The Gateway Drug to Literacy How to use Comic Books and Graphic Novels to teach literacy skills across the curriculum.
Why Comic Books? “Comic books are the gateway drug to literacy” (Spieglman, 2011) Researchers have been able to recognize that comics help to create a positive attitude and increase motivation (Engler, Hoskin & Payne, 2008; Kilickaya & Krajka, 2012). Research has also shown that when students are able to take control over content especially in a computer based setting it increases the students self reliance, motivation, and ability to solve real world tasks. Comics can not only inspire kids to read, but can increase reading comprehension along with a number of other skills. Comics break through one of the most important reading barriers with kids, and that is getting them interested in reading in the first place. (Thames, 2013)
Interesting facts on Graphic Novels from Teaching with Graphix: • “Graphic novels can…help improve reading development for students struggling with language acquisition, as the illustrations provide contextual clues to the meaning of the written narrative.” • “They require readers to be actively engaged in the process of decoding and comprehending a range of literary devices, including narrative structures, metaphor and symbolism, point of view, and the use of puns and alliteration, intertextuality, and inference.” • “ Reading graphic novels can help students develop the critical skills necessary to read more challenging works, including the classics.”
The Benefits of Using Comics : Introduction to Pixton English: Teachers have discovered that writing comic strips creates an avenue for students to develop important skills in reading, writing, spelling and vocabulary building. Students also learn about literary devices, which help them to create engaging plots and write better dialogues for their characters History: visually depict historical time periods and themes, use characterization to explore key historical figures Science: expand on vocabulary , research and present topics or themes related to the curriculum Math: Explain how to solve problems or explain theories or topics, understand key vocabulary by using pictures, dialogues and descriptions. Foreign language: Create dialogues, translate texts, work on grammar and conversational skills. Health Education: Create Public Service Announcements and posters digitally that focus on topics that are important to teens – share them electronically and comment on others topics.
Why should teachers Web 2.0 technologies? Web 2.0 applications allow students to increase student engagement in learning Applications teach digital leadership and increase technology literacy When that happens students see improved test scores! Developing 21st century skills is key for our students. They need to learn the tools of critical thinking, sound reasoning, global awareness, communication skills, information and visual literacy. (Sheninger, 2014) Web 2.0 apps also promote collaboration and fit in with the societal shifts towards using technology to improve education and learning.
What is Pixton?
What is Pixton? Cont. Pixton is a click and drag comic development site that can be used to enhance the learning process and allow students to showcase what they know. It provides all users with the ability to easily create comics on the web. This allowed users to create, interact, collaborate and share content online with each other through social media. Users are creators of user-generated content in a virtual community. Pixton is a way for students to engage in the world of comics and to express themselves through creating and sharing their own comics. It provides a powerful visual writing tool through the use of any web browser, making it easily accessible for all learners. Through the use of Pixton, critical skills such as being able to convey an idea concisely, telling a story in a logical sequence, and collaborating with others are developed in a multimodal setting.
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How teachers can use Pixton: Lesson Plan Ideas
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Using Pixton in English and History Classes: How to Use it: When to Use it: Media or visual for your lesson plan Formative Assessment Content check – what do your students know about the current topic? Increased understanding on a topic As a way to introduce a new topic Re-enact or recreate historical events, short stories or novels Interpreting your own historical events Creating alternate endings to stories or events Grammar/ writing skills Point of view lessons Characterization Vocabulary skill building
History Example: The Great Depression
English Example: Author’s purpose
Using Pixton in Math and Science Classes How to use it: When to use it: Media or visual for your lesson plan Formative Assessment Content check – what do your students know about the current topic? Increased understanding on a topic As a way to introduce a new topic Create a mind map on a particular topic Explain vocabulary Work through and solve problems
Science Example: Climate Change
Math Example: Solving Equations
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Sources: Maryland Common core standards in literacy and technology Lee, V. W. (2013). Using Pixton As a Tool in the Classroom. Retrieved February 7, 2017, from Gavigan, K., & Kimmel, S. C. (2013). Graphic Novels, Comics, and the Common Core. Retrieved February 7, 2017, from; esources/aasl13_Graphic_Novels.pdf American Association of School Librarians Conference Thames, J. (2013, April 12). Comic Books Help Students Learn To Read And Improves Comprehension. Retrieved February 8, 2017, from comprehension/