Parent Information & Training Session #1 September 2017
Signing into Summit Learning Platform Go to Click on “Log in” on the top right corner Click on “Parents Log in” on the top right corner Enter your Username and Password that you received in your letter / when you came in.
Changing your password Under “My Account”, click on “Change Password” Type in your current password from when you logged in Type in your New Password Re-type your password under “Confirm New Password” Click “Change Password”
Update your information Under “My Account”, click on “Change Account” Enter your First Name & Last Name Enter your email address. This allows you to log-in using your email address. This allows you to receive messages from teachers through the platform. Optional: Phone Numbers Address
Accessing your child’s learning platform Click on the “Home” icon. Click on the “Go to ____’s Dashboard” When you enter your student's dashboard, you will see everything your student sees - beginning with the current projects and content they are working on. Your Child’s
Week Screen Always will be the first screen to pop up. Students are learning to set goals using tool.
Tests your student has tried Progress Screen Current Grades Tests your student has tried
Looking deeper at their results
Progress Screen: Looking at test data
Analyzing the data Students can look at the data and figure out where they need to Focus on their learning. They will look at this after each test. Need 8 / 10 To master
As a parent, we recommend that at home: Look at their overall grades. Look at how they are doing on their tests / assessments. Have students review notes or choose a lesson activity on areas of need. Have students work on new areas so that when they get to school, they can be ready to take an assessment. Assessments can only be completed at school. Look at their notebooks. Are they taking notes using the 2 column format?
2 column notes Students have been taught how to set up their notes with titles of the focus areas, the objective, and the keywords / concepts. A summary is written at the end to ensure student comprehension.
Year Screen One of two most useful screens Shows the whole year of Projects & Focus Areas Focus Areas = Unit of learning like a chapter in a textbook All students are required to master POWER (91%) & ADDITIONAL (9%) Focus Areas In addition, GT / Pre-AP students are required to master CHALLENGE Focus Areas.
Year Screen Look Fors Yellow is a warning… Red is an Alert! Blue is not yet attempted… Your student has not started their learning yet. Your student has not been assigned the project yet. Your student has started working on the Focus Area but is still ahead of the blue line. Green is Excellent! Your student took an assessment and scored an 80% or above. For Projects, students can continue to work on their checkpoints. Yellow is a warning… For Projects, the student has a checkpoint that requires feedback. Red is an Alert! Your student has not met the requirements for mastery. Your student is falling behind the blue line. For Projects, students should meet with the teacher to discuss their checkpoint.
Playing with the Blue Line Drag the blue line across. Look at the date of the 2nd blue line to see where your child needs to be in a week. The blue line will begin to move on Sept 25th.
Project Time class will begin next week Project Time class will begin next week. We will send out more information about projects and what project time looks like later in the year.
Questions about PLT / Platform?
Parent Information & Training Session #2 November 2017
Objectives for tonight: 1) What is Project Time and how are students graded? 2) What does the grade my child received mean and will it change? 3) What should my child be doing at home?
Project Time Class Time Authentic Assessment Time Product Time Cognitive Thinking Time ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Different Project Time Groupings: 1) Science 3) Math 2) ELAR / Social Studies
During Project Time Teachers are: 1) Providing small group or whole group instruction on content 2) Providing students individual feedback on their checkpoints or final product 3) Holding workshops on how to improve their products based on feedback requested Students are: 1) Working independently or in groups to complete a checkpoint or final product 2) Attending an individual or group workshop 3) Working on an activity that will help them understand a concept for their final product 4) In math, completing a Performance Task to show their understand of word problems and real world application of math concepts
What are they doing in Project Time Class Discussions Group work on an activity Hands on activities / labs Presentations Independent work
Grading Cognitive Skills Based on Rubric
My Student’s Current Grade Power Focus Areas completed = 100% / Points earned = 100 X 21% = 21pts Additional FA’s completed = 0% / Points earned = 0 X 9% = 0 pts Project Cognitive Skills Average = 89% / Points earned = 89 X 70% = 62 pts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STUDENT SCORE / AVG = 83
My Student’s Current Grade Power Focus Areas completed = 100% / Points earned = 100 X 21% = 21pts Additional FA’s completed = 73% / Points earned = 73 X 9% = 6.6 pts Project Math Concepts Average = 85% / Points earned = 85 X 40% = 34 pts Project Cognitive Skills Average = 89% / Points earned = 95 X 30% = 28.5 pts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STUDENT SCORE / AVG = 90.1
What should my child be doing at home? 1) Taking / Adding notes to their composition book for a Focus Area. 2) Studying their notes in preparation to take a Content Assessment the following day.
What if my child has a failing grade? 1) Is your child behind in 1 or more a Focus Areas? Has attempted a content assessment more than 4 times and has not passed. Has not attempted any content assessments 2) Is your child missing a project? Has been completing different checkpoints but is not done with the final product? Has not turned in a final product Attend Workshops; Ask the teacher for afterschool tutoring Study at home; Study with a Peer who has passed Work on project checkpoints at home
QUESTIONS? Do you need help setting up your summit learning account? Meet me at the computer lab.