Propaganda Techniques and Persuasive Tactics Shenica Bridges - ESOL, Special Ed. And Reading Teacher
Part to Whole Fallacy Name-calling
Name-calling This is an attack on a person instead of an issue.
Bandwagon 1-10-12 This is an appeal that tries to persuade the reader to do, think or buy something because it is popular or because “everyone” is doing it.
Repetition This is an attempt to persuade the reader by repeating a message over and over again.
Testimonial This is an attempt to persuade the reader by using a famous person to endorse a product or idea (for instance, the celebrity endorsement).
Hero Appeal This is an appeal to someone who is willing to place the survival needs of others above his/her own.
Red Herring This is an attempt to distract the reader with details not relevant to the argument
Sweeping Generalization (stereotyping) This happens when some one makes an oversimplified statement about a group based on limited information
Circular Argument This happens when someone states a conclusion as part of the proof of the argument.