Analytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, Better Results Welcome. This brief demo is unlike any you’ve seen before. Why?
Two Platforms: Medical and Advanced Pharmacy
Pharmacy Therapy Class Report Stacey, this slide shows that the platform can show therapy class utilization by Rx Count (Frequency) or by Cost. The user can then show each drug name under each therapy class divided by brand and generic. This allows the user to then see where their population is missing generic and lower cost brand opportunities and calculate the cost to the plan by comparing the cost per day for each drug name times the total Rx count. I have placed RED arrows to show the following: Bread crumb trail to go back to a previous report, Show collaboration, and to show cost per day between brand and generic PPI’s.
Ability to Set Alerts and Targets Stacey this slide shows that ability at the Summary Reporting level to be able to set Alerts and Targets. An example of an Alert would be to be notified when a claim over a certain dollar limit is paid. An example of a Target, would be to be notified when a plan’s generic fill rate increases by 3 %. The user also has the ability to grade the level of priority this Alert or Target represents. It can be sent as Critical, Urgent, Attention, Information, and Positive.
Clinical Report: Oncology with Trending
Pharmacy Audit Report
nFORM Demo Summary Focus Resources Improve Health & Wellness Initiate Incentive Programs Shift to Interactive Views nFORM includes 2 base platforms; an Advanced Pharmacy Claims Analytics Platform and a Medical Claims Analytics Platform. The two platforms can be purchased separately or together and combined in an integrated view. nFORM is the only analytic tool that offers a platform focused entirely on pharmacy data to give the user the ability to focus on this dynamic part of healthcare costs. You can identify, manage and measure risk with consistency and maintain the flexibility to build client specific ad-hoc reports as needed. Become Performance Managers
nFORM Demo Client Support Resources Low Total Cost of Ownership Consulting Resources nFORM includes 2 base platforms; an Advanced Pharmacy Claims Analytics Platform and a Medical Claims Analytics Platform. The two platforms can be purchased separately or together and combined in an integrated view. nFORM is the only analytic tool that offers a platform focused entirely on pharmacy data to give the user the ability to focus on this dynamic part of healthcare costs. You can identify, manage and measure risk with consistency and maintain the flexibility to build client specific ad-hoc reports as needed.