On-demand runs of Meso-Scale models - Météo-France Multi-mission Multi-support GUI ECAM - September 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

On-demand runs of Meso-Scale models - Météo-France Multi-mission Multi-support GUI ECAM - September 2009

ECAM 29/09/2009 Diapositive 2 V. Pourret - C. Périard End Users Study and Consulting Departement Upstream Studies Programs (PEA) Météore Geode 4D Small-scale wind-power Atlas Electromagnetic Propagation Duct Mapping project Predem Project Cloud Prediction for Satellites Pleiades projects Choice of the large scale coupling models Weather types and downscaling Optic transmission and cloud cover Climate change

ECAM 29/09/2009 Diapositive 3 V. Pourret - C. Périard Formula1 – Downscaling simulation Objective : Provide high-resolution forecast data for Météo-France on-site forecaster. Validate our Downscaling Production Chain on various sites Have feedback(s) from forecasters Dowscaling simulation type : Coupling models : IFS-Aladin Small-scale area resolution and extend : 200x200 km Data produced : grib of the met parameters (synergie) Simulated Formula1 races : Spa Belgium, August 2009 Mogyorod Hungary, July 2009 Fujitsu Japan, October 2008 Monaco, may 2008

ECAM 29/09/2009 Diapositive 4 V. Pourret - C. Périard Exemple of Mini Web Site Mini web site for the Navy: Based on Arome-France (operational) Mainly for EM applications 2 runs a day. Hourly products.

ECAM 29/09/2009 Diapositive 5 V. Pourret - C. Périard Exemple of Mini Web Site

ECAM 29/09/2009 Diapositive 6 V. Pourret - C. Périard Wind Profils : Afghanistan Case Objective : Provide high-resolution forecast Wind-Profils for Aircraft parachute Dropping. Qualify our Downscaling Production on a complex region. Have feedback(s) from end-users. Dowscaling simulation type : Coupling models : Arpege-Aladin, Small-scale area resolution and extend : 3km – 400x400km 2 runs a day. Hourly products. Relocation Tool (automatic or manual modification of the centre of the small-scale grid)

ECAM 29/09/2009 Diapositive 7 V. Pourret - C. Périard Wind Profils : Afghanistan Case

ECAM 29/09/2009 Diapositive 8 V. Pourret - C. Périard Computing time : Arome and Meso-Nh

ECAM 29/09/2009 Diapositive 9 V. Pourret - C. Périard Downscaling Simulations : coupling models Arpege-Aladin-Arome : Parachute Aircraft Dropping in Afghanistan. Duct prediction in the Mediterranean sea Analysis of EM propagation condition for Radar Tests in Toulon. ERA40-Aladin-Arome : Wind Power over French Polynesia Weather types and Downscaling simulation over Middle East. SHOM project(Guinea Golf) Capacity building IFS-Aladin-Arome : Formula 1

ECAM 29/09/2009 Diapositive 10 V. Pourret - C. Périard Downscaling Simulations : coupling models

ECAM 29/09/2009 Diapositive 11 V. Pourret - C. Périard Snapshots of Armillaire

ECAM 29/09/2009 Diapositive 12 V. Pourret - C. Périard Snapshots of Armillaire

ECAM 29/09/2009 Diapositive 13 V. Pourret - C. Périard Snapshots of Armillaire

ECAM 29/09/2009 Diapositive 14 V. Pourret - C. Périard Conclusion and perspectives Different types of downscaling chain to face different types of demands and studies Implemented on 2 different types of computer ( PC cluster and the NEC) to deal with the computing time constrains. Armillaire - the multi-support multi-mission GUI - to manage both the hardware and software part Axes of improvement : CANOPY : 1D surface boundary layer, included in surfex (surface Model) Optimise Arome on a PC cluster or (big) PC computer Develop an externalised system based on Arome on a perfomant PC running outside of Météo-France

ECAM 29/09/2009 Diapositive 15 V. Pourret - C. Périard CANOPY