Family Engagement Night Tuesday, August 23, 2016 Shook Cafeteria
Purpose Inform our Rattler parents on ways to stay informed of your child’s progress in class, as well as, Shook happenings. Explain how to get involved at Shook through volunteering and Watch D.O.G.S.
Student Agendas Every student received an agenda at the beginning of the year. This is the main form of communication between the teacher and the parent. First page should have a label with teacher’s information for parents reference. Any change to transportation, requesting a conference, or any other concern can be addressed through the agenda. Labels will be placed in the agenda on important dates to remind parents of events or due dates.
Tyler Parent Portal Primary parent will need to fill out form requesting username/password. Must show id. All Returning SISD students were registered online through this system. Different options in the system: Student’s Personal Details Class schedule Assignments Overall Grades Attendance Standardized Test Scores Schools Dr. Sue Shook School’s Main Webpage
Team SISD Mobile App Free download on Google Play Store or I-tunes
Team SISD Mobile App Primary parent can obtain username and password which gives access to grades, attendance, cafeteria balance, and assignments Mobile App allows user to set notifications for a variety of items
Volunteer Background Check You must complete a volunteer background check every year. Even if you have a clearance at work or filled one out last year, you must fill one out with the district this year. This year, district would like all background checks to be filled out online through SISD website. You may use computer in parent room during school hours if needed. Paper forms are available for those who prefer, but may take up to 2 weeks to clear.
TxDPS CCH Form Kept on file at District offices for auditing purposes. Departments Volunteer Programs Volunteer Registration Forms
(You can come in or call day of to see if help is needed.) Volunteer You must be asked by a teacher or parent liaison/volunteer coordinator to come in. (You can come in or call day of to see if help is needed.) Report to front office personnel reason of visit and person visiting. Sign in to the hall pass system using your drivers license. Hall pass badges must be visible to all Shook staff members. Sign in/log hours into binder. Must stay in classroom or area where volunteering. No children will be allowed to enter the school when volunteering.
Volunteer Opportunities School Dances Book Fair Fall Festival Planning Storybook Parade Floats Assisting During Special Luncheons Counting Box Tops/Milk Caps Copying, Distributing Flyers Bulletin Boards Classrooms Fieldtrips Volunteer Orientation Thursday 8/25 @ 9 am
Watch D.O.G.S. History behind WatchDogs 4,706 schools in 46 states participate Have a presence as a Dad at your child’s school WD are fathers, grandfathers, step-fathers, uncles and all other male figures in a child’s life DOGS = Dads of Great Students Shook’s goal for this is 3 WD a week You will get a detailed schedule of your day after arriving. Your schedule will depend on your hours available. (i.e. all day, 8-12, 11-315 …) Some items on your schedule may include … “Dad’s Day” at your kids school Assisting with the arrival/dismissal of students Broadcasted on Shook news Hall monitor Lunch/Recess duty Child’s class and other grade levels PE aide with your child’s class or other grade level Lunch in the cafeteria with your student Interact with all Rattlers Extra security on campus
Watch D.O.G.S. Sign Up Use a label to fill out your information to place on your day. There will be a limit of 1 WatchDOGS a day If for any reason you need to cancel, please contact Mrs. Brittany Burnette at 915-937-7105 or Throughout the year, if a day comes up that you would like to come in, please contact Mrs. Burnette to check the calendar or visit Shook’s parent page Some dates will be marked out due to testing or other events
Watch D.O.G.S. Calendar Use a label to fill out your information to place on your day. There will be a limit of 1 WatchDOGS a day If for any reason you need to cancel, please contact Mrs. Brittany Burnette at 915-937-7105 or Throughout the year, if a day comes up that you would like to come in, please contact Mrs. Burnette. WatchDOGS calendar on Shook’s website under parent tab. This is why it is very important to cancel/reschedule in a timely manner. Some dates will be marked out due to testing or other events
Thank You! Brittany Burnette Parent Liaison (915) 937-7105 Mrs. Smith: @SShook_ES