Creating Your Digital Fingerprint
Create a Gmail Account. What is included? Email Reader Blogger Documents Much more!
Set up a gmail email account. Go to
Create an account!
Get started!
Now set up your blog… Step 1: Click on “more.” Step 2: Click on “blogs.”
Choose a name for your blog.
Type the url. Check availability.
Choose a template.
Choose what you want to do now! View your blog. Change the layout. Type a post.
View Blog. Want to change the colors? Fonts? Click on back button and click on layout.
Change header. To change your header, click here!
Change fonts and colors. To change fonts and colors, click here!
Add Gadgets.
Set up your GoodReads.
Protect Your Identity.
Add GoodReads widget.
Copy code.
Add a title. Paste GoodReads code. Save!
Save one more time…all changes.
View blog to view all changes!
Time to post!
Set up your Blogroll.
Set up your Reader.
Class Blogs
English 11 ~ Pioneers Write
Pre-AP English 10 ~ Writing Right
Mrs. Gillmore’s Book Reviews
Mrs. Gillmore’s Blog Treasure Chest of Thoughts