The Bacher Blog For parents of students in Room 234 Monday, November 25, 2013 Fundations: We will continue to explore the open syllable spelling option through Fundations. We've talked a lot about clapping out a word to find out where to break a word by syllables. It's all about hearing long and short vowel sounds. Again, there are NO spelling lists given out to study from until Unit 9. We do expect that students are able to spell the words we give them. When giving a spelling test, I do clap out the syllables and speak very loudly and clearly. I also repeat words several times. You are welcome to look at (search for Tanya Headley...I sent the link home a week or two ago). This is a great additional resource!!! Important Announcements: Be sure to look at the back of this paper for the Homework Log Scholastic Book Orders will be sent home tomorrow (Tuesday). Please place all orders by Wednesday, Dec. 4th...that gives plenty of time for the books to be in before Christmas. If you want to keep your order a surprise as a gift to your child, please let me know, and we can make arrangements to get your order to you. Canned items are still being collected for the Madison Food Bank. Santa Shop...December 6th...hosted by PTA Wed., Dec. 18 – Family Literacy Night at SES 6-8pm This is the newsletter/log for the next two weeks!!! The Daily 5/Work on Writing We've done quite a bit of writing from the point of view of disguised turkeys and shoes. Next week we will do some DOL to get back into grammar and revising skills. Everyday Math Over the next two weeks we will continue with Unit 4 focuses on addition, particularly involving money. We'll be working on finding exact amounts and estimates. In lesson 4-8, we will start to talk more about specific addition strategies. That lesson will focus on partial-sums addition. You can view examples of this method on the home links, on the website, and in the My Resource hardcover book. I will expect all of my students to attempt partial-sums addition if the directions ask them to use that method to solve a problem. In any other case that addition is used, they are welcome to use whatever strategy works for them. This is the part where things get a little different and tougher for you, as parents, more than anyone else. Just do the best you can on the homefront, and remember the resources that can help you and your child out! :) Homework: ***I included a lot for the rest of this week and next week on the back of this paper!!! Reading Log: Nonfiction Book Report Due Dec. 2!!! Scholastic News due Dec. 2!! Read “Chubby Snowman” every day the week of Dec. 2 Math Log: Mon. – H. L. 4-3 Tues. – choice Wed. – H.L. 4-4 Thurs. – choice Fri. - H.L. 405 Fundations packet: U7 packet due Friday, 12/6/13 The Daily 5/CAFÉ time/Reading: Next week we will use a Scholastic News issue to explore scientists who visit bear dens. This issue will focus on finding information in text to answer questions and identifying text features. We have started to explore Eve Bunting. This week we'll be taking a little break to explore some historical fiction. The boys are learning about the life of a boy pilgrim with Mrs. Headley, while the girls stay with me and learn about Sarah Morton. They will develop some reading skills and they will also have an opportunity to perform some “chores”. Nonfiction book report information is going home today!!! The project is due Dec. 2. Science/Social Studies: We'll be exploring the scientific method and actually complete a Blue Ice lab that explores how temperature is related to the movement of air. It's one of my favorite labs!!! Recommended Website: Don't forget to use your child's username/password login card (inside the take-home folder) to access the MRB, online games, family letters, and more! 1