Economic Geography of Latin America
Positives of Tourism Jobs Informal Economy – unofficial jobs
Negatives of Tourism Environmental Problems? Loss of culture? Where does most of the money go?
NAFTA North America Free Trade Agreement USA/Canada/Mexico Goods move between the three countries with no/low trade tariffs (taxes)
Maquiladoras Foreign owned factories in Mexico that make goods for export Maquiladoras offer cheap labor Usually owned by US companies
Informal economy Low income tertiary activities that are cash transactions and not reported to government
Slash-and-burn farming Cut down rain forest to make crop land Land only productive for 3-5 years
Farming regions: Sugar Cane Coastal areas and Caribbean islands
Farming regions: Bananas Central American coastal areas Guatemala
Farming regions: Coffee Lower mountain regions of Central and South America
Distribution of Oil Largest developed oil reserves are in Mexico and Venezuela