Geodetic and Geophysical Observatories and Global Change Monitoring
Crustal deformation – Kinematics Earth Interior Earthquakes Seismicity Glaciers monitoring (Dome C, Lake Vostok ?)
IGS network
GPS trackers
Ashtech Z-12 - Radom Choke Ring
Absolute Gravity
R. Dietrich, A. Rülke, J. Ihde, K. Lindner, H. Miller, W. Niemeier, H.-W. Schenke, G. Seeber: "Plate kinematics and deformation status of the Antarctic Peninsula based on GPS"Ice Sheets and Neotectonics, guest eds. T.J. James, T.H. Jacka, A. Morelli, R. Dietrich, special issue of Global and Planetary Change, vol. 42, July 2004
Elevation Data: GTOPO30 (1km x 1km VLNDEF Perspective view
Geodetic Control Database
GPS network for physical atmosphere parameters determination (precipitable water, Pressure, T,..) GPS for Meteo and Weather forecast Atmospheric prospection ( radiosoundings, riometers,…) GOIA (Geodetic Observatories In Antarctica) – IPY proposal Connected to POLENET already accepted