Reading Methods
Skimming Used to quickly identify the main ideas of a text Used when material must be read in a limited amount of time Useful when seeking specific information rather than reading for comprehension Skimming works well to find dates, names, and places
Scanning Use when looking for key words or ideas Used to quickly find specific information Helpful when taking a test
Speed Reading Aims to increase the reading speed without compromising on understanding retention A method of reading using skimming and scanning Click: to see how well you speed read Strategies used Identifying words without focusing on each letter Not sounding out all words Not sub-vocalizing some phrases Spending less time on some phrases than others Skimming small sections A process that increases the speed of reading without compromising on the retention of the content &
In-depth Reading Used to Gain deeper meaning and comprehension Research detailed information Read difficult sections of a text
4 Methods of In-depth Reading The RAP strategy The RIDA strategy The Five S method The SQ3R Meth
Method #1 The RAP strategy Good for textbook explanations and research articles Read (a paragraph or a section) Ask yourself some questions about what you have just read Put the answers in your own words (and make notes if you need)
Method #2 The RIDA strategy Relates to descriptive and narrative texts Read Imagine the scene you have just read about Describe it to yourself Add more detail as you read
Method #3 The Five S method Reminds students to use the appropriate reading style Skim: Read the introduction, summary and first and last sentences of each paragraph. Scan: Where is the information on …? Select: Do you need to read all this chapter? Select sections that you need to know more about. Slurp: Read in-depth and more slowly selected sections. Can you tell yourself about this concept now? Read again if necessary. Summarize: Use a map, keywords, index cards, or questions as a framework for some notes. Take no more than 10 minutes.
Method #4 SQ3R Survey: Question: Read: Recite: Review: Skim through the material Question: Ask questions about the material Read: Read the material in-depth Recite: Make notes from memory Review: Check your recalled notes