for AP Program
Technology @ $4,801,291 Components: 3,000 ipads @ $425/ea and 100 carts @ $1,800/ea = $1,455,000; Ipad student keybord & covercase @ $200 X 3,000 = $600,000 1,200 laptops @$500/ea and 40 laptop carts @$2,000/ea = $680,000; Ed Tech cohort @$6,750/course X 5 courses X 3 cohorts of 26 teachers/cohort plus 78 Mac Air @$1,500/ea = $215,250 Distance Education @$225/semester/per student X 2,000 students = $450,000 Plus Blackboard license @ $20/student X 2,000 = $40,000 Leased networked copiers @$2,735/mo X 12mos. X 30 copiers = $1,022,040 PD for eteachers – exemplar course dev @ $16,750 Plus eteacher certification @ $250/eteacher X 30 eteachers = $7,500 1 Year DSL for schools @$325/mo. X 12 X 20 school sites = $78,000 Network Support for schools @ $110,000 Literacy, STEM, Well Rounded Education, College Pathways and Accelerated learning, Arundel High School, Maryland, 3 GMS, Hawthorne High School, CA 3 GMS, Phoenix Union Bioscience High School 3 GMS.
Schoolwide Program @ $4,300,000 Program: Provides each school with $405/student for supplemental learning materials. With school allocations made to each teacher for learning materials to meet the unique learning needs of each student in his/her class, Each school uses a portion of their SWP for software programs like STAR reading and STAR math, Achieve3000, and online libraries such as Concourse and Safari Montage; Each school uses a portion of their allocation for technology needed by teachers and students for instructional purposes.
Fiscal Responsibility Evidence: Growing our suite of federal funds – increased CG by $1.3M, adding Early Head Start, Rural Development, PREP formula grant and ESSA & CCSSO grants. Growing our suite of local funds through the annual supplemental grant from the casino BGRs that pay for utilities, textbooks, GHLI, building insurance, and facility upgrades for our schools. Annual audit for 3 consecutive years shows clean opinion with no questioned costs. Achieved low risk auditee status – two years back to back.
Safe Schools & Healthy Students Evidence: Promote physical well-being of students through nutrition education and 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous daily exercise (wellness policy), Wellness allocations to schools at $35.67/student with $350,000 budget and $49,103 reserved for AD’s interscholastic sports competitions, Character education programs (Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS), Peacebuilders, Virtues, Character Counts, Mega Skills) at all schools to prevent bullying and to build a safe and supportive school environment, Secured a low interest loan from Rural Development to build some of the needed school classrooms and related school facilities. Peace Builders, Virtues, Character COUNTS, MEGA Skills
High Performance and High Reliability Systems Evidence: PSS is accredited as a system through North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement with AdvancED; first in the Pacific region. Provided access to a challenging high school curriculum as confirmed by 95% of high school graduates going to college and/or joining the workforce, or enlisting in the armed forces, Annual audit for 5 consecutive years has clean opinion with no questioned costs.
Continuous Improvement / Next Steps Working with Partners Evidence: Creating academies focused on career- ready skill development through co- operative education and OJT that results in jobs during school and seamlessly after high school graduation Partnering with the Chamber of Commerce to get youth ready for workforce through mentorship and cooperative education. (Target is 650 students per year & securing private sector jobs for our students)
Conclusion Our SY18-19 CG Plan, which is year two of a three year plan - at $16,862,340 per year, is aligned with the PSS Strategic Priorities, Core Values, Beliefs & Guiding Principles and our five year Accreditation from Advanced Ed. Thank you.