MIS and Dashboard for Prevention Efforts December 3, 2013
Welcome! Who’s Joining Us? Let’s Introduce Ourselves: Name Community Which State grant? Primary role Facilitators: Claire Magowan State of Alaska, DBH claire.magowan@ alaska.gov Susie Amundson Wise at Work susie@wiseatwork.net As a courtesy to others: Please put phones on mute Please do not put us on hold!
Overview of Today’s Session What we bring: Integrate the MIS and Dashboard with your environmental prevention efforts Demonstrate building a friendly, local Management Information System Reveal how the Dashboard is constructed from the MIS What you will want to bring: Community-Level Logic Model Access to Excel and the MIS Spreadsheet (electronic handout)
What is the BEST part of the implementation phase in your community? What is the most challenging part of implementation?
Taking Stock of Our Prevention Efforts MIS and Dashboard A friendly tracking and visual system to monitor and measure our prevention efforts and to help modify and manage strategies, if needed Alaskans excel at taking stock of the natural world . . .
MIS and Dashboard Answer Questions Are our prevention efforts making a difference? MONITOR and MEASURE Are we doing what we say we are doing? What’s working well? What’s not?
REVIEW the DEFINITIONS COMMUNITY LOGIC MODEL OUTCOME Specific problem to be changed through local environmental prevention effort INTERVENING/ INTERMEDIATE VARIABLE (IV) Factor that directly, or in combination, causes or contributes to problem; must be changed to achieve a prevention outcome REVIEW the DEFINITIONS STRATEGIES (Environmental) Planned prevention approach shown through science to change IVs in order to reduce problem and achieve desired outcome ACTIONS Purposeful and planned activities to implement one or more strategies
Taking Stock of Our Prevention Efforts What changes (if any) have you seen in your community that you think were based on your prevention efforts? How did you know? INDICATORS Measures that are used to show the presence or state of a condition or trend Feel Taste See Hear Experience
COMMON INDICATOR METRICS Measure (yardstick) of one aspect of prevention effort COMMON INDICATOR METRICS COUNTS # of suicide attempts # of news stories published CALCULATIONS Percentages, Rates % of students perceived . . . 14.6 drug-induced deaths per 100,000 population INDEX, Composite Scores Community readiness assessment
What is the outcome and one of its indicators in your local prevention efforts? Indicators are best when precise, clear, and consistently measurable MONITOR and MEASURE
What is one intermediate variable and one of its indicators of your local prevention efforts? Be sure to measure what is relevant and meaningful; not what’s just easily available MONITOR and MEASURE
What is one strategy and one of its indicators of your local prevention efforts? Always have at least one indicator for each aspect of your prevention effort MONITOR and MEASURE
DEMO and PRACTICE YOUR TURN Building an MIS and Dashboard, one step at a time! DEMO and PRACTICE
Pre/Post Measures vs. Trends Time Level Date of Implementation
Recap and Assignments 3 “Keys” Community-level indicators: keep it local MIS for organization and tracking Dashboard as communication tool Assignments for Dec 17 Develop one or two indicators for each aspect of project Build a simple MIS spreadsheet Populate MIS
Intermediate Variable Homework Exercise Outcome Indicator Indicator Intermediate Variable Indicator Indicator Strategy Indicator Indicator Action Step Indicator Indicator
Thank You! Training will be posted at: alaskaspfsig.org Additional questions? Need help? Contact … SPF SIG grantees Susie Amundson susie.amundson@gmail.com Karen Benning karen@agnewbeck.com Arlene Wilson arlene@agnewbeck.com All other state grantees Your designated Program Coordinator