F-Team Back-to- School- Night Mr. Moyer, Ms. Queenan, Mrs. Tsakeris, Mrs. D’Antonio, Mrs. Indeglio, Mrs. Nicoladse / Mrs. Alvarez
Gifted Support Cait Babcock Deb McManus cbabcock@dasd.org dmcmanus@dasd.org 610-646-0080, Ext. 4237 Ext. 4240 Math, Social Studies ELA, Science
Peggy Alvarex (substitute for Amanda Nicoladse) malvarez@dasd.org Curriculum Support Peggy Alvarex (substitute for Amanda Nicoladse) malvarez@dasd.org
Welcome from Dr. Lonardi Back to School Night for Parents https://vimeo.com/283753459
F Team Rules and Policies Our goal is to promote academic success. Organization Sets Tone For Success! Starts at home by having supplies (binder, paper, pencils, iPad, completed homework, etc.) Come to class prepared. End of the day, take home educational items.
Homework Homework Reinforces Learning Expect homework most nights from Monday to Thursday. On occasion, homework weekends Expect about 60 minutes Posted on Schoology and on the board daily.
Absent and Missed Work Students’ responsibility (self advocacy) to find out what they missed by checking Schoology, asking the teacher, have a buddy. Extended absence (3 or more days) work requests should be made through guidance office.
Advisory The Advisory period is from 3:03 to 3:30 each day. It is similar to a study hall during which students can complete homework, get help with homework, and get organized. Students may also make up tests/quizzes during advisory. Some days there will be school-wide activities during Advisory. Some examples include: Practice answering open-ended math questions Digital citizenship activity Special activity in gym/gym time
iPads Distribution and Training 8/30 roll-out in math classes (make-ups on 9/4) 9/6 iPads delivered to homerooms by Advisory 9/7 & 10 Virtual Training during Advisory 9/11 Take home iPads App store
iDo’s and iDon’ts Do charge your iPad every night Do unplug your charger carefully & keep track of it Do updates when requested and approved by MC administration Don’t ask to borrow chargers in school Don’t hide your charger under your bed iPads Face Up/iPads Face Down
iPad Keyboards Suggestion: Some students benefit from using a keypad for iPad typing, especially for lengthy ELA assignments. Not a requirement Amazon has better prices
Schoology Students will be given a username and password to access Schoology Parents may sign up for their own accounts or use your child’s account Accessible on any device with internet connection Students will enroll in each of their courses using an access code provided by their core teachers
Schoology Assignments and Resources Daily homework, assessments and long-term assignments will be posted on the schoology calendar. Teachers may also post important reminders or messages on the Schoology Wall. Teachers will use Schoology as a location for students to access certain materials/resources
F Team Field and Stream Paradise Farm Overnight Field Trip Stream Study Spring Field Trip
EARTH SCIENCE Independent study is available for most units for every student who can show mastery on the pre-test (90%). If your child is an independent learner, masters science concepts easily and/or enjoys a challenge, this may work for her/him. When working on independent projects, students will be in the classroom. Misbehavior or lack of effort can lead to being removed. Students will still participate in labs and certain activities with their science class.