Short introduction to the use of PEARL General properties First tier assessments Higher tier assessments Before looking at first and higher tier assessments, we will show you some general properties of PEARL. Use the mouse to proceed to the next slide Use the Back button of your browser to stop
The PEARL system consists of various components as shown in the figure. As a user, you will communicate with the PEARL User Interface only.
When you start the user interface, you will always enter the main screen. From here, you can access the data, run the model and view the results.
Pearl uses a relational database for data storage. Runs are composed of building blocks at various levels.
The highest level in the database hierarchy is the project level, which allows you to organize the data.
The on-line help function is an important feature of the system. The manual contains guidelines on model-use, derivation of model parameters and background information.
PEARL has a build in viewer. All PEARL graphs can be saved as Enhanced Windows Metafiles, which can be imported in (for example) Word 97
Tier I assessments FOCUS Lets now have a look at the FOCUS scenarios. In the following section, we will show you the most important steps.
Step 1 Add and edit a substance Before you can start using the FOCUS scenarios, you have to add or edit a substance.
Push to add substance
Put in data Additional input sheets Close when finished Add a substance
Step 2 Add and edit an application schedule As a second step, you will have to edit or add an application schedule.
Push to add / edit application
Specify applications and details within scheme Choose or add a scheme
Step 3 Generate runs with the Focus wizard Now the database contains all the required information. You can now generate Focus runs by combining crops, locations, a substance and an application scheme.
Push to generate runs
Select one or more crops
Select one or more locations
Select substance, application schedule and repeat interval
PEARL will now create a new project, containing all possible combinations (= runs). These runs are automatically selected for execution.
Step 4 Refinement You may want to edit the individual runs before actually running the model.
You are free to assign different application schedules to individual runs.
Step 5 Run the model You can execute several model runs with one push on a button.
Push to execute selected runs
The User Interface will create the input files and run the model. You can follow the course of the simulations
Step 6 View model results PEARL has predefined graphs and reports, specially dedicated to the first tier of the registration procedure.
View reports and graphs
Look at the FOCUS summary graph.
Part of summary output FOCUS target output
Higher tier assessments In higher tier assessments, you will have to add site- specific data. You can make adaptations to existing data, or start from scratch.
Change scenario properties
Import weather data
Add or change soil profile
Add or change soil building blocks, put in characteristic values
Select lower boundary condition and, if necessary, put in data
In the case of higher tier assessments, you may want to have a look at more specific model outputs
You have seen some features and applications of the PEARL model Download the model, register and try it. Dont forget to use the on-line manual! Use the Back button of your web browser to stop the show