Friday, March 16, 2018 If your class has assigned computers, please sit at your assigned computer; otherwise, please choose your seats wisely. You have a lot of work to get done today and need as little distraction as possible. What You Need: Any argumentative writing materials you have with you. While You Wait: Get started immediately on your argumentative writing.
Friday, March 16, 2018 Today’s Agenda Today’s Learning Target(s) Argumentative Writing Today’s Learning Target(s) I will produce an argumentative essay using the steps of the writing process.. Homework/Important Date(s) Membean–120 minutes/8 sessions–due April 1st by midnight Argumentative Essay Final Copy– due Monday, March 19th Be sure to include your planning sheet, your final copy, and your bibliography. Seating Requests– due by the end of the day on Friday, March 16th (This form is also posted on Edmodo.)
Argumentative Writing Use the template on the blog to record all of your information today. Periods 2, 3, and 4– If you feel you need additional information beyond the source provided, you may look for additional sources, but you want to make sure you remember everything we have learned about credible sources. Periods 7 and 8– You are expected to find at least one additional source. Write your claim. Sample claims: School dress codes are unfairly biased against girls. Gun control is not the solution to gun violence in the United States. Zoos are detrimental to the well-being of animals and should be abolished. Determine your two strongest “reasons why.” Determine one of the opposing side’s strongest arguments and make a plan for how you will refute or minimize that counterargument. Take notes on EVIDENCE you will use to support your reasons. You should have a minimum of 2 pieces of evidence. Save all of your sources in NoodleTools! Don’t forget to include the source that has been provided for you. Print and turn in your planning template. If you did not finish, you need to do so tonight and be prepared to turn it in tomorrow. We will start drafting our essays tomorrow, so don’t let yourself get behind!
Argumentative Writing Draft When you’ve gotten your evidence notes taken, it’s time to start drafting your essay! An outline/plan for your essay would look like this: First, write or type your CLAIM nice and big at the top of your paper so that you are always focused on it. I. Introduction paragraph (3 – 6 sentences) A. Engaging lead/hook B. Transition that gives background on the issue C. Claim II. First Body Paragraph (5-10 sentences) A. Topic sentence that states REASON 1 B. Evidence C. Evidence D. Evidence E. Conclusion sentence III. Second Body Paragraph (5-10 sentences) A. Topic sentence that transitions to REASON 2 IV. Conclusion paragraph (3-5 sentences) A. Transition to echo of claim B. Sum up two main reasons C. Call to action and/or point to ponder
Argumentative Writing Final Copy Your final copy is due on Monday, March 19th. You will turn in a packet with the following information: Evidence of Planning/Prewriting– Be sure to include the required organizer plus any additional planning you completed. Final Copy– This should be typed using Word. You must have a minimum of four paragraphs. This would include your introduction paragraph, 2 body paragraphs, and a closing paragraph. (The rubric that will be used to score your work is available on the blog as well as in Springboard Online on page 170.) Bibliography– This should be printed from NoodleTools. Be sure you have correctly cited all information in your essay and that you have all of your sources loaded into NoodleTools. **All items should be ready to turn in on Monday, March 19th.**
What questions do you have that I haven’t thought to address yet What questions do you have that I haven’t thought to address yet? Write them on a post-it note and place it on the board.
February Requirements Due: March 4, 2018 (at midnight) Membean February Requirements 180 Minutes Total No Less Than 12 Sessions/Days Sessions Should Be No Longer Than 15 minutes No More Than 15 Minutes In A 24 Hour Period Students off track at the beginning of each week will be placed on a Membean Contract to get themselves back on track. Due: March 4, 2018 (at midnight) February Assessment– The February Assessment will be pushed out on March 5th. Students who complete the assessment during the first 24 hours will receive 5 bonus points.
Supplies to Help Our Class If you are able to, I would appreciate any of the following donations: Scotch Tape Refills Glue Sticks